Listening Points All time in UTC

No.98-7 / MAY 1 1998

= ASIA =

3264.66     RRI-Gorontalo Apr 24 1156-1200 33443
              Music and Local ID at 1158,RPK then Jakarta News(Takeno)
4000.17     RRI-Kendari Apr 25 1147-1201 
              Talk by man and woman,local ID at 1159,then RPK. SINPO 24342 (Takeno)
4003.17     RRI-Padang Apr 25 1125-1147
               Isramic music program,Local ID at 1146 by woman. SINPO 23342 (Takeno)
4606.40     RRI-Serui Apr 28 1144-2102
                Local pop musicand tlk by man,local ID at 1159,RPK then Jakarta News
                22332 (Takeno)
4925        RRI-Jambi Apr 24 1125-1132 33443
                Isramic music,then electrical chime IS,ID as "Radio Republik 
                Indonesia Jambi" at 1130 by male ,Local news (Takeno)

6150        R.Corp. of Singapore(presumed) Apr/28/98 1453-1500 31431-34333,
                Non stop pop music and no announcement. Under RCI's Chinese prgm 
                till 1455, and perfectly blocked@by Russianspeaking station at
                1500. Only 1455-1500 was good condition. QSY from 6155kHz. (Kanai)
9810        Swiss R.Int. via Singapore  Apr/24/98 1146-1202 45444@
                 English prgm till 1200, Greman prgm from 1200.Very very FB.(Kanai)
11925       RAI via Singapore  Apr/26/98 1000-1010 44444,
                 IS,ID, prgm in Italian. Very FB condition. By the way, RAI's  
                 English service for Far East cannot hear in Japan. So I want that 
                 RAI use Singapore-relay for Englishservice for FE.(Kanai)

15395       VOA-Colombo Apr 24 1505-1515 235332
                "All about English" program.TX site presumed (Takeno)


4820        R.Botswana(Presumed) Apr 24 2147-2150 22332
                  Music and Talk. QRM from Utility stn.(Takeno)

4777        Rdiff.TV.Gabonaise,Apr 25 2102-2107
                   News in French and sometime heard "Radio gabon" ID
                   by woman.Good condition,no QRM from RRI-Jakarta. (Takeno)

5100.05     R.Liberia (Presumed) Apr 25 2013-2020 
                   Poor condition,Music and talk program(Takeno)

21480       R.Nederland via Madagascar Apr/25/98 1029-1040 
                   45444-45433 IS,pips,ID in Dutch. News. (Kanai)

3380        Malawi B.C.  Apr 24 1953-2003 35443 Good
                   News in English and talk about South African situation
                   by man.ID as "MBC,Radio one" at 2003 (Takeno)

4782.98     Rdiff.TV Malienne Apr 25 1945-1950 33433
                   Unknown language this time,not heard 4835kHz
                   signal (Takeno)

3289.9      Namibian B.C.,Apr 24 2004-2013
                   News in English and heard "NBC" ID   //3270.06kHz (Takeno)

4770        R.Nigeria-Kaduna Apr 25 2106-2112 25332
                   News in English,ID as"Radio Nigeria" at 2110 (Takeno)
15120       V.O.Nigeria Apr.20 0704-0757 35333-34322
                   Talk by man in French,Afro pops. (Kanai)

3320        R.Sonder Grense(Presumed) Apr 24 2026-2032
                   Local langauge talk and Rock Music.23332 (Takeno)

5047        Rdiff Togolaise,Apr 25 1950-1955 34433 FB
                  ID as "Borodcasting from Lome" then English News.(Takeno)

6165        ZNBC Apr 21 2120-2139  
                   Afro pops and talk by man. ID at 2128.34322-32322 
                   QRMed Iran from 2127.  (Kanai)

3306         Zimbabwe B.C.,Apr 24 2014-2028 33333
                   African-pop music and local language talk. Heard 
                   "Zimbabwe B.C." ID.(Takeno)



11900         RAI Apr.28 2159-2227 25322-25321
                  IS,ID,News in English,music. (Kanai)

15240         R.Sweden  Apr/24/98 1130-1146 35333-25322,
                  IS,ID(not copied),talk by man in Sweden? 1144 IS again. 
                  Accordingto Cumbre DX 187, it is test bc Teracom and R.Sweden.(Kanai)

15295         R.Tashkent Apr 25 1202-1216 English
                  "Radio Tashkent Calling" ID and News about JAPAN- Uzbeksitan 
                   relation,International Seminar of women by man.Good signal.(Takeno)



Result of moniror of VOA's English Service for 
East Asia,Southeast Asia,The Pacific.
Monitored on Apr.23-26
Time(UTC),Freq.,SINPO code
1000-1100   5985(DL)   45443-45333
           11720(PHL)  34433-33433
           15425(PHL)  45544
1100-1200   5985(DL)   44444-3
            6160(PHL)  45544
            9645(UDO)  22332
            9760(PHL)  45444
           11720(PHL)  33433
           15160(PHL)  44444-3
           15425(PHL)  45544
1200-1300   6160(PHL)  44544
            9645(UDO)  22422
            9760(PHL)  44444
           11715(PHL)  35343
           15160(PHL)  45444
           15425(PHL)  34433
1300-1400   6160(PHL)  43433
            9645(UDO)  22322-1
            9760(PHL)  45454
           11715(PHL)  45444-45433
           15160(PHL)  45544-44544
           15425(PHL)  44443-43433
1400-1500  not monitored
1900-2000  not monitored
2100-2200  11870(PHL)  44433-34433
           15185(PHL)  45444-45433
           17735(PHL)  25322-35322
2200-2300  not monitored
2300-0000   9770(PHL)  25232
           11760(PHL)  34333
           15185(PHL)  35343
           15290(PHL)  45444
           15305(PHL)  35443
           17735(PHL)  45343
           17820(PHL)  45544
  *7215,9705 was not heard
0000-0100   9770(PHL)  23322
           11760(PHL)  33433
           15185(PHL)  35433-35333
           15290(PHL)  35433
           17735(PHL)  45433-35433
           17820(PHL)  45554-45444
  *7215,9705,15305 was not heard.
SITE  PHL:Philippines, DL:Delano, UDO:Udorn Thai
(Takeshi Kanai)

REPORTER: Takeshi Kanai,Yokohama Japan,AOR AR7030/DRAKE R-8/KENWOOD R-1000 with 19 meters wire Nobuo Takeno, Tokyo Japan,JRC NRD535D/Lowe HF-250,225E with 40 meters wire