GreenCube How to install Soundmodem on LINUX

● (No.1120) GreenCube How to install Soundmodem on LINUX (2022年11月4日)

> The frequency is the same used in the telemetry commands and telemetry channel
> (435.100 MHz) and the activation of the digipeater function is scheduled every
> week during the weekends (from Friday at 00:01 UTC to Sunday at 23:59 UTC).
> The software kit can be downloaded from the same web page. The satellite digipeater
> implements a store-and-forward message service and works at 435.310MHz (U/L and D/L).
> GreenCube Digipeater package
> Here is the test version:
> There you can find client application and two modems for SSB and FM mode.
> UZ7HO, I guess SSB version will be preferable because you can use
> additional decoders (see "Modem" settings) and no decoupling issue because the
> FSK 1200bd signal is quite "low-frequency". Just make sure that you use correct
> offset in USB mode (for 1600Hz should be -1.6 KHz).
> UZ7HO, I noticed that the original SSB modem has 350mS TXDelay. I fixed the
> default TXDelay value to 400mS, since it makes sense for better AFC.
> Please check the following settings:
> Additional pairs: 2 or more (up to 8)
> TXDelay: 400
> Take care!

GreenCube #53106, up_435.310MHz down_435.310MHz, 0k3/1k2/2k4 FSK,Digipeater

How to install Soundmodem(fm) on LINUX @JE9PEL




How to install Soundmodem(ssb) on LINUX @JE9PEL @K4KDR

Successfull decode with Soundmodem(ssb) @JE9PEL
SDRSharp_20221104_233757Z_435316000Hz_IQ.wav @JE1CVL

on Windows

How to digipeat with Soundmodem(ssb) @JE1CVL


How to digipeat with GNURadio @JM2FCJ


GNURadio-Win をインストールし、GreenCube_RX_SSB_TX_SSB.grc を起動してみた。

(1) GNURadio3.7.13.5 - File - Open -
    C:\Program Files\greencube\Release_20221003\GNURadio\
       GreenCube_RX_SSB_TX_SSB.grc を開き、起動する。

(2) C:\Program Files\greencube\Release_20221003\TNC\DigipeaterTNC.exe

(3) C:\Users\.....\GreenCube に config.ini ができるので編集する。

      SSB_TX_Offset = 1600 のコメントアウト(;)を外す。
      CallFrom = JE9PEL 自局のコールサインを入れる。
      KeyUpDelay = 400 に変更する。

(4) C:\Program Files\greencube\Release_20221003\GUI\DigipeaterGUI.exe
    をクリックすると、「GREENCUBE Digipeater」 が起動する。

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