
#5-Extra Story: The Eyes of the God

ストーリー Story

There is a country called INADIR, one of the city-states. INADIR is at south end of city-states, on the east coast of the Mediterranean sea. It is placed on waypoint between other city-states and FLAME, a land country stretched far south. So INADIR store a lot of wealth in spite of its small national power. Because of its historical position and very temperate climate, each the royals and people have peaceful nature, especially they don't like to take a fighting stance. A relation with its adjoining country EUPHONIA is almost good because the royals is distantly related to INADIR's. So the days of INADIR are peaceful, that is contrasted with another city-states having battles as usual.

By the way, in FLAME, a war between clans continued for a long time was settled rapidly by the rise of ARABAR, one of powerful clans that has great military strength, finaly ARABAR succeed to unification of all FLAME. FLAME has a potential from fertile land naturally, the unification bring increased power to FLAME rapidly that the other countries can't ignore it. That was a serious threat to INADIR because it adjoins, so INADIR had to solve the probrem immediately. LAKESUOR, the king of INADIR, thought to trace his ancestors to solve it. That was, INADIR had to be related to FLAME royals by marriage for stabilize the position of itself.

LAKESUOR has a three daughters, and two of them are already married into onother royals or noblemen. Princess CECILIA, his youngest daughter, is by far the most beautiful girl. She is young, a dainty and lovely faced girl, so she is very popular with people, and her name spreads far and wide to another countries as "the sapphire of INADIR". Prince IZMAR, the only son of the king of FLAME, knows her name as a matter of course, so he has a desire to get her similarly as another gentlemen. Then, INADIR requested him to join their party, he thought it was a good chance, IZMAR visited INADIR, and he falled in love with CECILIA at first glance. Now the interest both of INADIR and FLAME has corresponded, and the marriage begun to be realized very quickly.

At these time, a thieve's party domineers over city-states include INADIR disturbs people. Their leader is DEXTRA, known as "the Witch in Black", so they are called "DEXTRA SQUADRON". They appear as if from nowhere and vanish without trace, steal golds and treasures from the royals and gentlemens, so the guardians cannot do anything else. They are led by the witch DEXTRA, so wises think they use witchcrafts to steal. But every traps includes anti teleport don't work, so no one can find out their trick. Their base camp is by the castle of INADIR, old and ruined fortress, people talk. Their damage really irritated many countries, so they send warriors to fortress to suppress the squadron, but there is no sign of them, especially DEXTRA. So they can't produce any results.

The DEXTRA SQUADRON, thought that stupid idea, chose princess CECILIA for next target. One day that a month before mariage with IZMAR, DEXTRA announced the kidnap to LAKESUOR boldly. Of course LAKESUOR kept strict guard to prevent it, but they appeared to pinnacle of the castle of INADIR at night of full moon, then they kidnapped CECILIA successfully. IZMAR was enraged to heard about that. At first, IZMAR send a lot of FLAME warriors to the fort, her home base to defeat DEXTRA. But they suddenly found there was changed as dangerous dungeon ferocious monsters were rampant. They paid dearly for their search, but important DEXTRA was not found anywhere.

The fighting extends for a year and it was fruitless, at last IZMAR was driven into a corner to withdraw his warriors. But IZMAR coudln't give up her recapture, so one day he announced a notice to INADIR and its around.
"Enter the fortress, defeat the Witch in Black DEXTRA, and recapture princess CECILIA. I'll give the brave who acomplished them completely what he want as a reward."

So, lots of adventureres and speculators are beggin to gathered around the castle of INADIR.