Insect Stamp of Republic of Panama

Panama Canal that links the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific runs Panama and becomes an important traffic foothold. Columbus went ashore in 1502 and was in a Spanish follower afterward, and it was it to one state of the large Republic of Colombia which Colombian, and Venezuelan, was formed in Ecuador from 1821 and it got American support in 1903 and became independent as a republic. Panama Canal was inaugurated in 1914. The United States Armed Forces invaded and attacked in 1989 and it arrested the best influential person Noriega military commander and ruined the autocracy system. President Valladares is born in 1994, and economy is comparatively favorable, and largely depends on the tertiary industry. Panama Canal was returned to the Republic of Panama at the end of 1999 by U.S.A.@
As an aviation stamp, four kinds of stamps describing various Leaf Beetle were issued from Republic of Panama in 1998.

Republic of Panama
1998 Air Mail Stamp
Leaf Beetle
Platyphora haroldi
Leaf Beetle
Stilodes leoparda
Leaf Beetle
Stilodes fuscolineata
Leaf Beetle
Platyphora boucardi

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