Exercice 3 (N2): quelques adjectifs et pronoms

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Please type the correct adjectives and pronouns.

Olivier et Dominique Deschamps ont déménagé dans la banlieue de Montréal.
Ce week-end, amis Marcel et Christiane vont venir visiter nouvelle maison.
fils Thomas demande: " Est-ce que Roman et Antoine vont venir avec ?".
Olivier répond: " Bien sûr, on a invité enfants aussi."
Thomas est très content de revoir copains et dit: " , j'aime beaucoup Antoine et Roman. Ah oui, Antoine adore les voitures mais Roman, , préfère les puzzles."
Il va préparer jouets pour .

After answering click on "Check your answer" at the bottom of the page


Please type the correct adjectives and pronouns.
You can use the tab key or the mouse to move the insertion cursor from one text field to the next.
If you need a clue about what kinf of words you have to type, you can get a glimpse of the words to use
by moving the pointer over the colored boxes at the top of the page.

You cannot drag these words around as you might have done in Java based tests on this site.

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[This is the 1997 version of these online tests.
At that time, many people were not familiar with interactive web pages
and we deemed necessary to explain what seems obvious today.]