
I'm thinking about what kind of teaching-method of English is needed at junior high in Japan.And I'd like to check the English need for Japanese students.
This is the survey. But please note: This won't be used for commercial purposes. I'm a teacher of English, so your answers will be helpful to many
Japanese students............Thank you!


Now I'm studying "Cross cultural understanding using Teaching Media".
I promise, I'll reply to you soon if you mail this questionnaire to me.

Please answer some questions below frankly.
If you cannot find an adequate answer or any comments, please skip it !

Just the items you can answer,it's O.K.

Please cooperate?

To register and mail push"submit",then "accept"?

Male    Female


company / teacher / public officer / doctor,nurse,medical worker /
self-employed / politician,political worker/
lawyer,tax-accountant / school-business / student / transport /
musician,artist / agriculture / welfare / others

10s / 20s / 30s / 40s / 50s / 60s / other

(Address or E-mail:)

<Important Q.> What kind of English ability do you request for Japanese
students toward 21 century.

Speaking ability / Listening ability / Writing ability /
Reading ability / Self-expression ability in English /
Communicatiove ability in English / Grammatical,linguistic ability/
Cross cultural understanding ability /
Communicative strategies(body language etc..)using ability /
Basic manner to learn English /
Changing ability out of Japanese way of thinking / Basic knowledge

<Advice for JTE>

<Your nationality & General quetions & Some comments....etc..,if possible>

** If you are free Please CONTINUE ** (If you're busy skip options)

<Optional Q.1> What kind English ability do you think is the most important for junior high school students in Japan toward internationalization ? And why ? Write below,thank you.

<Optional Q.2> How should we Japanese teacher use the Internet ? Please tell me
and write it below, thank you.

<Optional Q.3> Japanese education ministry is planning the adoption of
Elementary school English, what do you think of it ? Please tell me your
opinion on the biginning age to learn English. Write below, thank you.

<Optional Q.4>Considering Japanese environment and situation, do Japanese
junior high students really need English ? Please tell me your opinion.
Write below,thank you.?question about????English for special purpose ?

Thanks a lot for your cooperation !
