
Amagi Pass

Wakwak climbing club visited Amagi Pass at the end of 2003. Amagi Pass separate southern part of Izu peninsula from main island and make southern part as remote place in Edo era.

First Day, December 10, 2003

All members gathered at Izu Highland station of Izu line and moved to condominium hotel where they made a plan for next year.

Second Day, December 11, 2003

In early next day, they moved to the base for Amagi Pass by car via country side drive where Mr. Greenwood used in 1999. After parking their car, they have started climbing old Amagi Pass. The rain has started falling, but after 1 hour climbing they reached the pass. Many famous people walked over this pass.

Many historically famous people passed over this place in Edo era. Those people include US consul general, Taunsend Harris, Yoshida Shoin etc.

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at old Amagi Pass (photo by Mr. Kondoh)

After taking lunch under roof, they started moving to old Amagi tunnel which was completed in 1904. This tunnel become famous by a short novel written by Novel prize novelist, Kawabata.

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old Amagi tunnel

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from old Amagi tunnel to Suiseiti (photo by Mr. Kondoh)

December 12, 2003

Rev. December 23, 2003

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