Notes on Shizuku's expressions

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It is said that the Japanese rarely change their facial expressions. For a foreigner, it's perhaps difficult to distinguish between them. However, Shizuku has a wide variety of expressions. The illustrations above are duplicates of the last scene of the movie. In the actual movie, they are drawn more elaborately.

At first, Shizuku listens casually to Seiji. But then she notices that he is proposing to her. She agrees at once, though is very surprised. She had thought about marriage, too. Only extremely pure love exists between them. For Japanese people today, this pure love is very shameful and pungent in a sense.

Here is the rooftop at the school. When Seiji came to meet Shizuku, she was teased by the other students in her class. So they went to the roof to talk alone.

Seiji tells Shizuku that he will be going to Italy soon. There he will be trained as a violin craftsman. Shizuku is surprised when Seiji reveals that he liked her before she noticed him. He used to sit in her vicinity at the library. But he was too shy to talk to her. Shizuku does not have a goal in life like Seiji.

This is the face which expressed her determination to create her new story. Her boyfriend Seiji had the dream of becoming a violin craftsman, and he was about to go to Italy to pursue it. This was a test of his ability. Because she was influenced by him, she decided that her ability should also be tested, and so she decided to write a story.

This decision was made in her friend Yuhko's house. Yuhko was worried about her own boy problems, and Shizuku was trying to help her. While there, Yuhko consulted Shizuku on her problem, as well. After Shizuku recovered, she encouraged Yuhko: "You will surely acquire wonderful love."

Shizuku is writing her new story. In it, the doll Baron from grandfather Nishi's shop is the hero. Shizuku and Baron go out to look for a vein of ore. The title of the story is "Whisper of the Heart." It begins: "Let's hear the voice in the forest. Hear the memory of the wind which blows from a far foreign country. Hear the memory of the cloud seeing above emptiness."

Her father felt admiration for her ardent trial. However, he did not know concretely what she was doing. She sacrificed her studies to write the story, resulting in falling grades.

She was always smart. Therefore it wasn't a big problem if her grades fell a little bit. But before long, her family notices. Her elder sister is concerned the most, saying that the way things are going Shizuku won't be able to continue in high school. Shizuku wanted to argue that what she was doing was more important than trivial school studies, but she was unable to express it well.

Contrary to her elder sister, her parents were sensible. They allowed her to continue, and did not pursue the nature of her project. They valued independence over educational policies. Shizuku kept writing the story.

At last, the story was completed. Shizuku went directly to grandfather Nishi's shop. She was promising with him that when the story was completed, she will show him as the first reader. She was waiting until the grandpa finished reading her story. Several hours later, the grandfather Nishi called Shizuku and said, "Your story is very wonderful." On the contrary to this, Shizuku questioned Nishi severely, "Please tell me the truth. I know my story does not imperfect. Especially, it is cruel in the latter half of the story."

He said quietly, "Miss Shizuku, your story is rough style, frank, incomplete, and it likes Seiji's violin. You are wonderful. Do not take your time. Please make an effort to spend time to think over. She began to cry spilling big tears. She said, "I noticed, it is no good thing only to have feelings what to do. I should study more and more."

After she finished her story, it was corrected by grandfather Nishi. In this scene they eat "Nabeyaki-Udon," a kind of soup noodle of the Orient. The noodles (Udon) are made by boiling (yaki) in a pan (Nabe). When one is tired, eating these noodles will promptly improve one's stamina. Shizuku's relief is expressed well because grandfather Nishi admitted her effort and encouraged her. It is not clear if the noodles are made by grandfather Nishi or delivered from a grocery store.

Shizuku slept as soon as coming home without even changing clothes. Next, when she got up, it was still before daybreak. When she casually opened the window, Seiji was waiting for her to the ground.
How adventitious it is! He just returned from Italy yesterday. He heard from his grandp that Shizuku had made an serious effort when he had been in Italy.

He was not able to restrain feelings which got excited. And, he ran to her house before daybreak, and prayed, "Shizuku! I want to meet you!." Therefore, when she comes, he shouted,"It is miracle". She seems to be surprised very much. It might have been certainly a miracle. However, it is thought that it is different.

He applies for the proposal to her later.By the way, she did not only accept his proposal for the reasons to be impressed by the miracle.Because their feelings already commuted!!

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