High-moor of Tsugaike, Tengubara and Yashimagahara

Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood enjoyed hiking in several high-moor in late summer of 2001.

Red Route

First Day

They departed their home at 7:00 on August 28 and arrived Tsugaike in northern Nagano at noon time. They parked their car and switched to ropeway to go to High-moor of Tsugaike.

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 High-moor of Tsugaike

After strolling High-moor of Tsugaike , they stayed at Tsugaike Mountain Hut.

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Tsugaike Mountain Hut

Second Day

In the morning, they climbed up to High-moor of Tenguhara  covered by fog.

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High-moor of Tenguhara

After visiting High-moor of Tenguhara, they moved to Putit Hotel Greatdane near Tshgaike and stayed there over night.

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Putit Hotel Greatdane

Third day

They moved to Kirigamine after visiting Lake Aoki, Suwa Shrine.

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Suwa Shrine

There is a Yashimagahara High-moor at the top of Kirigamine. They decided to setup camp in Kamagaike Camp site over looking Yashimagahara High-moor.

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Kamagaike Camp site

Due to leakage of the old tent, they gave up the idea of calming and returned home midnight.

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Yashimagahara High-moor


Rev. February 1, 2006

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