Log in 2003

January 16 ; Mr. Greenwood visited Roca for mooring rope security check. He cleaned deck and purchased various supply.

February 14 ; Mr. Greenwood visited Roca for checking security, after a month absence. He cleaned hull with acetone and water.

March 11 ; Mr. Greenwood visited Roca for checking security, after a month absence. He found eight 60 feet big boats are berthed in visitor's birth. They are now sailing around the world in Clipper 2002 race.

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60 feet boats berthed at east visitor's berth

April 14 ; Mr. Greenwood visited Roca for checking security, after a month absence. Cloudy, north east wind of 4m/sec. New visitors' berth has been completed. Charged battery for 1 hour with engine running. Took coffee.

May 9 ; Over a month, Mr. Greenwood was busy in his business of wood gassification project. But after finishing all work, he visited his boat. Unfortunately, the wind is not in good shape for single handed sailing. He sorted out his boat instead.

May 21 ; After rain which lasted over 11 days, Mr. Greenwood visited the boat. But due to wrong wind he didn't sailed out.

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making coffee

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looking back to the cockpit

June 22 ; Sailed about 2 hours.

July 28 ; Due to long rainy season, there were substantially no chance of sailing. After inspection, it was revealed that hull cleaning is required.

July 31 ; Applied for dock usage for cleaning and painting the bottom of the hull.

August 4 ; Sailed 4 hours, single handed.

August 17 ; Boat is now on the cradle. Due to continued rain fall, bottom painting must be postponed until rain stops.

August 18 ; Applied bottom paint.

August 20 ; Polished deck with wax made by 3M.

August 21 ; Back to water.

August 22 ; Sailing with Mr. & Mrs. Kuribayashi.

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at berth (photo by Mrs. Kuribayashi)

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Mr. & Mrs. Kuribayashi in cockpit

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at visitor's berth

September 10 ; Due to strong wind, didn't sail. Cleaned the boat and read a book.

October 15 ; Maintenance only.

October 17 ; Guest on board. Due to strong wind and high waves,  all enjoyed cruising with only engine. After sailing, took big lunch on board. (photo by Mrs. Kikuchi)

November 24 ; Maintenance only. Tightened mooring rope.

December 27 ; Battery charge for 1 hour. It seemed that different leaving method may be better for different prevailing wind in summer and winter.

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December 30 ; Opened boat for a gentleman considering to make order.

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