
Mt. Echigo Komagatake

Mt. Echigo Komagatake is not high (2003 m) but looks beautiful. When seeing from north, it looks like Alps. But it is not suited for weekend climber from Tokyo area. Whole day is needed to move to the base of the mountain. Followings are 3 days record of attacking Mt. Echigo Komagatake.

First Day
Mr. Greenwood and a family of his friend started Odawara with a car. They went trough Kagosaka Pass, Karisaka Pass, Hanazono IC, and Kanetsu Highway to Koide IC. They had arrived Komanoyu hot spring at 16:00.

Access to Mt. Echigo Komagatake (purple)

Komanoyu is located in remote place where lamp is used for light and satellite phone for communication.

Second Day
They getup at 5:30 and departed Komanoyu at 6:30. When they had arrived at Shiori Pass at 7:00, the parking place was full. Just after start of climbing, Ginzandaira where Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood visited 2 years ago was visible from the ridge.

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Mt. Echigo Komagatake (2000/10/22)

They had arrived Komanokoya hut at 14:00. They stood at the peak at 15:30. They stayed overnight in Komanogoya hut.

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Komanogoya hut (2000/10/22)

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Searching for peak in fog (2000/10/22)

Third Day
They getup at 5:00 and departed Komanogoya hut at 6:00. Famous mountain photographer, Mr. Takashi Yonayama was keeping the hut. Early in the morning he took several photos of rising sun above Mt. Arasawadake. They had arrived Shiori Pass at 11:00. They have returned Odawara via Saku I.C., Kiyosato, and Sudama I.C. They had arrived Odawara at 20:00.

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Dawn of Mt. Arasawadake(2000/10/23)

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Looking back the peak (2000/10/23)


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