Bolcom, William (U.S.A.) b.1938

Carol ("Neighbors on this frosty tide")
Music:Joan Morris/Text:Kenneth Grahame
出版Edward B. Marks==not_in_library
録音The New York Concert Singers(Judith Clurman) -New World

The Mask -- A Cycle of Five Poems for Chorus and Piano
1990混声 SATB,divPf.
1We Wear the MaskText:Paul Laurence Dunbar
2HeritageText:Gwendolyn B.Bennett
3ShadowText:Richard Bruce
4Worn FacesText:Charles Cyrus Thomas
5Interlude for Nataliefor Piano
6PortraitText:T.J.Anderson V
出版Edward B. Marks
録音The New York Concert Singers(Judith Clurman) -New World
University of Texas Chamber Singers(James Morrow) -Naxos
In Memory of Natalie Hinderas and Michael Korn
for The Philadelphia Singers, Michael Korn, Conductor and Leon Bates, Pianist

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