The first half of the twentieth century, many people had attacked to Mt. Everest. George Mallory was also one of them. He was asked " Why do you climb the mountain?" His answer is very famous phrase, may be you know he said "Because, it is there". It means "Mt. Everest is there". But he didn't come back from Mt. Everest. One person saw him near the summit. But it was the last time that Mallory was observed. For a long time anyone had not known whether Mallory had reached the summit.
After world war II, many people had tried to attack Mt. Everest again. At last in 1953, Edmund Hillary, and Tenjin Norgay, he is a Nepali Sherpa had reached the summit . When they reached the summit, they did not find anything which Mallory left at the summit, so they realized they were the first persons who reached the summit of Mt. Everest.
There are 14 mountains in the world which are over 8000 meters high.
People call these years Himalayan Olympic,
because many countries tried
to become the first country reaching the top of each 8000m mountain
for their honor of countries.
Reaching the summit without oxygen bottle is very difficult. Because, At the top of Mt. Everest the density of oxygen in air is also one third of ground level. Some people has mountain sickness at Mt. Fuji which is only 3800m high. They had head ache sickly feeling, throw up many times and sometimes their brain have lack of oxygen and they die.
Under 6500m if they climb slowly they can adapt the height, but over 6500m they cannot adapt the height. Messner had tried to attack the summit from the south col while only one day, so he succeeded . Some people did not believe Messner's record because of its difficulty . But now many people climb without oxygen bottles so they believe.
On the contrary in 1980 Reihold Messner reached the summit by alpine style. In alpine style the team consist of only several people and they don't make camps. They bring only minimal foods and they do not use any fixed ropes which are usually used for easy climbing to carry luggage.
In dangerous area people usually use rope and connect between climbers. When he has some accident, nobody help him. Actually, Messner fell down to the crevasse in this time. But after only 15 minutes he escaped from the crevasse by himself and he continued climbing. After 2 days Messner reached the summit.
Another people tried to reach the summit on only 1 day from Base Camp.
There are commercial tours to climb Mt. Everest. Ms. Namba joined a tour last year. Maybe someone remembers. She reached to the summit of Mt. Everest, so she succeeded to climb the highest peaks of the world's seven continents. But unfortunately she died on the way from the summit.
By now, more than 800 climbers had reached the summit of Mt. Everest.
The biggest rubbish is the helicopter of Italian team which I talked before. The biggest team's helicopter crashed in the mountain in 1973. But they left the helicopter in the mountain. That is biggest rubbish even now.
The first climbing for cleaning Mt. Everest was by Nepal police. But in this climbing 2 people died by accident. Climbing in high mountain area is dangerous even if its aim was cleaning.
In these years Nepal government made the big project of cleaning Mt. Everest. Nepal government have sent team for cleaning several times.
Sir Edmund Hillary who is the first climber on the summit of Mt. Everest , organized Himalayan Adventure Trust. It aims to conserve nature, sometimes it sends climbing team for cleaning the mountains.
Like this, the purpose of climbing mountain has been changing from competition between human to living with nature. I also hope this.
Thank you.