Research->Genre Study->Ethnic Music->Traditional Chinese Music
What is ethnic music? What element distinguishes an ethnic music style from other ethnic music styles? For example, what is the difference between Okinawa music and Scotland music? I think elements of music are (1) melody (scale), (2 ) chord, (3) rhythm, and (4) instruments. 
First, let's think about melody. Rock and Blues are easy examples, even though they are not ethnic music. Rock uses normal music scale while Blues includes blue-notes in its music scale. Next, think about chords. Rock uses simple chords (triad) while Jazz includes 7th in its chords. Chord progression of Jazz is more complicated than that of Rock as well. For rhythm, Rock uses 8 beat, Fusion uses 16 beat, Jazz uses 4 beat. Finally, think about musical instruments. It is easy to see differences between Classical music and Rock music. Especially, musical instruments are important elements of ethnic music, since each country has different music instruments. 
I am trying to capture features of each ethnic music style based on this idea, and to reproduce them with automated composing system. This page includes considerations that I faced when I embedded functions of ethnic music composition.
About Traditional Chinese Music
Traditional Chinese Music varies with time and region.Therefore, it is impossible to say what Chinese Traditional is, in one word. However, Automated Composing System captures its features as follows. First, Music scale is penta-tonic and "C", "D", "E", "G", "A" are used.These notes are played by flutes and strings. Automated Composing System uses "Fifth Saw Wave" for strings and "Music Box" for Chinese Koto. "Fifth Saw Wave" includes 5th pitch a lot, and it makes more Chinese-like sound. "Koto" is used for harmony section. Sequence of 8th notes also makes more Chinese-like sound. There are a lot of Rhythm patterns in Traditional Chinese Music, but most characteristic of rhythm section is Chinese Cymbal. So, Automated Composing System put Chinese Cymbal at the begining of every measure.
Sample by Automated Composing System
Penta-tonic without half pitches "C", "D", "E", "G", "A"
Hu Ch'in (Er-Hu), Ch'in (Chinese Koto), Chinese Cymbal, and others
Links to related topics
Ms. WeiWei Wuu's site provides information about Er-Hu as well as her live music information.
There are several MIDI files at "Traditional Chinese Music Page" of Midi Com (H.K.).