John Updike

ジョン・アップダイク(1932-2009 )
1991年にピュリツァー賞、2004年にペン/フォークナー賞、2度のO. ヘンリー賞など多数の受賞歴。2009年肺がんのため76歳で亡くなった。

John Updike (Frederick Ungar Publishing,1980) 表紙



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InfoBeat Entertainment News (
November 15, 1999
Updike: Writers are no longer icons
PEORIA, Ill. (AP) - Pulitzer Prize winner John Updike thinks the writer as a cultural hero is a thing of the past. "The tweedy, pipe-sucking, much-photographed, revered writer is a casualty, I think, of our electronic times. Saul Bellow may have been the last," Updike said last week during a lecture before a packed audience at Bradley University. Updike, author of 50 books, including "Rabbit, Run," started writing short stories and novels in the late 1950s. His three sequels to "Rabbit, Run" each seemed to capture what was happening to middle-class America at the time. "My entire work suddenly...has this past-century feel to it," said Updike, 67. "It all describes a world, a century, that is going over the waterfall." Updike's next novel, "Gertrude and Claudius," will explore the characters from "Hamlet." Despite his own success, he said it's never been easy to make a living at writing. "Maybe it's not something you should make a living at," he said. "Maybe it should be a hobby."

since 2002, updated 01/20/2016

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