West Wind Gladiator

Namibia 2003South Africa 2008
West Wind Gladiator
Mantophasma zephyra
West Wind Gladiator
Mantophasma zephyra

In 2002 year, insect "Mantophasmatodes" of new order was discovered in Plantburg area of the Republic of Nambia and Namaqualand area of the Republic of South Africa. It was wide in the media of insect world very much various as news, and the discovery of an insect of new order was taken up about a way of 88 since discovery of Grylloblattodea order of 1914.
As the face of the Mantophasmatodes is similar to praying mantis and the body is similar to stick insect, so Latin name of a stick insect together to a mantis by resembling a stick insect and can call Mantophasmatodes. In addition, an insect put on a pick of the tip of a foot in the ground generally and walked, but Mantophasmatodes gave a tiptoe, and It was humorous, and English name West Wind Gladiator to say were touched with a heel by walking.

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