● (No.897) MCubed-2 復活 (2016年1月11日) ------------------------------------- 米国ミシガン大学の衛星 MCubed-2 が一年半ぶりに復活しているのが、JA0CAW局 により 2016年1月4日に発見されました。その後、管制局によりTLEが再計算され 正確に衛星を追尾できるようになりました。 MCUBED-2 1 39469U 16005.18328928 +.00003039 +00000-0 +27261-3 0 05020 2 39469 120.4914 072.7002 0272812 031.5965 330.1173 14.74980201076381 20:24-20:34JST, 6 Jan 2016, Ele 51 ES-S-WN, 437.479MHz 9600bps GMSK SDR# -> MixW(COM7) -> Decoder(COM8) という信号の流れでデコードできます。 公称周波数より低めです。新しい TLE どおりに飛来しました。 10秒毎の送信。How to decode MCubed-2 using MixW (1) Setup MixW serial port bridge and Device Manager http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/mixwbrid.htm (2) Setup MixW Mode and Configure Mode ... Packet Mode settings ... Modem, VHF 9600 baud G3RUH Mode settings ... General, Check Emulate KISS TNC on TNC emulation port Configure ... Sound device settings, Samplerate 22050 Configure ... TNC emulation, Port COM7*, Baud rate 9600 (3) Install Python 2.7 http://www.python.org/download/ (4) Install MCubed-2 Decoder http://exploration.engin.umich.edu/blog/?page_id=1933 (5) Run setup_pyserial.bat in MCubed-2 folder (6) Edit run_serial_to_tcp.bat in MCubed-2 folder tcp_serial_redirect.py -q -p COM8 -b 9600 --rtscts -P 12500 -i 0 -n JE9PEL (7) Edit config.props in MCubed-2 folder client.callsign=JE9PEL (8) Run MCubed-2 Decoder in the following order 1. run_serial_to_tcp.bat 2. run_gs_client.bat How to decode MCubed-2 using High-Speed SoundModem(UZ7HO) 設定のポイントは、SoundModem と MCubed-2 Client の "KISS Server Port" を 8100 に合わせ、"run_serial_to_tcp.bat" は使わず、直接 "run_gs_client.bat" を起動することです。 MixW を設定するよりも、この SoundModem の方が楽です。 (1) Check "Enabled" in "KISS Server Port: 8100" HSM(UZ7HO) -> Settings -> Devices -> Server setup (2) Edit config.props in MCubed-2 folder radio.1.name=FCD+SDR# radio.1.address=localhost radio.1.port=8100 radio.1.type=KISS radio.1.tncport=1 client.callsign=JE9PEL client.id=JE9PEL_GS server.address=mxlab.engin.umich.edu server.port=12805 (3) Run MCubed-2 Decoder in the following order 1. Run SDR# 2. Run HS_SoundModem 3. Don't use run_serial_to_tcp.bat 4. Run directly run_gs_client.bat
21:11-21:21JST, 8 Jan 2016, Ele 24 ES-S-WN, 437.479MHz 9600bps GMSK 20:00-20:10JST, 9 Jan 2016, Ele 33 SE-E-NW, 437.479MHz 9600bps GMSK SDR#1327 + "High-Speed SoundModem" + "MCubed2 Ground Station Client" MCubed-2 double_port test successfully 20:48-20:58JST, 11 Jan 2016, Ele 66 SE-E-NW, 437.479MHz 9600bps GMSK SDR#1327 + HS_SoundModem + AgwOnlineKiss244, and MCubed-2_Ground Station Client High-Speed SoundModem(UZ7HO)_AGWPE Server Port: 8000 Enable for AGW High-Speed SoundModem(UZ7HO)_KISS Server Port: 8100 Enable for MC2
MXL Ground Station Client update CADRE, GRIFEX, MCubed-2 の各々衛星に対応する 「MXL Ground Station Client」 ソフトが新しく開発されました。詳細な設定手順については、管制局の許可が得 られ次第、JE9PEL/1 が紹介の予定です。(下記) GRIFEX 21:45-21:57JST, 10 Feb 2016, Ele 52 SE-E-N, 437.480MHz 9600bps GMSK MCubed-2 17:22-17:33JST, 11 Feb 2016, Ele 60 NE-E-SW, 437.479MHz 9600bps GMSK
MXL Ground Station Client setup using "HS-Soundmodem + MCubed-2 Client" edited by JE9PEL/1, Mineo Wakita (1) Access to the following GRIFEX web site. http://exploration.engin.umich.edu/blog/?p=2535 (2) Click "Downloading the MXL Client Application" and open the PDF file. (3) Click to get an account at http://mxl-ops.engin.umich.edu/ (4) Set your account here and Login. (5) Input your "Username and Password" in the popuped window. (6) Get "API Access Token" number in the bottom right of the display. (7) Press "Dounload Public Client Launcher" in "MXL Satellite Client". (8) Download automatically "mxl_client.zip" into your PC. (9) Extract this zip file to the appropriate folder. (10) Edit config.props in "groundstation" in "mxl_client" folder. > radio.1.port=8100 > client.callsign=JE9PEL (11) Run setup_pyserial.bat in "mxl_client" folder. (12) Don't use run_serial_to_tcp.bat, Run directly "run_gs_client.bat" in "mxl_client" folder. Rewrite "run_gs_client.bat" as follows. > cd groundstation > java -jar groundstation_launcher_public.jar (13) Input your "API Access Token" number in the popup window. (14) Then run automatically "MXL Ground Station Client v1.1.0". (15) Change to CADRE or GRIFEX or MCubed2 in "Select Satellite" tab. (16) Install Python 2.7 at the time of the appropriate timing. http://www.python.org/download/ (17) Run HSM (High Speed Soundmodem by UZ7HO). (18) Check "Enabled" in "KISS Server Port: 8100" in HSM(UZ7HO). Settings -> Devices -> Server setup (19) Then you can decode the signal by the above setting. (20)
[参照] http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ei7m-wkt/numbr830.htm http://www.pe0sat.vgnet.nl/2016/decoding-mxl-cubesats/ http://exploration.engin.umich.edu/blog/?page_id=1933 http://exploration.engin.umich.edu/blog/?p=2535
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