WE_WISH 赤外線SSTV画像解析方法

WE_WISH 赤外線SSTV画像解析方法 (2012年10月12日)


WE_WISH 赤外線画像を解析する方法について、外国局から質問メールが来ました。
この SSTV信号は世界中で受信されています。しかし 管制局HPには、English の
ページはあるものの 未だ Coming Soon の状態で、デコーダーも PDFファイルも

(注. by JE9PEL/1)
WE_WISHデコーダーの使い方を解説している PDFファイルの中で、(高温),(低温)
の DATファイルの設定の仕方に誤記があるようです。つまり、今まで My_Pageで
紹介してきた 3D 画像の凹凸が、全て逆だった可能性があります。今、管制局に


>> 小型衛星We_Wish赤外画像の説明PDFファイル
>> 5P 解析ソフトウェアの使い方の一番下
>> Aに表示された赤外センサの温度が20℃の時は、
>> 以下のとおり入力します。
>> の部分ですが、なぜ(高温)となっている方で
>> 温度が低い.datファイルを参照するのでしょうか


>> それともう一つ ## の周囲温度とは何でしょうか


   Aに表示します。 よって、Aに表示された温度に近い周囲温度で

(訂正. by JE9PEL/1)
   恐らく、下図が正しいかと思います... (上図訂正済み)



こちらは datファイルの(高温),(低温)の設定方法が正しく記載されています。(上図)

How to decode WE_WISH SSTV

JE9PEL, I explain a method of the decoding WE_WISH SSTV photo received ST2NH.
Because there is only a Japanese software and PDF file, I do not know whether
you can analyze it by a method to explain here properly in English.

(*) In the PDF file writing on how to use WE_WISH decoder, the way of
    the temperature setting seems to include some error. In other words
    the ruggedness of the 3D image of SSTV which I explained in my home
    page might be against all so far. Please wait for a while, because
    I am asking GS a question now.

(**)I corrected here the explanation of the last page in the PDF file of
    WE_WISH SSTV. This was comfirmed in Ground Station as above.

 1. You will get a clean red and a yellow photo of the infrared signal using
    MMSSTV. Save this image as the BMP file. And you will notice some curved
    lines at the center of the image. I do not know what it is.

 2. Install Decoder and PDF file from Japanese homepage of WE_WISH GS.
    https://sites.google.com/site/jq1ziijq1zij/english, English page

 3. Set BMP file which you saved first in the column of this decoder.

 4. Set two CFG file 'AMB20-OBJ20_Cal.dat' and 'AMB20-OBJ40_Cal.dat' etc.
    Input temperature value in two columns of this decoder, and run it.
    See the following corrected image for example.

 5. The CSV file is generated in the folder automatically.
    It is 'st2nhstv_OUT.csv' for example.

 6. Open this CSV file using a tool Graph-R 2.30 'GraphR.exe'.

 7. You will decode them as follows.

AW: We-Wish SSTV by DK3WN

不可能と思われた外国局による WE_WISH SSTV 画像解析ですが、
ドイツ DK3WN局が成功しました。彼の適応能力には感服します。

 19:45UTC, 10 Oct 2012 by DK3WN (before correction)


 20:32UTC, 11 Oct 2012 by DK3WN (before correction)

 20:32UTC, 11 Oct 2012 by DK3WN (after correction by JE9PEL)
corrected by JE9PEL

 You can see the gradient boom.         After correction by JA0CAW
wewish_11102012_boom wewish_11102012_ja0caw   


管制局公開「WE_WISH 短縮HK解析シート.xls」を、英語表記の自局解析用に改変
しました。(あくまで個人用です。) 2012年10月11日20:32UTCに、DK3WN局がSSTV
受信の合間に同時に受信した CW_短縮HKデータを使って解析してみました。下記


Subject: SSTV
From: Nader Omer
To: mineo waketa je9pel
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 15:11:04 -0700 (PDT)

Hello dear Mineo
I've received SSTV photo from We Wish satellite .
I've noticed some curved lines at the center of the photos
as I've seen those line too at JA0CAW sstv photo!
see attached images please
I wounder what are those lines?
How can I decode we wish sstv images ?

Thanks in advance dear friend
73's, Nader, st2nh

Subject: We-Wish SSTV
From: Mike Rupprecht
To: Mineo Wakita
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 13:45:50 +0200

Dear Mineo san,
I received a new SSTV image from We-Wish. Can you explain me,
what we see in the image?

I know it's an infrared or thermal image - but of what.
Is it inside the cube or outside to earth?
I did not found any english informations about that.
Maybe you can help me, please?

Thanks ! 73 Dewa,
Mike, DK3WN

Subject: We-Wish SSTV
From: Mineo Wakita
To: Nader Omer, Mike Rupprecht
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 20:48:03 +0900

Please set up as above after the correction.
JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita

AW: We-Wish SSTV
From: Mike Rupprecht
To: Mineo Wakita
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 13:44:38 +0200

Dear Mineo san,
I managed to get the temperature gradient.
I forgot to type in the values for H and L range…

I should better learn japanese language, hihi…

73 Dewa,

----- Ursprungliche Nachricht -----
Betreff: Re: We-Wish SSTV
Von: Mineo Wakita
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2012 13:41

In the PDF file writing on how to use WE_WISH decoder, the way of
the temperature setting seems to include some error. In other words
the ruggedness of the 3D image of SSTV which I explained in my home
page might be against all so far. Please wait for a while, because
I am asking GS a question now.

JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita


WE_WISH SSTV 解析結果, 15 Apr 2013

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