
Mt. Tairappyo and Mt. Senokura

In the autumn of 2002, wakwak climbing club attached Mt. Tairappyo (height 1,984m) and Mt. Senokura (height 2,026m )

First Day

All 4 members moved in their car to the foot of Mt. Tairappyo. They reached a hut at the shoulder of Mt. Tairappyo and stayed over night.

Access route to Mt.Tairappyou and Mt. Senokura (purple)

Second Day

They started climbing Mt. Tairappyo at 6:15.

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white birch on the hill side of Mt. Tairappyo

After an hour of effort they reached the summit. The view from the top was splendid.

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ponds on the north slope of Mt. Tairappyo

After having a rest, all members started moving towards Mt. Senokura. Weather was fine and there was no wind.

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Mt. Tairappyo from Mt. Senokura

They arrived the peak of Mt. Senokura at 9:00. Then returned hoe having the same route..

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members (photo by Mr. Kuribayashi)

Total numbers of foot step were 29,000 steps.

October 5, 2002

Rev.October 29, 2002

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