
Mt. Asakusadake and Mt. Tanigawadake

From July 16 to 18  2001,  wakwak climbing club enjoyed mountain climbing of Mt. Asakusadake and Mt. Tanigawadake. Mt. Asakusadake (height: 1586 m) stands in between Niigata pref. and Fukushima pref. It is famous of its wild mountain flowers. Mt. Tanigawadake (height: 1963 m) stands in between Niigata pref. and Gunma pref. It is famous of its east cliff called Ichinokurasawa. They also visited entrance at Mt. Makihatayama (height: 1967 m) and Mt Hakkaisan (height: 1654 m) for future visiting them.

access route to Mt. Asakusa and Mt. Tanigawa (purple)

First Day

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Mt. Makihatayama from Shimizu

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Mt. Hakkaisan from Muikaichi

Second Day

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wild flower Himesayuri

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Hayasaka ridge from Mt. Asakusadake

Third Day

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Ichinokurasawa of Mt. Tanigawadake

Ichinokurasawa of Mt. Tanigawadake is the most difficult cliff in the world. More than 250 climbers lost their life here. Therefore, wakwak group selected most easiest route to the twin peaks of Mt. Tanigawadake called Okinomimi peak and Tomanomimi peak.

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Tomanomimi peak of Mt. Tanigawadake from Okinomimi peak

East cliff is covered up by cloud.


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