The Classical Music

The Classical Music

I have about 100 to 200 records/CD's of classical music. (I have not count them.) Bach's collection is the most. And I collected Beethoven and Brahms mainly. My favorite conductor is Seiji Ozawa. My favorite players are Gould, Gulda, Casals, Richter (Russian piano player) and Kyung-Wha Chung.
I will introduce my records and concerts I went to, little by little.

Seiji Ozawa's Page: Introduction of Seiji Ozawa's recordings that I have now.

Classic column (No.1 August 13, 2000)
I went to the concert of Takashi Asahina on July 21, 2000.
I listened to Asahina and his orchestra, Osaka Philharmonic for the first time. The program was Beethoven's No.1 and No.3. No.1 is Beethove's first symphony and is influenced by Haydn or Mozart. First impression was mellow strings sound. I felt like an orchestra in Vienna. Especially the first violins are prominent.
No.3, Eroica. It was a great performance. On the first movement, it was quite vivid. I could not believe Asahina was over 90 years old. I was very impressed on the second movement like dragging or stopping by. Third and fourth movements were also great. On the fourth movement, goose pimples came out when the tempo was dramatically changed.

After the performance, applause continued for a long time. Many audience came to the front of the stage. Usually I am reluctant to clap hands for a long time because my hands become aching. But on that night I continued to clap hands standing at the front row. It was great concert.
When I came back home and talked to my wife about the concert, she regretted that she could not go there. ( I went there with Mr. A in the neiborhood. ) On the next day we bought the CD and listened to it whole the weekends. Performance in the CD was recorded live in Symphony Hall in Osaka in 1996. At the same time, I bought a CD of seventh symphony.

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