Standard box (bulletin board)
You enters an opinion or comment to my web site to a standard box, and send to me.
You enters to a standard box, and push [query send] bottum for send.
If you could not send by standard box, Please give mail directly to me.
Content of Standard box(2012year January[198]--[229])
[229] 2024 year 25th of April (Friday) 11:47
Mr. Seohyun Lee
thank you.
I'm a coin and stamp collector living in Korea.
I collect aquatic creatures, and your site is very helpful.
I express your gratitude accordingly.
I thank you.
Seohyun Lee
[228] 2021 year 31th of December (Friday) 24:00
Mr. M. Naitou
Twenty three years and six monthes have passed since my web site was started in June, 1998.
At the end of 2021 year, I will stop updating insects and animals coins.
I say gratitude to people which had my homepage seen anew.
[227] 2021year 16th of May (Sunday) 8:28
Mr. Hervé
About "Flea"
I see your page about Republic of Palau, 1999.5.24, Earth environment protection Stamp.
Two stamps are indicated by you as Flea.
But there are not Flea.
These are 2 species of Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae family.
The current genus name is Micromus (Pseudopsectra is a synonym) and the vernacular name: lacewing.
{Answer] Dear Mr. Hervé,
Thank you very much for your e-mail and comments about insect name.
According to your comments, I correct the insect name to Micromus from Flea.
M. Naito
[226] 2020 year 29th of August (Saturday) 20:18
Mr. M. Naitou
Access counts of my web site has attained 250000 times at last.
Twenty Two years and 2 monthes have passed since my web site was started in June, 1998.
The number of average accesses by October, 2000 is 13.5 times per day when it became 10000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2001 is 25.0 times per day when it became 20000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2002 is 32.0 times per day when it became 30000 times.
The number of average accesses by July, 2003 is 37.9 times per day when it became 40000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2004 isour 52.7 times per day when it became 50000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2004 is 64.5 times per day when it became 60000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2004 is 81.4 times per day when it became 70000 times.
The number of average accesses by March, 2005 is 71.7 times per day when it became 80000 times.
The number of average accesses by August, 2005 is 65.4 times per day when it became 90000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2006 is 67.6 times per day when it became 100000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2006 is 66.7 times per day when it became 110000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2006 is 70.9 times per day when it became 120000 times.
The number of average accesses by April, 2007 is 60.8 times per day when it became 130000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2007 is 50.5 times per day when it became 140000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2008 is 43.5 times per day when it became 150000 times.
The number of average accesses by February, 2009 is 41.7 times per day when it became 160000 times.
The number of average accesses by December, 2009 is 33.4 times per day when it became 170000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2010 is 33.5 times per day when it became 180000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2011 is 28.2 times per day when it became 190000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2012 is 28.6 times per day when it became 200000 times.
The number of average accesses by August, 2013 is 31.5 times per day when it became 210000 times.
The number of average accesses by September, 2014 is 25.9 times per day when it became 220000 times.
The number of average accesses by December, 2015 is 22.2 times per day when it became 230000 times.
The number of average accesses by August, 2017 is 15.9 times per day when it became 240000 times.
The subsequent number of average accesses by September, 2020 becomes 9.1 times per day when it became 250000 times.
I say gratitude to people which had my homepage seen anew.

[225] 2018 year 31th of May (Wednesday) 2:28
Mr. M. Naitou
Twenty years have passed since my web site was started in June, 1998.
With twenty years as an opportunity, I will stop updating insects and animals postage stamps.
I say gratitude to people which had my homepage seen anew.
[224] 2017 year 1st of December (Friday) 16:43
Dr. Michael J. Raupach
Greetings to Japan,
my name is Michael Raupach, and in work as a biologist in Oldenburg (Germany).
I am specialized in arthropods, in particular crustaceans (isopods, decapods), aquatic true bugs and in particular ground beetles.
Since my childhood, however, I collect stamps.
My first focus were stamps of the Third Reich, but there many stamps that are quite expensive, so I shifted to some other fields, including ground beetles as motifs on stamps.
In this context I plan to give a talk about "ground beetles on stamps" on a ground beetle conference in February next year.
While doing my research on this topic I became aware of your fantastic webpage dealing with insects and other invertebrates on stamps.
Parallel to the talk I plan to write a small publication in English, summarizing all our knowledge of carabids on stamps with some statistic analysis.
Based on your comprehensive knowledge about this topic I would like to ask if you are interested in joining this activity, acting as co-author.
All the best,
[Answer]To Dr. Michael J. Raupach,
I am sorry.
I am not interested in joining your acyivity, acting as co-author.
All the best,
Masakazu Naito
[223] 2017 year 30th of August (Wednesday) 2:28
Mr. M. Naitou
Access counts of my web site has attained 240000 times at last.
Nineteen years and 2 monthes have passed since my web site was started in June, 1998.
The number of average accesses by October, 2000 is 13.5 times per day when it became 10000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2001 is 25.0 times per day when it became 20000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2002 is 32.0 times per day when it became 30000 times.
The number of average accesses by July, 2003 is 37.9 times per day when it became 40000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2004 isour 52.7 times per day when it became 50000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2004 is 64.5 times per day when it became 60000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2004 is 81.4 times per day when it became 70000 times.
The number of average accesses by March, 2005 is 71.7 times per day when it became 80000 times.
The number of average accesses by August, 2005 is 65.4 times per day when it became 90000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2006 is 67.6 times per day when it became 100000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2006 is 66.7 times per day when it became 110000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2006 is 70.9 times per day when it became 120000 times.
The number of average accesses by April, 2007 is 60.8 times per day when it became 130000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2007 is 50.5 times per day when it became 140000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2008 is 43.5 times per day when it became 150000 times.
The number of average accesses by February, 2009 is 41.7 times per day when it became 160000 times.
The number of average accesses by December, 2009 is 33.4 times per day when it became 170000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2010 is 33.5 times per day when it became 180000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2011 is 28.2 times per day when it became 190000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2012 is 28.6 times per day when it became 200000 times.
The number of average accesses by August, 2013 is 31.5 times per day when it became 210000 times.
The number of average accesses by September, 2014 is 25.9 times per day when it became 220000 times.
The number of average accesses by December, 2015 is 22.2 times per day when it became 230000 times.
The subsequent number of average accesses by September, 2017 becomes 15.9 times per day when it became 240000 times.
The English version of the web site which was an my dream has been added to the portion of an insect in June, 2003 and the Japanese version and the English version were changed. Although the English version addition was due to be performed as pleasure after retirement, it will be performed by the advance.
I say gratitude to people which had my homepage seen anew.
Since I continues to update this to encouragement, I need your help well.
[222] 2017 year, 29th of July (Saturday) 9:00
Jürgen Hochさん
Turtle Offer
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
We can offer for delivery in week 32:
Emydura subglobosa CBB SUPER SPECIAL
25/ 19,50 50/ 16,00 100/ 14,00 250/ 12,00 500/ 9,90
ComonMusk - Sternotherus odoratus CBB
50/ 9,90 100/ 8,50 250/ 7,90 500/ 7,50 1000/ 6,90
Razorback Musk - Sternotherus carinatus CBB
50/ 17,50 100/ 15,00 250/ 13,50 500/ 12,00
Stripeneck Musk - Sternotherus minor peltifer CBB
12/ 29,50 25/ 27,50 50/ 25,00
3 striped Mud - Kinosternon bauri CBB
12/ 27,50 25/ 25,00 50/ 22,50
Eastern Mud - Kinosternon subrubum CBB
12/ 20,00 25/ 17,50
Please place your orders till Wednesday August 2, 2017.
Best Regards,
Jürgen Hoch
Managing Director
Import-Export Peter Hoch GmbH
August-Jeanmaire-Str. 12
79183 Waldkirch
[221] 2016 year, 29th of November (Tuesday) 1:47
Mr. Pedro Reyes
Excellent work, I am very impressed and grateful to be able to appreciate it.
Pedro Reyes
Enviar consultant
[220] 2016 year 5th of August (Friday) 7:34
Mr. Thomas Gille
About 2013 St. Eusatius coin ant species.
The ant pictured is a slave-raiding ant.
The art is based on a photo by Alex Wild.
[219] 2015 year 3rd of December (Thursday) 2:28
Mr. M. Naitou
Access counts of my web site has attained 230000 times at last.
Sixteen years and 3 monthes have passed since my web site was started in June, 1998.
The number of average accesses by October, 2000 is 13.5 times per day when it became 10000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2001 is 25.0 times per day when it became 20000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2002 is 32.0 times per day when it became 30000 times.
The number of average accesses by July, 2003 is 37.9 times per day when it became 40000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2004 isour 52.7 times per day when it became 50000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2004 is 64.5 times per day when it became 60000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2004 is 81.4 times per day when it became 70000 times.
The number of average accesses by March, 2005 is 71.7 times per day when it became 80000 times.
The number of average accesses by August, 2005 is 65.4 times per day when it became 90000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2006 is 67.6 times per day when it became 100000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2006 is 66.7 times per day when it became 110000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2006 is 70.9 times per day when it became 120000 times.
The number of average accesses by April, 2007 is 60.8 times per day when it became 130000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2007 is 50.5 times per day when it became 140000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2008 is 43.5 times per day when it became 150000 times.
The number of average accesses by February, 2009 is 41.7 times per day when it became 160000 times.
The number of average accesses by December, 2009 is 33.4 times per day when it became 170000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2010 is 33.5 times per day when it became 180000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2011 is 28.2 times per day when it became 190000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2012 is 28.6 times per day when it became 200000 times.
The number of average accesses by August, 2013 is 31.5 times per day when it became 210000 times.
The number of average accesses by September, 2014 is 25.9 times per day when it became 220000 times.
The subsequent number of average accesses by December, 2015 becomes 22.2 times per day when it became 230000 times.
The English version of the web site which was an my dream has been added to the portion of an insect in June, 2003 and the Japanese version and the English version were changed. Although the English version addition was due to be performed as pleasure after retirement, it will be performed by the advance.
I say gratitude to people which had my homepage seen anew.
Since I continues to update this to encouragement, I need your help well.
[218] 2015year 20th of May (Wednesday) 5:53
Mr. Choco Egger 2
I am glad to meet you.
About the chocolate egg, animal series bird let me see a homepage while checked it, and did a thing.
I think that it is a very good homepage.
Therefore it was a question, would the commentary book be attached to the Indian peacock of special figures?
[Answer]Dear Mr. Choco Egger 2
I think that the commentary book was not attached.
Figure was entered in the small box, and a letter and the photograph called the Indian peacock only appear in the surface of the box.
[217] 2015year 12th of February (Thursday) 6:17
Mr. Marcel Koken
I found your very nice website "insects on stamps".
I am a biologist working on bioluminescence (animal light production) and started recently a stamp collection of bioluminescent organisms.
Now I have two questions.
First, on your page you show 2 "stamps"(?) of genji fireflies and 1 of a heike firefly.
Are these real stamps, or something else?
Where can you buy these ?
They are nice.
Second, how did you collect all the images of the animals on your website?
It's a huge amount of time, isn't it ?
As you use a systematic classification, are you a biologist?
Thanks a lot for your help
Marcel Koken
[Answer]Dear Mr. Marcel Koken,
Thank you for your e-mail.
Answer to first question.
Some figurines are given under the stamps.
Animal figurines are 3 dimensional plastic figurines of (1)Australian Yowie,(2)Japanese Chocolate Eggs(ChocoEgg),(3)World Insect, or (4)Japanese precious natural animals.
(1)/(2)/(3) are selling in paper box and I cannot know the kind of animals until I open the box.
So, some kinds has become to duplicate and another kinds are difficult to get.
So, I get animal figurines by (a) buying at KIOSK shop or convenience store, or(b) using Internet trade (exchange).
Answer to second question.
I was a computer science engineer, not a biologist.
Insect stamps and insect coins are mainly collected.
It was fascinated with my junior high school student days at the beetle stamps of Portuguese Guinea, or the child welfare insect stamps of Switzerland, and collection of insect stamps was continued for about ten years since then.
The time which was working the organizer subscription and specializing of an insect stamp sectional meeting ,an auction at the Japan Philatelic society was also in my college student days.
I established the website "Insects on Stamps" in June of 1998 year.
I have been collecting the images of stamps using scanner and personal computer manualy between 1998 year and 2015 year.
M. Naito
Hello Again,
And thank you for all the explanations.
Nice idea to sell firefly figurines; could you indicate me a website where they sell them as I doubt that I can buy the candy here in France ;
As I am trying to collect my bioluminescent animal stamps, I realize the enormous work your website represents !
Please keep it in the air.
I will certainly come back to see whether I missed some of "my" animals.
All the best
[216] 2015 year 3rd of February (Tuesday) 16:45
Mr. Djufri
Dear Sir
I offer
10 leaf insect, from puncak-palopo, US$4/pc
50 stick insect,from puncak-palopo, US$3.50/pc
100 cicadas sp from puncak-palopo, US$2/pc
All from puncak palopo, south sulawesi, indonesia.
picture attached.
I also offer
500 idea-idea, U$2/pc
200 Papilio peranthus adamanthius US$2/pc
100 Papilio gambrisius US$2/pc
500 Papilio gigon, US$1.50/pc
150graphium androcles, US$1.80/pc
100 Graphium Codrus, US$2/pc
100 Cetosia myrina, US$1.50/pc
15 Papilio ascalapus (female), US$3.50
2 Papilio gambrisius (female), US$15/pc
2 Papilio deiphobus (female), US$15/pc
7 Papilio ulysses (female), US$15/pc
10 Papilio peranthus adamanthius (female), US$12/pc
25 Papilio fuscus (female), US$3.50/pc
All are Excellent A1 quality.
Best Regards,
[Answer]To Mr. Djufri
Thank you for your e-mail.
I am Masakazu Naito, Manager of Japanese web site 'Insects on Stamp'.
Unfortunately I am collecting only postage stamps, plastic figures and coins of insects.
[215] 2015 year 29th of January (Thursday) 21:46
Mr. Kazuo Manabe
Dear Mr. Naito,
I am making an ant museum on website.
I'll do my best.
The pleasure after the sixtieth birthday.
There is a visitor in the museum.
Is a short sentence, but to here.
Take care
[214] 2014 year 8th of September (Monday) 7:10
Mr. M. Naitou
Access counts of my web site has attained 220000 times at last.
Sixteen years and 3 monthes have passed since my web site was started in June, 1998.
The number of average accesses by October, 2000 is 13.5 times per day when it became 10000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2001 is 25.0 times per day when it became 20000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2002 is 32.0 times per day when it became 30000 times.
The number of average accesses by July, 2003 is 37.9 times per day when it became 40000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2004 isour 52.7 times per day when it became 50000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2004 is 64.5 times per day when it became 60000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2004 is 81.4 times per day when it became 70000 times.
The number of average accesses by March, 2005 is 71.7 times per day when it became 80000 times.
The number of average accesses by August, 2005 is 65.4 times per day when it became 90000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2006 is 67.6 times per day when it became 100000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2006 is 66.7 times per day when it became 110000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2006 is 70.9 times per day when it became 120000 times.
The number of average accesses by April, 2007 is 60.8 times per day when it became 130000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2007 is 50.5 times per day when it became 140000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2008 is 43.5 times per day when it became 150000 times.
The number of average accesses by February, 2009 is 41.7 times per day when it became 160000 times.
The number of average accesses by December, 2009 is 33.4 times per day when it became 170000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2010 is 33.5 times per day when it became 180000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2011 is 28.2 times per day when it became 190000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2012 is 28.6 times per day when it became 200000 times.
The number of average accesses by August, 2013 is 31.5 times per day when it became 210000 times.
The subsequent number of average accesses by September, 2014 becomes 25.9 times per day when it became 220000 times.
The English version of the web site which was an my dream has been added to the portion of an insect in June, 2003 and the Japanese version and the English version were changed. Although the English version addition was due to be performed as pleasure after retirement, it will be performed by the advance.
I say gratitude to people which had my homepage seen anew.
Since I continues to update this to encouragement, I need your help well.
[213] 2014 year 14th of March (Friday) 0:00
Mr. Alexander Napolov
I am Latvian collector, looking for contact for beetles exchange.
Cerambycidae, Scarabaeidae, Carabidae, etc. (especially common species).
Only determined and perfect quality specimens with good labels.
Write me, please: anaglyptus (snail)
Sincerely yours,
Alexander Napolov
[212] 2013 year 26th of November (Thuesday) 22:20
Mr. Takeshi Naka
I am pleased with more development of your company.
I was able to appreciate a firefly last week in Malaysian kuala selangor river.
It was emotion by a splendid scene.
Therefore I want firefly stamps by all means.
If "five kinds of firefly stamp" issued in 2010.5.10 is in stock in your company, please inform it.
[Answer]to Mr. Takeshi Naka,
I am the manager Naito of website "Insects on Stamps".
I am sorry, but my site does not sell a stamp and introduces a personal collection stamp.
There is a method to purchase by Internet auction in a bid, a method to join Japan Philatelic Society and to purchase a mail order from stamp communication party-style sale, a method to purchase from stamp shops in order to obtain the stamp of the firefly issued in 2010 in Malaysia.
I searched in a keyword of "insect malaysia 2010" for trial in Internet auction, stamp four kinds of the firefly and small size seat one kind issued in 2010 in Malaysia were able to bid 950 yen.
I can perform it in substitution if Internet auction bid / successful bid by yourself is troublesome.
In this case the postage (Japan): 120 yen is caused more and is 1,070 yen in total.
Dear Mr. Naito,
Thank you for your reply.
I want to purchase the "four kinds and small size one sheet" of the firefly stamps, and sorry for your inconvenience, but I would like arrangement at once.
[Answer]to Mr. Takeshi Naka,
I understood a matter of the purchase of the stamp of the firefly issued in 2010 in Malaysia.
I made a bid for four kinds of stamps of the firefly and small seat one kind issued in 2010 in Malaysia and paid to an exhibitor using PayPal.
It needs 1-2 weeks to reach Japan from Malaysia.
I send it by mail out of the fixed form as soon as I confirm the receipt of money, and a product arrives from the foreign country.
2013 year 13th of December
Dear Mr. Naito,
Thank you for your cooperation.
Malaysian firefly stamps arrived today.
I was able to add it to one page of the trip with many memories to Malaysia.
I'm sorry to trouble you and I repeat it and express thanks.
[211] 2013 year 2nd of October (Wednesday) 18:15
Mr. Philip Winslow
Great Web site!
What a wonderful Web site!
Absolutely beautiful!
Greetings from Thailand and best regards,
Philip C. Winslow
Chiang Mai, Thailand
[210] 2013 year 18th of August (Sunday) 23:23
Mr. M. Naitou
Access counts of my web site has attained 210000 times at last.
Fifteen years and 2 monthes have passed since my web site was started in June, 1998.
The number of average accesses by October, 2000 is 13.5 times per day when it became 10000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2001 is 25.0 times per day when it became 20000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2002 is 32.0 times per day when it became 30000 times.
The number of average accesses by July, 2003 is 37.9 times per day when it became 40000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2004 isour 52.7 times per day when it became 50000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2004 is 64.5 times per day when it became 60000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2004 is 81.4 times per day when it became 70000 times.
The number of average accesses by March, 2005 is 71.7 times per day when it became 80000 times.
The number of average accesses by August, 2005 is 65.4 times per day when it became 90000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2006 is 67.6 times per day when it became 100000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2006 is 66.7 times per day when it became 110000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2006 is 70.9 times per day when it became 120000 times.
The number of average accesses by April, 2007 is 60.8 times per day when it became 130000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2007 is 50.5 times per day when it became 140000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2008 is 43.5 times per day when it became 150000 times.
The number of average accesses by February, 2009 is 41.7 times per day when it became 160000 times.
The number of average accesses by December, 2009 is 33.4 times per day when it became 170000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2010 is 33.5 times per day when it became 180000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2011 is 28.2 times per day when it became 190000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2012 is 28.6 times per day when it became 200000 times.
The subsequent number of average accesses by August, 2013 becomes 31.5 times per day when it became 210000 times.
The English version of the web site which was an my dream has been added to the portion of an insect in June, 2003 and the Japanese version and the English version were changed. Although the English version addition was due to be performed as pleasure after retirement, it will be performed by the advance.
I say gratitude to people which had my homepage seen anew.
Since I continues to update this to encouragement, I need your help well.
[209] 2013 year 12th of June (Wednesday) 21:25
Mr. Kazuo Manabe
I established the website "museum of the ant".
It comes out by "the museum of the ant".
[Answer] to Mr. Manabe
Congratulations for your establishment of website "the museum of the ant" on the network.
I will sometimes read it.
Please expand the contents of the museum, and please us.
Thank you for communication.
2013 year 6th of August
to Mr. Naitou
"The museum of the ant" is still often at a loss for several months after being born.
A commentary book is a reliance.
The amateur have a hard time for a homepage/website.
I got from a certain teacher an email that you have well done.
But I am at a loss.
But I think whether we shall go in a simple way from now on.
Though a complaint was given not to be worried, I was able to do it considerably.
[208] 2013 year 27th of April (Saturday) 21:34
Mr. Kazuo Manabe
Do you have plan to treate the stamps of the Zimbabwean ant on the homepage/website ?
[Answer] to Mr. Manabe
I place a thing understanding a scientific name in "Insects on Stamps (kind distinction)" in my HomePage as a general rule.
Because I do not understand a scientific name of six kinds of ant stamps of the publication from Zimbabwe in 2012, I am going to place addition in the Zimbabwean point of "Insects on Stampsthe world insect stamp" (publication country distinction) in my HomePage on July 14.
to Mr. Naitou
I understand.
A Zimbabwean stamp is good.
There was not readily a stamp of the neat leafcutter ant so far.
I have mastered a Personal Computer, and some handling of the ant on the network advanced.
In addition, I would like to make the story of the ant or the museum of the ant.
[207] 2013 year 27th of March (Wednesday) 19:55
Mr. Kazuo Manabe
Mr. Naito, I looked at the place of the ant family of Website.
The second step from the top, most right Pachycondyla refers to a kind of the Pachycondyla at the laboratory of ant.
In Japan, this kind does not exsist.
The Megaponera of the bottom stamp is 3 centi meters in size in a big individual, and seems to form a line.
A kind of the Ponerine is notation at now.
It does not exsist in African Chad and seems to be in Central and South America and South America.
[Answer] to Mr. Manabe
Thank you for your indication of the Japanese name of the ant.
I will make modifications.
[206] 2013 year 24th of March (Sunday) 4:01
Mr. Domingo Leveratto
Dear Sir:
Excellent website.
I collect mint stamps and FDC of honeybee, beekeeping. Apiculture.
If you are interested, I send my want list, which interests me.
I offer change.
I can provide stamps of Argentina.
Grateful for the attention you give to this.
Sorry, my English is Google Translator,
The images of three stamps attached, are my own.
Yours sincerely.
Domingo Leveratto
[Answer] Dear Mr. Domingo Leveratto,
Thank you for your mail.
I use Internet Auction, and I am very satisfied.
I have already gotten the honeybee stamps of Argentina attached.
How about website, or,E,cat,1616,var,Stamps-Topics-Animals-Fauna-Insects.html for you.
Sincerely Yours.
Masakazu Naito
[205] 2012 year 13th of November (Thuesday) 23:26
Mr. Barna Páll-Gergely
Dear Sir,
I am a Hungarian biologist doing my PhD in land snail taxonomy in Matsumoto (Shinshu University).
I just found your webpage with insects on stamps.
This is wonderful and will be very helpful in the future, thank you very much!
I started collecting stamps with invertebrate animals not long time ago.
All the best: Barna
Barna Páll-Gergely
PhD student
Department of Biology,Shinshu University
[204] 2012 year 17th of October (Wednesday) 18:32
Mr. Kazuo Manabe
I purchase a stamp and the coin of the ant from aye-aye stamps company, Imaizumi.
I have gathered some stamps and coins of the ant.
I caused you trouble before.
Thank you very much for your advice.
[203] 2012 year 3rd of October (Wednesday) 1:25
Mr. Vu Bui
Insect of Vietnam
Dear Friend,
I'm collector of insects stamps, I'm from Vietnam.
Here is a list of the insect stamps.
They have been release.
28.1.1977: Dragonflies
15.6.1977: Capricombeetles
25.2.1982: Bees and wasps
25.9.1982: Bugs
30.7.1983: Butterflies and flowers
11.11.1986: Butterflies
30.11.1986: insects
15.1.1993: Honey bees
15.6.1994: Beetles
20.5.1996: insects
22.8.1998: Moths
3.4.2001: Animals in Cat Tien national botanical garden
16.7.2001: Butterflies
1.7.2009: Praying Mantises
11.7.2011: Dragonflies
[202] 2012 year 1st of October 5:23
Mr. M. Naitou
Access counts of my web site has attained 200000 times at last.
Fourteen years and 4 monthes have passed since my web site was started in June, 1998.
The number of average accesses by October, 2000 is 13.5 times per day when it became 10000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2001 is 25.0 times per day when it became 20000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2002 is 32.0 times per day when it became 30000 times.
The number of average accesses by July, 2003 is 37.9 times per day when it became 40000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2004 isour 52.7 times per day when it became 50000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2004 is 64.5 times per day when it became 60000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2004 is 81.4 times per day when it became 70000 times.
The number of average accesses by March, 2005 is 71.7 times per day when it became 80000 times.
The number of average accesses by August, 2005 is 65.4 times per day when it became 90000 times.
The number of average accesses by January, 2006 is 67.6 times per day when it became 100000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2006 is 66.7 times per day when it became 110000 times.
The number of average accesses by November, 2006 is 70.9 times per day when it became 120000 times.
The number of average accesses by April, 2007 is 60.8 times per day when it became 130000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2007 is 50.5 times per day when it became 140000 times.
The number of average accesses by June, 2008 is 43.5 times per day when it became 150000 times.
The number of average accesses by February, 2009 is 41.7 times per day when it became 160000 times.
The number of average accesses by December, 2009 is 33.4 times per day when it became 170000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2010 is 33.5 times per day when it became 180000 times.
The number of average accesses by October, 2011 is 28.2 times per day when it became 190000 times.
The subsequent number of average accesses by October, 2012 becomes 28.6 times per day when it became 200000 times.
The English version of the web site which was an my dream has been added to the portion of an insect in June, 2003 and the Japanese version and the English version were changed. Although the English version addition was due to be performed as pleasure after retirement, it will be performed by the advance.
I say gratitude to people which had my homepage seen anew.
Since I continues to update this to encouragement, I need your help well.
[201] 2012 year 8th of August (Wednesday) 0:38
Mr. B. Segells
Good morning.
I'm very interested in philatelic products ( specially stamps ) , please send me the informations by postal service.
B. Segells in Spain
Thank you very much.
Best regards
[Answer] Dear Mr. B. Segells,
Good Morning.
Thank you for your mail from Spain.
I don't sell the postage stamps.
I am sorry.
How about another web site,
or How about Internet Auction for your getting the postage stamps.
British Yahoo Auction
American Yahoo Auction
Japanese Yahoo Auction
Best regards
[200] 2012 year 13th of April (Friday) 15:02
In your Insects on stamps by species, some figurines are also given under the stamps and coins illustrations.
What are they and are they philatelic?
They appear to be art pieces.
The site has been very useful to me in the preperation of an exhibit on insects which I am doing at present.
I would be thankful for your response.
[Answer] Hi Mr. KRISHNARAO
Thank you for your e-mail.
Figurines are not philatelic.
Animal figurines are (1)Australian Yowie,(2)Japanese Chocolate Eggs(ChocoEgg),(3)World Insect,(4)Japanese precious natural animals.
They are appendix of something, (1)/(2) are appendix of Chocolate, (3) is appendix of candy, (4) is appendix of weekly magazine(30-35 pages).
(1)/(2)/(3) are selled in paper box and I cannot know the kind of animals until I open the box.
So, some kinds has become to duplicate and another kinds are difficult to get.
So, I get animal figurines by (a) buying at KIOSK shop or convenience store, or(b) using Internet trade (exchange).
(1)/(2) are included plastic egg-formed case covered with chocolate.
I get Yowie using Internet trade between Yowies and Japanese ChocoEggs.
[199] 2012 year 21th of March (Wednesday) 19:12
Mr. Kazuo Manabe
to Mr. Naitou,
Because I had time recently, I watched your database.
I noticed two places of a misprint in the place of the stamp of the ant family.
It is the spelling of the scientific name, Mali 1998 seems to lose mo in Monomorium.
Republic of Zaire 1996 is Lasius, and is not l and thinks it to be i.
Japanese laboratory of ants, Kazuo Manabe
[Answer] to Mr. Manabe
Thank you for your indication of the misprint.
I will make modifications.
[198] 2012 year 24th of February (Friday) 8:44
Mr. Ray Cox
Looking at your site, I noticed that two of the 1993 Insect stamps of Bulgaria show a different identification to the one listed in the Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue.
The 1 Lev Stamp (Gibbons Catalogue Number 3852) is listed by them as Four-spotted Libellula (quadrimaculata) and the 2 Lev Stamp (Catalogue Number 3853) is shown as "Raphidia notata".
As I am not an entomologist, I have no idea if the catalogue is in error, but that is not uncommon.
However as I have both stamps in my collection, I would like to identify them correctly and would be grateful for any advice you can give me.
Thank you
[Answer] Hi Mr. Ray
Thank you for your e-mail.
According to Insects Stamps Check List Volume.1 1972 year, issued from Japan Philatelic society Insect stamp sectional meeting , 1 Lev Stamp of Bulgaria is “ Libellula depressa”, and 2 Lev Stamp of Bulgaria is "Raphidia notata”.
So, I will revise “Xanthostigma xanthostigma” to "Raphidia notata”.
Thank you.
I am very grateful for your answer, it was extremely helpful.
Content of Standard box(2009year January[173]--2011year December[197])
Content of Standard box(2006year January[142]--2008year December[172])
Content of Standard box(2004year January[103]--2005year December[141])
Content of Standard box(2002year January[65]--2003year December[102])
Content of Standard box(2000year January[26]--2001year December[64])
Content of Standard box(1998year August[1]--1999year December[25])
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