Log in 2002

13 January ; Securing mooring rope and cleaning.

26 February ; Battery charge by engine operation over 1 hr and cleaning.

29 April ; Battery charge by engine operation over 40min. cleaning and setup of jib sail..

2 May ; Installed hose around rope for prevention of chafing and filled up water tank.

3 May ; Clear sky. Sailing from 11:00 to 12:30 with a friend Mr. Hara. One point relief. Took video record.

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6 May ; Cloudy. Strong north easterly. Party on board ship moored in harbor with guests (Toby).

8 May ; Cloudy. Strong north easterly. Made a guided tour for a guest (Toby) to Kannon-zaki Light House, Marina Verasis, and Jogasaki Island by car.

21 May ; Clear sky. Moderate westerly. Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood visited Sarusima Island. It took almost 3.5 hrs.

22 May ; Clear sky, later hazy. Moderate westerly. Mr. Greenwood cleaned water line, filled up gasoline and visited Yokosuka single handed. It took almost 3 hrs.

25 May ;  Clear sky, later strong south wind. Invited bike friend Messrs. Nakamoto, Oshikawa and Tokuyama for 1 hour trial sailing. Interview of bike magazine.

29 May ; Clear sky, later strong south wind. Mr. Greenwood visited Yokosuka single handed. It took almost 3 hrs. After sailing, he cleaned jib sail and sowed it in the cabin for he has no plan to sail in June.

10 July ; Typhoon No.6 is approaching Japan. Checked mooring rope.

12 July ; Under good weather after Typhoon No.6, Mr. Greenwood sets out to the sea single handed. With the help of autohelm, Mr. Greenwood enjoyed relaxed sailing over 3 hours.

18 July, Under good weather after Typhoon No.7, Mr. Greenwood sets out to the sea single handed. Due to relatively strong wind, he started at one point reef but changed to two points reef.

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autohelm on duty

27 July ; Under good weather after Typhoon No.9, Mr. Greenwood sets out to the sea single handed. Due to weak wind, he run under engine and sail simultaneously.

13 August ; prepared for taking out of water for applying bottom paint.

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jib in a front cabin

14 August ; 11:30 taken out of water, cleaned bottom and applied paint.

15 August ; after changing engine oil and gear oil, she returned to water again. Wind of 9 m/sec blew.

20 August ; due to strong northeast wind, unable to sail. Mr. Greenwood read a book sipping coffee.

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a table in cockpit

20 August ; under moderate wind of 4m/s , Mr. Greenwood sets out to the sea single handed. He enjoyed sailing about 3 hours.

29 August ; under moderate wind of 3.5m/s , Mr. Greenwood and Toby set out to the sea together. They enjoyed sailing about 5 hours. Beyond Fortress No.3 view change dramatically to green.  Toby is going to join round the world cruise on Paceboat from September 1 to December 8. He also recommended to visit Andaman Sea.

31 August ; under moderate wind of 4.5m/s , Mr. Greenwood, Toby and Yoko set out to the sea together. They enjoyed sailing about 4 hours.

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Toby at helm

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a Ketch running in parallel

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LNG Tanker and a Ketch

19 September ; under strong north-east wind of 6.6m/sec, single hand sailing is difficult. Maintenance activity only.

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whole day in Marina

20 September ; under strong north-east wind of 6-4m/sec, single hand sailing is difficult. Maintenance activity only. Opened hatch and made a cup of coffee.

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open hatch

21 September ; under moderate north-east wind of 4m/sec, sailed out with Mr. Anbe. An patrol boat of coast guard approached us and warned not to enter channel for big ship.

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Mr. Anbe taking helm

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coast guard

After reaching Pt. Kannnonn-zaki, ROCA returned without tacking.

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Pt. Kannon-zaki

October 2 ; checked the safety of the boat after typhoon 21 past over the marina yesterday. No serious damage found.

October 8 ; after rain fall, checked the leakage of rain water into fuel tank partition. It was concluded that small rope was the cause of water leakage.

October 17 ; under weak wind of less than 3m/s , Mr. Greenwood sets out to the sea single handed. He enjoyed sailing about 2 hours.

November 21 ; Mr. Greenwood made a check and washed his boat. He couldn't visit his boat almost over a month, because he was busy with preparing a report on Hiromachi Green.

November 27 ; Mr. Greenwood set out to the sea with his friend, Mr. Tokuyama. He struggled with strong wind of 7m/s.

December 2 ; under weak wind of less than 2m/s , Mr. Greenwood sets out to the sea single handed. He enjoyed sailing about 3.5 hours.

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winter sea

December 29 ; under strong wind of  5m/s , Mr. Greenwood sets out to the sea with two guests, Yoko and Toby. All enjoyed 1.5 hours sailing with two points reefing. It was the last sailing in 2002.

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