
This is the result of "questionnaires on grammar teaching & basical English competence"
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English "grammar teaching & students' basical competence" in J.H.S ( up to h8.12/31)
Yes No I don't know
★ 1.Do JTEs have to teach grammar in the English lesson ? 11 1 5
words & phrases grammar communication cross cultural understanding pronunciation Interest & attitude speaking Listening Reading Writing others
★ 2.What competence do students need in Junior high school ? (Basical English competence) 7 3 5 5 0 2 9 9 9 9 1
n.b. total 4skills : I added the checked item into speaking, listening, reading, writing respectively
Every English lesson strictly Sometimes through communicative method Naturally, no teaching Inductively, short time out of class, homework others
★ 3. If we have to teach grammar to Japanese students tell me how to teach it. 3 8 0 1 1 0

Here are visitors' comments: Take glance at it! Very useful!

DATE : 97/01/05

NAME : Mitsumasa Matsumoto

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