About Strategy and Tactics





Now I will deal with strategy and tactics.


1. The Necessity of Strategy

If we take great pains every time to handle only tactics without considering strategy, it shows nothing but the fact that we are losing our way, or further more, we don't know where we are going at all. Being bent on finding phenomenal enemy targets each time without realizing the substance of the enemy target will only tell us the blind situation of the struggle.

We must at first find the substantial enemy target before urging tactical joint actions. With the understanding of the substantial one, we have to approach it, shooting those phenomenal enemy targets facing us now. Having that understanding, we can, for the first time, confirm our common destination and also consider that the scope of the joint efforts covers all the souls in this universe.


2. The Position of the Understanding

The human being is a very metaphysical animal. We are apt to take actions according to their own ideas or thoughts. And even though they can become conscious of the illusory nature of them, it will happen that they even try to bet their lives on them.

But, on the contrary, without making them work as a compass, however hard we may try to keep our minds together, ultimately we cannot but be led to a catastrophe by losing our way. Therefore, we cannot do anything but resort to intelligence in order to put our minds together and control our actions toward the same direction.

Especially in these days, in contrast to previous times when we had to combine our strengths to survive, we face the necessity to change our society by resorting to human intelligence because when we are put into conditions where we can survive with ease and readily satisfy our material desire, we never try to change our society. In other words, unless we are put into a state of emergency, nobody expects the eruption of life itself, which will spring out and cause society to change under such conditions.

In this situation, we become selfish, having self-centered ideas or thoughts, and try to satisfy our own desires. Judging from the circumstances of today, so long as we cannot expect social change from that eruption, we must try to do it the other way, that is, by resorting to human intelligence, especially to its reflective ability.

That is, if knowledge stops at the level of intuition, even though it conducts us according to events which are taking place at various times, but never conducts us to a universal and objective work, only leaving us to float on the wandering stream of history, which always continues to be at the mercy of the conditions each time comes to have differently.

On the other hand, when reasoning is carried out, so long as the function stops halfway, we are apt to create convenient illusions for us with the help of this ability, resulting in rationalizing and perverting things perceived in the intuitive world. And as we regard such illusions as something with substance, we end up attacking one another because of the differences in them, insisting ours is the "absolute" right and truth.

Therefore, once we as human beings come to have reflective ability, we cannot discard it and go back to the same conditions as other animals have. The only path we can take is the one in which we develop it highly enough to see through those illusions. That is, we must develop our reflective ability so highly as to prepare the reason which can disclose the nature of what the reason itself made for its convenience. Without doing so, we cannot put forward anything universal. Otherwise, our efforts to create a "utopia" will be fruitless because of the illusions which we usually consider something substantial.

Well then, after the collapse of the illusions constructed by reason, we come to realize that "the most agonizing thing in life is that we happen to be disillusioned with dreams and find no path to take." And as the result of that, everytime we lose our "way" with our "dreams" breaking down, we try to picture new "dreams" and go through the new "way" again and again.

However, if it seems to us as though the "way" were extinguished after the awakening, it is because we ourselves regard the very illusions represented by our intellect as something substantial, and rely upon the "dreams" which appear there.

The "way" is only illusion represented in our minds. In other words, supposing all the souls in this universe are mere dreams of the supreme being, it is a mere "dream"of the dreams. So, it does not always show the spirit of universal law which helps all the souls become what they ought to be according to their nature.

The universal spirit itself can never be extinguished or exterminated. All the souls in this world are always struggling to develop their lives by following it.

When we lose the "way," tracing our steps back to our abyss for the first time, we can have the chance to find the real way stemming from the spirit inside our own abyss.

We should not keep producing "dreams" one after another but, tracing our steps back to our abyss, keep our feet on that way conducted by it. And only by embodying the spirit, we for the first time can be intoxicated with not the "dreams" as illusion but the dreams as the breath (ie, the wind) of the supreme being. Following the very way, we are able to stay above these contradictions such as "right" or "left, "upper" or "lower," "conservative" or "radical," and so on. "The necessary thing in case we lose our way is rather a dream. But we should not picture the dream in the future. I think the dream is necessary when we lose it, but it has to be the one breathed out now."


And now, after such a collapse of illusions as mentioned above, the real understanding of the truth, which has been neglected and maltreated, has to be grown inside our mind. And with its help, the question about what in the world we ought to do has to be asked inside each person.

Especially in today's circumstances, we need an awareness of what we really want to become, depending on the universal spirit as well as sophisticated knowledge about the state of the control system which each power keeps. With such understanding, we must make further progress. If not, we keep sleeping in the prison of this well-controlled system, or, as for those who notice that they must do something now, so long as they only think so, their effort will surely be fruitless without knowing what to do.

Now, in this way, the pressing matter for us is that we should boil down various ideas or thoughts into a principal theory that provides us with the direction for our actions, and which points out the universal way to everybody who needs it.

After attaining the universal knowledge, we for the first time can each follow his or her own star, having consciousness of its own role. That is, although accepting our own circumstances and nature, we can keep our feet on the chaotic way leading to the supreme being with the consciousness of its spirit.


For this purpose, we first need to prepare the opportunities to bring various ideas and thoughts together and transform them into higher quality. And next, we must make the substantial enemy target appear as clearly as possible in that process. Then, we as individuals or as members of an association or a body should bring it down in various ways, having various roles assigned to each person.

I think we have to develop a campaign for ideas and thoughts. And under the universal knowledge boiled down in its process, we should practice what we know we have to do, accepting others who are in different situations.

Without this consciousness, there is no use in urging joint actions forced by taking a pledge to obey a support, because the common destination will assume a universal nature only when each person begins to go through his or her own struggle in quest of the universal spirit.


3. The Path to the Perfect Vacuity

Judging from the preceding survey, we must depend upon the will to develop ourselves in the right direction or, in short, the universal law for the final anchor. And in this case, we must confirm that the will covers all the souls in this universe including inorganic matter, plants, and animals as well as human beings.

By following it, which gives us the mighty will, we will recover the "everlasting melodious state of the wind and water." All the souls, from the wind, the earth, the flame, the water, and so on up to a plant which is going to bear flower and fruit, are struggling to develop themselves and come into bloom according to their nature.

Incidentally, as for the bloom, so long as we all, the souls in this universe, are connected with one another in the sea of life itself as a whole, we can never expect each one separated from others to bloom alone. This is because the bloom of one proves to be supported by the others around it without exception.

Therefore, we should not aim for one's own blooming alone. Even if we ourselves want to flower, we at first should help others (including all souls) bloom according to their nature. Only by doing so, we for the first time can make this world more joyful, and at the same time, we ourselves will also come into bloom naturally.

For the very reason mentioned above, if we try to carry out our "revolution," we must base it on the universal spirit, that is, on the following desires. First, the survival desire for those who are threatened with starvation. Secondly, the sexual desire for those who love each other. Thirdly, the intellectual desire and its inspiration for those who get inspiration and try to create something spiritual. And last, the sacred desire to fuse into the supreme being for those who keep their feet on the path leading to the perfect vacuity.

Therefore, we can admit that those who are struggling for their survival are also practicing their "revolution" in terms of the realization of the universal spirit. But the "revolution" never stops at this stage. Once the desire is fulfilled, we must each continue to carry our own "revolution" into higher stages. That is, we must renew our life and develop it into higher bloom. We never renew our life only by replacing the ruling persons with the controlled people.


First of all, we must begin with each human being, trying to enlighten the abyss of each mind.

Even though it is a small movement at the beginning, once it begins to show a chain reaction, it will become a vast one having huge energy. As for the chain reaction, its beginning is the most important time, because whether the explosion will turn out to be successful or not totally depends upon this critical moment. And once it begins to react, with the chain reaction accelerating its process, the movement will come to produce and radiate immeasurable quantities of energy.

I think it is out of the question to consider that the "revolution," in a political line for the masses, will be achieved as soon as the number of people supporting us becomes a majority.

In such a realism where political consideration takes each person as nothing but the power of one vote to be obtained, our life will never bloom and ends up being spoiled. If we do not appreciate souls in a way different from that, we will undermine the precious quality of them without giving them a chance to develop. And the majority power becomes the criterion for the "absolute" truth.

However, if we are eager to create an ideal society, we must admit that we should not continue the "revolution" supported by a large number of faceless voters, but make each soul carry out its own revolution inside its abyss by expanding and flowering its quality according to its nature. This is the only way to follow the universal law and the path leading to the perfect vacuity where the supreme being lives.


4. Tactics According to the Strategy

Judging from an examination of the world situation, we now have a huge gap between developing countries and developed ones both economically and militarily.

Therefore, it is desirable for us to help those who must survive in hard conditions and also to lead people, especially in rich countries, to take the path of God, where they will abandon their insatiable material desire. And, at the final stage, we must emancipate all souls from the desire and encourage them each to flower and bear fruit.

In this way, we must help all souls develop themselves, conducting the stifling power at the bottom up far beyond the supreme being. The most important thing in this strategy is that we should transform the power wandering in a horizontal direction up toward the verticaldirection into creative power. Though this is the strategy considered on the basis of the general situation, for the time being we must prepare a big festival for the sake of the strategy.

Whether it is carried out by people or under the initiative of the ruling power, it totally depends upon how well we people can prepare for it now.

As the first step, we must initiate and develop the campaign for universal knowledge through the process of reducing many ideas and thoughts to their essentials.