// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.0 // A group of tetrahedrons with the fractal structure // sample file by T.Higo 05.1998 #version 3.0 global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 } #include "colors.inc" #include "shapes.inc" #include "shapes2.inc" camera { location <90,10,0> angle 57 look_at <0, 25, 0> } light_source {<50, 100, 50> color White} light_source {<50, -80, 18> color Green} #declare Tetrahedrg = object { Tetrahedron bounded_by{ box {<-3, -3, -3>, <3, 3, 3>}} } #declare Ct=1 #while (Ct < 9) #declare Tetrahedrg = union { object { Tetrahedrg translate < 0,0,2.8284*Ct> } object { Tetrahedrg translate <-2.4495*Ct,0,-1.4142*Ct> } object { Tetrahedrg translate < 2.4495*Ct,0,-1.4142*Ct> } object { Tetrahedrg translate <0,4*Ct,0> } } #declare Ct=Ct*2 #end union { Tetrahedrg pigment { rgb < 0.1, 0.5, 1>} no_shadow rotate y*5 } background { color White }