Biomass Gasification Project



Mr. Greenwood is enjoying an activity of meeting of One Step Forward run by his school mate, Mr. Nishizawa. But he was also requested to help a development project of Biomass Gasification module for a NPO "Linking Smile" The project is only for educational purposes for next generation.

He attended an meeting of the NPO held in a meeting room of Benkei . The subject of the meeting was how to develop full organic agricultural system in Japan. About 20 people attended the meeting. About half of the attendants were young people.

After the meeting, Mr. Greenwood, Mr. Tomita an owner of Benkei (a big greenhouse) and an representative of the NPO had a brief discussion on how to make gasification unit within the budget of about 300,000 yen. Soon they have drawn flow sheet of the system.

The system will be fabricated mainly by Mr. Tomita  using his tools. Mr. Greenwood can only provide hand to him.

Later they learned a lot from Mr. Okazaki who is a grandson of an owner of a builder of gasification unit  for the trucks in 1940s.

oldmodel.jpg (6299)

1940 model of wood gas driven truck

Following are the current flow sheet of our unit incorporating all know hows in the past.

flow2.gif (12255 ???)

Flow Sheet of the system

March 31, 2003

Rev. April 27, 2004

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