
Mt. Aizukomagatake

Wakwak climbing club attached Mt. Aizukomagatake (2,133m) from 8th to 10th September, 2004, just after a strong Typhoon passed through Islands of Japan.

First Day

They used train and bus to reach base camp, Hinoemata Village. Mr. Greenwood once visited this village in 1998 with his Wrangler.

Access route to Mt. Aizukomagatake  (orange)

Second Day

After climbing in the forest, finally they found themselves on the grass covered mountain top. They felt that Mt. Aizukomagatake was easier to climb than anticipated.

Looking the summit from the hut by S. Aoki

Visibility from the summit was not good because of the hazy atmosphere.

at the summit by S. Aoki

After the lunch at the summit, they started to walk to the next peak called Mt. Chumondake (2,060m). There are many ponds and flowers.




They stayed over night in the hut near the summit.

Third Day

Next day, they walked to Otsuma Pass and then climbed down the mountain back to the Hinoemata Village.

Looking back Mt. Aizukomagatake from Otsumata Pass

at Soba Shop (photo by Mr. Tetsuo Kondo )

September 14, 2004

Rev. June 21, 2008

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