IO-117 "GreenCube" 運用継続

● (No.1155) IO-117 "GreenCube" 運用継続 (2024年5月3日)

[AMSAT Italia Enters Into the Ownership of IO-117 "GreenCube" Satellite]
@ANS-123 AMSAT News Service Special Bulletin, 2 May 2024

Rome, April 30, 2024 - AMSAT Italia is proud to announce the acquisition of
the quote of property of the IO-117 "GreenCube" satellite. The other part
of the property remains on behalf of "Sapienza University", Rome, Italy.

A collaborative work of the parts will let the satellite continue the amateur
radio operations after the completion of the primary scientific mission. This
will definitively avert the satellite decommissioning process by transferring
the legal responsibility of the satellite from the Italian Space Agency to
AMSAT Italia. Even formally and legally, the satellite, already known with its
original name of GreenCube, becomes for the exclusive use of amateur radio.
The scientific community continue the study of the behavior of this type of
satellite placed in MEO orbit.

GreenCube was designed and developed by Sapienza University, ENEA and
University of Naples Federico II for the Italian Space Agency. AMSAT Italia
contributed to design the digipeater and supported amateur radio operations.
IARU coordinated the use of the operations in the amateur radio frequency bands.

The satellite was carried on the qualification flight of Vega-C launcher on July
13, 2022 from the French Guiana Space Center in Kourou. On October 29, 2022,
the on-board digipeater was activated, allowing GreenCube to become the first
ham radio satellite to operate in a MEO orbit. Being a radio amateur worldwide
success, AMSAT officially designated the satellite as Italy-OSCAR 117 (IO-117).

AMSAT Italia and Sapienza Space Systems and Space Surveillance Laboratory-S5LAB-
are now committed to operate the satellite and to continue to offer the service
to the amateur radio community.

For further information please contact AMSAT Italia, segreteria[at]
The original press release can be found at PDF.
[ANS thanks AMSAT Italia for the above information]

[AMSAT Italia が IO-117 "GreenCube" 衛星の所有権を取得]
@ANS-123 AMSAT News Service Special Bulletin  (訳)JE9PEL/JR6

Rome, April 30, 2024 - AMSAT Italia は、IO-117「GreenCube」衛星の所有権の一部を
取得したことを発表する。所有権の他の部分は、"Sapienza University", Rome, Italy

することができる。これにより、衛星の法的責任が Italian Space Agency から AMSAT -
Italia に移譲され、衛星の退役プロセスが決定的に回避される。形式的にも法的にも、
GreenCube という当初の名前ですでに知られている衛星は、アマチュア無線の専用となる。

GreenCube は、Italian Space Agency に関連して Sapienza University, ENEA and
University of Naples Federico II によって設計・開発された。AMSAT Italia は、
デジピータの設計に貢献し、アマチュア無線の運用をサポートした。IARU はアマチュア

た Vega-Cロケットの認定フライトに搭載された。2022年10月29日、搭載されたデジピータ
が起動し、GreenCube は MEO軌道で運用される初のハム無線衛星となった。アマチュア無線
の世界的な成功により、AMSAT はこの衛星を正式に Italy-OSCAR 117 (IO-117)と命名した。

AMSAT Italia と Sapienza Space Systems and Space Surveillance Laboratory -S5LAB-

詳細については、AMSAT Italia, segreteria[at] まで。
[ANS thanks AMSAT Italia for the above information]

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