Monday, August 21, 2006  
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1. This passage was about Pyongyang fires ballistic missiles into Japan Sea.There are two main ideas.First,North Korea fired seven ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan.Second,After the first launches, Tokyo put economic sanctions on North Korea. The conclusion is the incident will probably further isolate North Korea. (1)The main people in the story is North Korea. (2)It happened 5th of July. (3)It's concerned with Sea of Japan. (4)The story is about Pyongyang fires ballistic missiles into Japan Sea. (5)It happened to be an attempt to bring the United States to the negotiating table for direct talks on financial sanctions that have crippled key North Korean bank accounts in Macau.
2. The speaker has a new house.It's small and wooden in side.she has a roommate.She thinks it's good.Her roommate likes to cook. So she's cooked dinner for her. Last night ,her roommate made curry.ut was Indian curry,tomato based.
3. This passage was about good point of city and country.There are 2 points main idea. First,good points of country. Second,good points of city. Jeff was born in country. But he lives in city now. He introduce good points of country and city. In country,there are quiet and we can relax,listen to the birds,watch sky. We can touch nature. In city,there are a lot of enegy,a lot of people,a lot of lights,and a lot of action. So he think both have good points.
4. What the speaker suggests you do is stay in the suburbs of London for a start, because it's a lot cheaper.And he guesses you should go around Central London. That's where all the tourist attractions are.But rent is way too expensive there. In addition to,the easiest way is to get a train.
5. Episode 12 was business story. Sarah was working at her computer.When she was working,Anne came to her office. Anne wants to deside when she will go to Sarah's suppliers together. Anne said she wants to go tomorrow. But Sarah can't go tomorrow.She suggest day after tomorrow. Anne said OK.After that Anne left Sarah's office.
6. this story about Steve's favorite food. His favorite food is pizza. He eat pizza once a month.
7. He talks about singing, dancing, cleaning, and do the exercise. He likes to cook vegetables.
8. (1) Who are the main people in the story? The main people in this story are ANNE and STEVE. (2) When did it happen? One day STEVE ask ANNE to go to zoo with him. And they go there and look a lot of famous animals in Australia the next day. (3) Where did it happen or what places is it concerned with? It is a wildlife park in Australia. (4) What is the story about? STEVE is a SARAH's brother. SARAH is trader of ANNE. They met SARAH's home. STEVE and ANN go to zoo and look at many animals. STEVE explain her about Australian animals. ANNE want to hold a koala,so they go to cuddle koala after looking some animals. (5) Why did it happen? When ANNE eat lunch with SARAH's familly, she said she want to go to zoo. STEVE remember what she said,and he ask her to go there. (6) How did it happen? How much? How long? How far? They spent a lot of time in the zoo.
9. Anne was in the John's office.There,she answered his question. A missing people was anne's brother! His name is David.He was a student.And now she don't know where he is.In conclusion,he promised to find her brother!!
10. Leslie Gregory talks about her hobbies. Her hobbies are going to the gym and baking. Her favorite thing to do is either swimming or what they call@auqa-aerobics.
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