Visiting City of Hadano

On December 20, 2002, Group "One Step Forward" visited City of Hadano. They have met Mayor as a planner Ms. Kazama was a member of a city council.

Then, they visited a manufacturing site of compost from raw sewage of the milk farm. The site adopted top turn process. A Dutch made compost turning over machine was used here. Government subsidies is not enough for running this site. Product is recycled back to the farm.

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Dutch made compost turning over machine

Then, they visited horticultural site. First thing they have to do is preparing soil. They mix soil and compost. Then they sterilize it by heating.

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Sterilization of soil

Greenhouse was the most modernized one. Ventilators are operated automatically.

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After lunch, they visited a school kitchen and saw small kitchen waste composting machine.

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inside of composting machine

December 20, 2002

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