Exel Work Sheet1

国際理解に関する生徒の意識調査Updated: 97/10/21

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 N  
1) 43 4 9 3 6 5 2 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 72  
  X2(6)=124.389, p<.01
2) 21 10 26 2 12 0 1 27 3 10 2 8 11 15 2 19 1 *** 170  
  X2(16)=128.400, p<.01
3) 13 16 11 4 11 1 3 9 1 2 7 3 7 *** *** *** *** *** 88  
  X2(12)= 42.886, p<.01
3)-2 13 4 21 6 7 5 14 8 14 2 4 9 22 9 3 9 18 6 174  
  X2(17)= 64.759, p<.01
4) 25 11 33 10 8 2 1 5 14 4 8 4 0 *** *** *** *** *** 125  
  X2(12)=116.384, p<.01
5) 34 22 11 10 8 17 14 3 3 8 5 2 12 0 3 2 *** *** 154  
  X2(15)=124.234, p<.01
6) 4 7 17 25 9 13 9 13 6 1 1 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 105  
  X2(10)= 84.762, p<.01
7) 41 29 13 15 3 25 9 21 6 16 3 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 181  
  X2(10)= 84.762, p<.01
8) 18 18 24 11 41 18 5 37 27 6 10 7 1 *** *** *** *** *** 223  
  X2(12)=106.897, p<.01
9) 43 12 18 28 2 5 7 18 11 20 12 1 *** *** *** *** *** *** 177  
  X2(11)=108.182, p<.01
10) 15 26 12 27 12 10 29 10 14 14 11 4 15 24 8 2 *** *** 233  
  X2(15)= 66.193, p<.01
  Yes No Neutral
11) 12 17 32 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 61  
  X2(2)= 10.656, p<.01
12) 10 19 28 19 4 5 1 27 18 8 18 12 21 30 9 16 27 1 273  
  X2(17)= 98.934, p<.01
13) 43 39 4 18 28 21 16 19 25 3 0 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 216  
  X2(10)= 99.028, p<.01


  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 %  
1) 59.7 5.56 12.5 4.17 8.33 6.94 2.78 *********                     100  
2) 12.4 5.88 15.3 1.18 7.06 0 0.59 15.9 1.76 5.88 1.18 4.71 6.47 8.82 1.18 11.2 0.59 **** 100  
3) 14.8 18.2 12.5 4.55 12.5 1.14 3.41 10.2 1.14 2.27 7.95 3.41 7.95 *********         100  
3)-2 7.47 2.3 12.1 3.45 4.02 2.87 8.05 4.6 8.05 1.15 2.3 5.17 12.6 5.17 1.72 5.17 10.3 3.45 100  
4) 20 8.8 26.4 8 6.4 1.6 0.8 4 11.2 3.2 6.4 3.2 0 *********         100  
5) 22.1 14.3 7.14 6.49 5.19 11 9.09 1.95 1.95 5.19 3.25 1.3 7.79 0 1.95 1.3 **********   100  
6) 3.81 6.67 16.2 23.8 8.57 12.4 8.57 12.4 5.71 0.95 0.95 ********             100  
7) 22.7 16 7.18 8.29 1.66 13.8 4.97 11.6 3.31 8.84 1.66 ********             100  
8) 8.07 8.07 10.8 4.93 18.4 8.07 2.24 16.6 12.1 2.69 4.48 3.14 0.45 *********         100  
9) 24.3 6.78 10.2 15.8 1.13 2.82 3.95 10.2 6.21 11.3 6.78 0.56 *********           100  
10) 6.44 11.2 5.15 11.6 5.15 4.29 12.4 4.29 6.01 6.01 4.72 1.72 6.44 10.3 3.43 0.86 **********   100  
11) 19.7 27.9 52.5 *********                             100  
12) 3.66 6.96 10.3 6.96 1.47 1.83 0.37 9.89 6.59 2.93 6.59 4.4 7.69 11 3.3 5.86 9.89 0.37 100  
13) 19.9 18.1 1.85 8.33 13 9.72 7.41 8.8 11.6 1.39 0 *********  
3)その他 ・北極圏・トルコ・ポーランド・ハワイ・日本?・中央アフリカ・エジプト
3)-2その他 ・生活が良いから・小さいころからの憧れ・友達がいるから(2)
5)その他 ・転校する
6)その他 ・ 転校する
7)その他 ・使えなくて良い
8)その他 ・飛行機の中
9)その他 ・ラジオ
Yes ・いろいろな国へ行ってそこの国の人々と交流を深めたいから・貧しい国のために何かしてあげたい・外国で仕事がしたい(2)・人の役に立ちたい・外国人の悩みの聞けるカウンセラーになりたい・他国と問題を起こさせないため・英語を役に立てたい
No ・そういう近代的なことよりは日本の古くからの伝統や作品に憧れる・面倒くさい(2)・他に夢があるから・英語が苦手だから(2)・英語が話せない・平凡で良い・難しそうだから(2)・あまり外国に行きたくない
Neutral ・外国に留学したい・よく分からない(3)・国際的というのが良く分からない・将来のことは良く分からない(3)・国際的に活躍することに興味ない・英語が話せないから・将来に別の目標があるから
12)その他 ・自然と人間の関係に関する知識


ChartObject 1) What part of the world do you want to travel ?

Items: 1 = 'Europen area' , 3 = 'North American aria' , 5 = 'Oceanian area'


ChartObject 2) Why do you want to travel there ?

Items: 8 = ' It looks pleasant' , 3 = 'I like the atomosphere', 1 = 'It has famous places' , 16 = 'The scenery'


ChartObject 3) Which country do you want to go ?

Items: 2 = 'France' , 1 = ' The UK' , 3 = 'The US', 5 = 'Italy' , 8 = 'Australia'


ChartObject 3)-2 Why do you want to go there ?

Items: 13 = 'I want to go shopping', 3 = 'It looks pleasant', 17 = 'The scenery'


ChartObject 4) When and where do you feel 'Globalization' ?

Items: 3 = 'When I meet many foreiners on "3day march"day,1 = 'When I see foreigners on the street' 9 = ' When AETs come'


ChartObject 5) In a diverse-classroom how do you behave(express yourself) there ?

Items: 1 = 'Talk to many friends', 2 ='Make friends through club activities,6 = 'Behave cheerfully'


ChartObject 6) In a diverse-classroom when you join a classroom discussion how do you behave(express yourself) there ?

Items: 4 = 'Try to understand others', 3 = 'Keep silence', 6 ='Behave cheerfully',8 = 'Take other's thinking & customs & opinions'


ChartObject 7) When and where do you feel 'English-Needs' ?

Items: 1 = 'When I meet a foreigner( on 3day march day, on the street)2 = 'Overseas travel' , 6 = 'English lesson' , 8 = ' When I think about the future'


ChartObject 8) When and where do you usually listen to a foreign language ?

Items: 5 = ' TV or radio', 8 = ' English lesson', 9 = ' When I meet a foreigner'


ChartObject 9) When and where do you usually speak a foreign language ?

Items: 1 = 'When I sing an English song' , 4 = ' At the beginning & end of English lessons'10 = ' When I go abroad'


ChartObject 10) What personality do you think is 'Cosmopolitan' ?

Items: 7 = ' Having wide vision', 4 = 'No bias( see things in perspective),2 = 'multilingual', 14 = 'Working for many other countries'


ChartObject 11) Do you want to be a cosmopolitan, or do you want to get a international business ?

Items: 1 = 'yes', 2 = 'no', 3 = 'neutral'


ChartObject 12) As a cosmopolitan above what kind of technics, the way of thinking, and knowledge do you need ?

Items: 14 = 'Wide vision in perspective', 3 = 'Foreign languages acquisition',17 = 'Never forget "Global citizenship"', 8 = 'Understanding the other's wayof thinking'


ChartObject 13) Please describe your ideal 'Global Community'

Items: 1 = 'Equal society without discrimination', 2 = 'Equal society',5 = 'Society without destruction of the environment'm, 9 =' Communicative society'

* Students feel 'globalization in the community' through ' media ' and ' foreigners'. And concerning about both of them they experience 'English' by speaking , hearing. This kind of 'experience' is the most important for students to feel and understand 'globalization in their community'.

*Most of the students don't know well about the world matters, because they just know and understand the external world by TV or radio, magazines, many kinds of ads, and so on. I mean they know the world as the mere knowledgement. I think it is wrong, so they have to experience and see the real world through the authentic matereals.

*Internal globalization is declining , so I am afraid students will take the real world wrongly and they will make a mistake to communicate with the foreigners. We teachers have to teach them ' real world ' through the 'Global education'.



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更新日 97/10/20
名前 松本 光正
電子メール アドレス :