// Spheres / Oscillation // Please use freely for non comercial purpose. // All rights reserved by Tsutomu HIGO, Oct. 11, 1998 // // *CAUTION // This scene requires large RAM for high quality. // Please adjust the number of spheres by the increasing value // of parameter A. #version 3.0 global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 } camera { location <0,0,-100> angle 45 look_at <0, 0, 0> } light_source {<50, 100, -50> color rgb <1,1,1>} #declare Rl =5 #declare Rs =0.6 #declare Tx =1 #while (Tx<6) #declare Ty =1 #while (Ty<5) union { #declare A =0 #while (A<6.3) #declare Cx =Rl*cos(A*Ty) #declare Cy =Rl*cos(A*Tx) #declare Cz =Rl*sin(A*Ty) sphere { Rs texture { pigment {color rgb } finish {ambient 0.4} } } #declare A = A+0.02 #end // I rendered Gallery's image by "A = A+0.002". rotate y*45 translate no_shadow } #declare Ty = Ty+1 #end #declare Tx = Tx+1 #end