




Unicodeのアラビア表示形A(The Unicode Standard Arabic Presentation Forms-APDFファイル外部へのリンク)を十六進数の数値文字参照で記述した表です。

Glyphs for contextual forms of letters for Persian, Urdu, Sindhi, etc.(ペルシア語、ウルドゥー語、シンディー語などの文脈依存形式用グリフ)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
FB50 Arabic Letter Alef Wasla Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0671(‎ٱ‎)
FB51 Arabic Letter Alef Wasla Final Form ≈<final>0671(‎ٱ‎)
FB52 Arabic Letter Beeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>067B(‎ٻ‎)
FB53 Arabic Letter Beeh Final Form ≈<final>067B(‎ٻ‎)
FB54 Arabic Letter Beeh Initial Form ≈<initial>067B(‎ٻ‎)
FB55 Arabic Letter Beeh Medial Form ≈<medial>067B(‎ٻ‎)
FB56 Arabic Letter Peh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>067E(‎پ‎)
FB57 Arabic Letter Peh Final Form ≈<final>067E(‎پ‎)
FB58 Arabic Letter Peh Initial Form ≈<initial>067E(‎پ‎)
FB59 Arabic Letter Peh Medial Form ≈<medial>067E(‎پ‎)
FB5A Arabic Letter Beheh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0680(‎ڀ‎)
FB5B Arabic Letter Beheh Final Form ≈<final>0680(‎ڀ‎)
FB5C Arabic Letter Beheh Initial Form ≈<initial>0680(‎ڀ‎)
FB5D Arabic Letter Beheh Medial Form ≈<medial>0680(‎ڀ‎)
FB5E Arabic Letter Tteheh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>067A(‎ٺ‎)
FB5F Arabic Letter Tteheh Final Form ≈<final>067A(‎ٺ‎)
FB60 Arabic Letter Tteheh Initial Form ≈<initial>067A(‎ٺ‎)
FB61 Arabic Letter Tteheh Medial Form ≈<medial>067A(‎ٺ‎)
FB62 Arabic Letter Teheh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>067F(‎ٿ‎)
FB63 Arabic Letter Teheh Final Form ≈<final>067F(‎ٿ‎)
FB64 Arabic Letter Teheh Initial Form ≈<initial>067F(‎ٿ‎)
FB65 Arabic Letter Teheh Medial Form ≈<medial>067F(‎ٿ‎)
FB66 Arabic Letter Tteh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0679(‎ٹ‎)
FB67 Arabic Letter Tteh Final Form ≈<final>0679(‎ٹ‎)
FB68 Arabic Letter Tteh Initial Form ≈<initial>0679(‎ٹ‎)
FB69 Arabic Letter Tteh Medial Form ≈<medial>0679(‎ٹ‎)
FB6A Arabic Letter Veh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06A4(‎ڤ‎)
FB6B Arabic Letter Veh Final Form ≈<final>06A4(‎ڤ‎)
FB6C Arabic Letter Veh Initial Form ≈<initial>06A4(‎ڤ‎)
FB6D Arabic Letter Veh Medial Form ≈<medial>06A4(‎ڤ‎)
FB6E Arabic Letter Peheh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06A6(‎ڦ‎)
FB6F Arabic Letter Peheh Final Form ≈<final>06A6(‎ڦ‎)
FB70 Arabic Letter Peheh Initial Form ≈<initial>06A6(‎ڦ‎)
FB71 Arabic Letter Peheh Medial Form ≈<medial>06A6(‎ڦ‎)
FB72 Arabic Letter Dyeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0684(‎ڄ‎)
FB73 Arabic Letter Dyeh Final Form ≈<final>0684(‎ڄ‎)
FB74 Arabic Letter Dyeh Initial Form ≈<initial>0684(‎ڄ‎)
FB75 Arabic Letter Dyeh Medial Form ≈<medial>0684(‎ڄ‎)
FB76 Arabic Letter Nyeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0683(‎ڃ‎)
FB77 Arabic Letter Nyeh Final Form ≈<final>0683(‎ڃ‎)
FB78 Arabic Letter Nyeh Initial Form ≈<initial>0683(‎ڃ‎)
FB79 Arabic Letter Nyeh Medial Form ≈<medial>0683(‎ڃ‎)
FB7A Arabic Letter Tcheh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0686(‎چ‎)
FB7B Arabic Letter Tcheh Final Form ≈<final>0686(‎چ‎)
FB7C Arabic Letter Tcheh Initial Form ≈<initial>0686(‎چ‎)
FB7D Arabic Letter Tcheh Medial Form ≈<medial>0686(‎چ‎)
FB7E Arabic Letter Tcheheh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0687(‎ڇ‎)
FB7F ﭿ Arabic Letter Tcheheh Final Form ≈<final>0687(‎ڇ‎)
FB80 Arabic Letter Tcheheh Initial Form ≈<initial>0687(‎ڇ‎)
FB81 Arabic Letter Tcheheh Medial Form ≈<medial>0687(‎ڇ‎)
FB82 Arabic Letter Ddahal Isolated Form ≈<isolated>068D(‎ڍ‎)
FB83 Arabic Letter Ddahal Final Form ≈<final>068D(‎ڍ‎)
FB84 Arabic Letter Dahal Isolated Form ≈<isolated>068C(‎ڌ‎)
FB85 Arabic Letter Dahal Final Form ≈<final>068C(‎ڌ‎)
FB86 Arabic Letter Dul Isolated Form ≈<isolated>068E(‎ڎ‎)
FB87 Arabic Letter Dul Final Form ≈<final>068E(‎ڎ‎)
FB88 Arabic Letter Ddal Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0688(‎ڈ‎)
FB89 Arabic Letter Ddal Final Form ≈<final>0688(‎ڈ‎)
FB8A Arabic Letter Jeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0698(‎ژ‎)
FB8B Arabic Letter Jeh Final Form ≈<final>0698(‎ژ‎)
FB8C Arabic Letter Rreh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0691(‎ڑ‎)
FB8D Arabic Letter Rreh Final Form ≈<final>0691(‎ڑ‎)
FB8E Arabic Letter Keheh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06A9(‎ک‎)
FB8F Arabic Letter Keheh Final Form ≈<final>06A9(‎ک‎)
FB90 Arabic Letter Keheh Initial Form ≈<initial>06A9(‎ک‎)
FB91 Arabic Letter Keheh Medial Form ≈<medial>06A9(‎ک‎)
FB92 Arabic Letter Gaf Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06AF(‎گ‎)
FB93 Arabic Letter Gaf Final Form ≈<final>06AF(‎گ‎)
FB94 Arabic Letter Gaf Initial Form ≈<initial>06AF(‎گ‎)
FB95 Arabic Letter Gaf Medial Form ≈<medial>06AF(‎گ‎)
FB96 Arabic Letter Gueh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06B3(‎ڳ‎)
FB97 Arabic Letter Gueh Final Form ≈<final>06B3(‎ڳ‎)
FB98 Arabic Letter Gueh Initial Form ≈<initial>06B3(‎ڳ‎)
FB99 Arabic Letter Gueh Medial Form ≈<medial>06B3(‎ڳ‎)
FB9A Arabic Letter Ngoeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06B1(‎ڱ‎)
FB9B Arabic Letter Ngoeh Final Form ≈<final>06B1(‎ڱ‎)
FB9C Arabic Letter Ngoeh Initial Form ≈<initial>06B1(‎ڱ‎)
FB9D Arabic Letter Ngoeh Medial Form ≈<medial>06B1(‎ڱ‎)
FB9E Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06BA(‎ں‎)
FB9F Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna Final Form ≈<final>06BA(‎ں‎)
FBA0 Arabic Letter Rnoon Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06BB(‎ڻ‎)
FBA1 Arabic Letter Rnoon Final Form ≈<final>06BB(‎ڻ‎)
FBA2 Arabic Letter Rnoon Initial Form ≈<initial>06BB(‎ڻ‎)
FBA3 Arabic Letter Rnoon Medial Form ≈<medial>06BB(‎ڻ‎)
FBA4 Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06C0(‎ۀ‎)
FBA5 Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above Final Form ≈<final>06C0(‎ۀ‎)
FBA6 Arabic Letter Heh Goal Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06C1(‎ہ‎)
FBA7 Arabic Letter Heh Goal Final Form ≈<final>06C1(‎ہ‎)
FBA8 Arabic Letter Heh Goal Initial Form ≈<initial>06C1(‎ہ‎)
FBA9 Arabic Letter Heh Goal Medial Form ≈<medial>06C1(‎ہ‎)
FBAA Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06BE(‎ھ‎)
FBAB Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Final Form ≈<final>06BE(‎ھ‎)
FBAC Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Initial Form ≈<initial>06BE(‎ھ‎)
FBAD Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Medial Form ≈<medial>06BE(‎ھ‎)
FBAE Arabic Letter Yeh Barree Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06D2(‎ے‎)
FBAF Arabic Letter Yeh Barree Final Form ≈<final>06D2(‎ے‎)
FBB0 Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06D3(‎ۓ‎)
FBB1 Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above Final Form ≈<final>06D3(‎ۓ‎)

Arabic pedagogical symbols(アラビア教育用記号)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
FBB2 Arabic Symbol Dot Above
FBB3 Arabic Symbol Dot Below
FBB4 Arabic Symbol Two Dots Above
FBB5 Arabic Symbol Two Dots Below
FBB6 Arabic Symbol Three Dots Above
FBB7 Arabic Symbol Three Dots Below
FBB8 Arabic Symbol Three Dots Pointing Downwards Above
FBB9 Arabic Symbol Three Dots Pointing Downwards Below
FBBA Arabic Symbol Four Dots Above
FBBB Arabic Symbol Four Dots Below
FBBC Arabic Symbol Double Vertical Bar Below
FBBD Arabic Symbol Two Dots Vertically Above
FBBE Arabic Symbol Two Dots Vertically Below
FBBF ﮿ Arabic Symbol Ring
FBC0 Arabic Symbol Small Tah Above
FBC1 Arabic Symbol Small Tah Below
FBC2 Arabic Symbol Wasla Above 0671(‎ٱ‎)

Glyphs for contextual forms of letters for Central Asian languages(中央アジアの諸言語の文脈依存形式用グリフ)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
FBD3 Arabic Letter Ng Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06AD(‎ڭ‎)
FBD4 Arabic Letter Ng Final Form ≈<final>06AD(‎ڭ‎)
FBD5 Arabic Letter Ng Initial Form ≈<initial>06AD(‎ڭ‎)
FBD6 Arabic Letter Ng Medial Form ≈<medial>06AD(‎ڭ‎)
FBD7 Arabic Letter U Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06C7(‎ۇ‎)
FBD8 Arabic Letter U Final Form ≈<final>06C7(‎ۇ‎)
FBD9 Arabic Letter Oe Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06C6(‎ۆ‎)
FBDA Arabic Letter Oe Final Form ≈<final>06C6(‎ۆ‎)
FBDB Arabic Letter Yu Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06C8(‎ۈ‎)
FBDC Arabic Letter Yu Final Form ≈<final>06C8(‎ۈ‎)
FBDD Arabic Letter U With Hamza Above Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0677(‎ٷ‎)
FBDE Arabic Letter Ve Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06CB(‎ۋ‎)
FBDF Arabic Letter Ve Final Form ≈<final>06CB(‎ۋ‎)
FBE0 Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06C5(‎ۅ‎)
FBE1 Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe Final Form ≈<final>06C5(‎ۅ‎)
FBE2 Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06C9(‎ۉ‎)
FBE3 Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu Final Form ≈<final>06C9(‎ۉ‎)
FBE4 Arabic Letter E Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06D0(‎ې‎)
FBE5 Arabic Letter E Final Form ≈<final>06D0(‎ې‎)
FBE6 Arabic Letter E Initial Form ≈<initial>06D0(‎ې‎)
FBE7 Arabic Letter E Medial Form ≈<medial>06D0(‎ې‎)
FBE8 Arabic Letter Uighur Kazakh Kirghiz Alef Maksura Initial Form ≈<initial>0649(‎ى‎)
FBE9 Arabic Letter Uighur Kazakh Kirghiz Alef Maksura Medial Form ≈<medial>0649(‎ى‎)

Ligatures (two elements)(合字(2要素))

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
FBEA Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 0627(‎ا‎)
FBEB Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 0627(‎ا‎)
FBEC Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Ae Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 06D5(‎ە‎)
FBED Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Ae Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 06D5(‎ە‎)
FBEE Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Waw Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 0648(‎و‎)
FBEF Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Waw Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 0648(‎و‎)
FBF0 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With U Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 06C7(‎ۇ‎)
FBF1 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With U Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 06C7(‎ۇ‎)
FBF2 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Oe Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 06C6(‎ۆ‎)
FBF3 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Oe Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 06C6(‎ۆ‎)
FBF4 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yu Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 06C8(‎ۈ‎)
FBF5 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yu Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 06C8(‎ۈ‎)
FBF6 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 06D0(‎ې‎)
FBF7 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 06D0(‎ې‎)
FBF8 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Initial Form ≈<initial>0626(‎ئ‎) 06D0(‎ې‎)
FBF9 Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FBFA Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FBFB Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Initial Form ≈<initial>0626(‎ئ‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FBFC Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>06CC(‎ی‎)
FBFD Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Final Form ≈<final>06CC(‎ی‎)
FBFE Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Initial Form ≈<initial>06CC(‎ی‎)
FBFF ﯿ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Medial Form ≈<medial>06CC(‎ی‎)
FC00 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC01 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC02 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC03 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC04 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0626(‎ئ‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC05 Arabic Ligature Beh With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0628(‎ب‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC06 Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0628(‎ب‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC07 Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0628(‎ب‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC08 Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0628(‎ب‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC09 Arabic Ligature Beh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0628(‎ب‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC0A Arabic Ligature Beh With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0628(‎ب‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC0B Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062A(‎ت‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC0C Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062A(‎ت‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC0D Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062A(‎ت‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC0E Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062A(‎ت‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC0F Arabic Ligature Teh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062A(‎ت‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC10 Arabic Ligature Teh With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062A(‎ت‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC11 Arabic Ligature Theh With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062B(‎ث‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC12 Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062B(‎ث‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC13 Arabic Ligature Theh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062B(‎ث‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC14 Arabic Ligature Theh With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062B(‎ث‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC15 Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062C(‎ج‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC16 Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC17 Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062D(‎ح‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC18 Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC19 Arabic Ligature Khah With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062E(‎خ‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC1A Arabic Ligature Khah With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062E(‎خ‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC1B Arabic Ligature Khah With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062E(‎خ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC1C Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0633(‎س‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC1D Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0633(‎س‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC1E Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0633(‎س‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC1F Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0633(‎س‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC20 Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0635(‎ص‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC21 Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0635(‎ص‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC22 Arabic Ligature Dad With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0636(‎ض‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC23 Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0636(‎ض‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC24 Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0636(‎ض‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC25 Arabic Ligature Dad With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0636(‎ض‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC26 Arabic Ligature Tah With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0637(‎ط‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC27 Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0637(‎ط‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC28 Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0638(‎ظ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC29 Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0639(‎ع‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC2A Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0639(‎ع‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC2B Arabic Ligature Ghain With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>063A(‎غ‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC2C Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>063A(‎غ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC2D Arabic Ligature Feh With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0641(‎ف‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC2E Arabic Ligature Feh With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0641(‎ف‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC2F Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0641(‎ف‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC30 Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0641(‎ف‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC31 Arabic Ligature Feh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0641(‎ف‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC32 Arabic Ligature Feh With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0641(‎ف‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC33 Arabic Ligature Qaf With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0642(‎ق‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC34 Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0642(‎ق‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC35 Arabic Ligature Qaf With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0642(‎ق‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC36 Arabic Ligature Qaf With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0642(‎ق‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC37 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0643(‎ك‎) 0627(‎ا‎)
FC38 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0643(‎ك‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC39 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0643(‎ك‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC3A Arabic Ligature Kaf With Khah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0643(‎ك‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC3B Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0643(‎ك‎) 0644(‎ل‎)
FC3C Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0643(‎ك‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC3D Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0643(‎ك‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC3E Arabic Ligature Kaf With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0643(‎ك‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC3F ﰿ Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0644(‎ل‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC40 Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0644(‎ل‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC41 Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0644(‎ل‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC42 Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0644(‎ل‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC43 Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0644(‎ل‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC44 Arabic Ligature Lam With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0644(‎ل‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC45 Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0645(‎م‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC46 Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC47 Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0645(‎م‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC48 Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC49 Arabic Ligature Meem With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0645(‎م‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC4A Arabic Ligature Meem With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC4B Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0646(‎ن‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC4C Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0646(‎ن‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC4D Arabic Ligature Noon With Khah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0646(‎ن‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC4E Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0646(‎ن‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC4F Arabic Ligature Noon With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0646(‎ن‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC50 Arabic Ligature Noon With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0646(‎ن‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC51 Arabic Ligature Heh With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0647(‎ه‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC52 Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0647(‎ه‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC53 Arabic Ligature Heh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0647(‎ه‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC54 Arabic Ligature Heh With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0647(‎ه‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC55 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>064A(‎ي‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC56 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>064A(‎ي‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC57 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Khah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>064A(‎ي‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC58 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>064A(‎ي‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC59 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>064A(‎ي‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC5A Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>064A(‎ي‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC5B Arabic Ligature Thal With Superscript Alef Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0630(‎ذ‎) 0670(◌ٰ)
FC5C Arabic Ligature Reh With Superscript Alef Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0631(‎ر‎) 0670(◌ٰ)
FC5D Arabic Ligature Alef Maksura With Superscript Alef Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0649(‎ى‎) 0670(◌ٰ)
FC5E Arabic Ligature Shadda With Dammatan Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0020( ) 064C(◌ٌ) 0651(◌ّ)
FC5F Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasratan Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0020( ) 064D(◌ٍ) 0651(◌ّ)
FC60 Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0020( ) 064E(◌َ) 0651(◌ّ)
FC61 Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0020( ) 064F(◌ُ) 0651(◌ّ)
FC62 Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0020( ) 0650(◌ِ) 0651(◌ّ)
FC63 Arabic Ligature Shadda With Superscript Alef Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0020( ) 0651(◌ّ) 0670(◌ٰ)
FC64 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Reh Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FC65 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Zain Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 0632(‎ز‎)
FC66 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC67 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Noon Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 0646(‎ن‎)
FC68 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC69 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0626(‎ئ‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC6A Arabic Ligature Beh With Reh Final Form ≈<final>0628(‎ب‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FC6B Arabic Ligature Beh With Zain Final Form ≈<final>0628(‎ب‎) 0632(‎ز‎)
FC6C Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0628(‎ب‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC6D Arabic Ligature Beh With Noon Final Form ≈<final>0628(‎ب‎) 0646(‎ن‎)
FC6E Arabic Ligature Beh With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0628(‎ب‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC6F Arabic Ligature Beh With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0628(‎ب‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC70 Arabic Ligature Teh With Reh Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FC71 Arabic Ligature Teh With Zain Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 0632(‎ز‎)
FC72 Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC73 Arabic Ligature Teh With Noon Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 0646(‎ن‎)
FC74 Arabic Ligature Teh With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC75 Arabic Ligature Teh With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC76 Arabic Ligature Theh With Reh Final Form ≈<final>062B(‎ث‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FC77 Arabic Ligature Theh With Zain Final Form ≈<final>062B(‎ث‎) 0632(‎ز‎)
FC78 Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Final Form ≈<final>062B(‎ث‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC79 Arabic Ligature Theh With Noon Final Form ≈<final>062B(‎ث‎) 0646(‎ن‎)
FC7A Arabic Ligature Theh With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>062B(‎ث‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC7B Arabic Ligature Theh With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062B(‎ث‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC7C Arabic Ligature Feh With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0641(‎ف‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC7D Arabic Ligature Feh With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0641(‎ف‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC7E Arabic Ligature Qaf With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0642(‎ق‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC7F ﱿ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0642(‎ق‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC80 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Final Form ≈<final>0643(‎ك‎) 0627(‎ا‎)
FC81 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Final Form ≈<final>0643(‎ك‎) 0644(‎ل‎)
FC82 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0643(‎ك‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC83 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0643(‎ك‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC84 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0643(‎ك‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC85 Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC86 Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC87 Arabic Ligature Lam With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC88 Arabic Ligature Meem With Alef Final Form ≈<final>0645(‎م‎) 0627(‎ا‎)
FC89 Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC8A Arabic Ligature Noon With Reh Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FC8B Arabic Ligature Noon With Zain Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 0632(‎ز‎)
FC8C Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC8D Arabic Ligature Noon With Noon Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 0646(‎ن‎)
FC8E Arabic Ligature Noon With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC8F Arabic Ligature Noon With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC90 Arabic Ligature Alef Maksura With Superscript Alef Final Form ≈<final>0649(‎ى‎) 0670(◌ٰ)
FC91 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Reh Final Form ≈<final>064A(‎ي‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FC92 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Zain Final Form ≈<final>064A(‎ي‎) 0632(‎ز‎)
FC93 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Final Form ≈<final>064A(‎ي‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC94 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Noon Final Form ≈<final>064A(‎ي‎) 0646(‎ن‎)
FC95 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>064A(‎ي‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FC96 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>064A(‎ي‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FC97 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0626(‎ئ‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC98 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0626(‎ئ‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC99 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0626(‎ئ‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC9A Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0626(‎ئ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FC9B Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Heh Initial Form ≈<initial>0626(‎ئ‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FC9C Arabic Ligature Beh With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0628(‎ب‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FC9D Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0628(‎ب‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FC9E Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0628(‎ب‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FC9F Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0628(‎ب‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCA0 Arabic Ligature Beh With Heh Initial Form ≈<initial>0628(‎ب‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCA1 Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCA2 Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCA3 Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FCA4 Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCA5 Arabic Ligature Teh With Heh Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCA6 Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>062B(‎ث‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCA7 Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>062C(‎ج‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCA8 Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCA9 Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>062D(‎ح‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCAA Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCAB Arabic Ligature Khah With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>062E(‎خ‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCAC Arabic Ligature Khah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>062E(‎خ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCAD Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0633(‎س‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCAE Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0633(‎س‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCAF Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0633(‎س‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FCB0 Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0633(‎س‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCB1 Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0635(‎ص‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCB2 Arabic Ligature Sad With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0635(‎ص‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FCB3 Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0635(‎ص‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCB4 Arabic Ligature Dad With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0636(‎ض‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCB5 Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0636(‎ض‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCB6 Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0636(‎ض‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FCB7 Arabic Ligature Dad With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0636(‎ض‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCB8 Arabic Ligature Tah With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0637(‎ط‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCB9 Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0638(‎ظ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCBA Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0639(‎ع‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCBB Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0639(‎ع‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCBC Arabic Ligature Ghain With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>063A(‎غ‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCBD Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>063A(‎غ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCBE Arabic Ligature Feh With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0641(‎ف‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCBF ﲿ Arabic Ligature Feh With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0641(‎ف‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCC0 Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0641(‎ف‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FCC1 Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0641(‎ف‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCC2 Arabic Ligature Qaf With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0642(‎ق‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCC3 Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0642(‎ق‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCC4 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0643(‎ك‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCC5 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0643(‎ك‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCC6 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0643(‎ك‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FCC7 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Initial Form ≈<initial>0643(‎ك‎) 0644(‎ل‎)
FCC8 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0643(‎ك‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCC9 Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0644(‎ل‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCCA Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0644(‎ل‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCCB Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0644(‎ل‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FCCC Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0644(‎ل‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCCD Arabic Ligature Lam With Heh Initial Form ≈<initial>0644(‎ل‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCCE Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0645(‎م‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCCF Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCD0 Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0645(‎م‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FCD1 Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCD2 Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0646(‎ن‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCD3 Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0646(‎ن‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCD4 Arabic Ligature Noon With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0646(‎ن‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FCD5 Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0646(‎ن‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCD6 Arabic Ligature Noon With Heh Initial Form ≈<initial>0646(‎ن‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCD7 Arabic Ligature Heh With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0647(‎ه‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCD8 Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0647(‎ه‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCD9 Arabic Ligature Heh With Superscript Alef Initial Form ≈<initial>0647(‎ه‎) 0670(◌ٰ)
FCDA Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>064A(‎ي‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FCDB Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>064A(‎ي‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FCDC Arabic Ligature Yeh With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>064A(‎ي‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FCDD Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>064A(‎ي‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCDE Arabic Ligature Yeh With Heh Initial Form ≈<initial>064A(‎ي‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCDF Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>0626(‎ئ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCE0 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Heh Medial Form ≈<medial>0626(‎ئ‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCE1 Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>0628(‎ب‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCE2 Arabic Ligature Beh With Heh Medial Form ≈<medial>0628(‎ب‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCE3 Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>062A(‎ت‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCE4 Arabic Ligature Teh With Heh Medial Form ≈<medial>062A(‎ت‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCE5 Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>062B(‎ث‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCE6 Arabic Ligature Theh With Heh Medial Form ≈<medial>062B(‎ث‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCE7 Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>0633(‎س‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCE8 Arabic Ligature Seen With Heh Medial Form ≈<medial>0633(‎س‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCE9 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>0634(‎ش‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCEA Arabic Ligature Sheen With Heh Medial Form ≈<medial>0634(‎ش‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCEB Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Medial Form ≈<medial>0643(‎ك‎) 0644(‎ل‎)
FCEC Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>0643(‎ك‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCED Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>0644(‎ل‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCEE Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>0646(‎ن‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCEF Arabic Ligature Noon With Heh Medial Form ≈<medial>0646(‎ن‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCF0 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>064A(‎ي‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FCF1 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Heh Medial Form ≈<medial>064A(‎ي‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FCF2 Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Medial Form ≈<medial>0640(‎ـ‎) 064E(◌َ) 0651(◌ّ)
FCF3 Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Medial Form ≈<medial>0640(‎ـ‎) 064F(◌ُ) 0651(◌ّ)
FCF4 Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Medial Form ≈<medial>0640(‎ـ‎) 0650(◌ِ) 0651(◌ّ)
FCF5 Arabic Ligature Tah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0637(‎ط‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FCF6 Arabic Ligature Tah With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0637(‎ط‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FCF7 Arabic Ligature Ain With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0639(‎ع‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FCF8 Arabic Ligature Ain With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0639(‎ع‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FCF9 Arabic Ligature Ghain With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>063A(‎غ‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FCFA Arabic Ligature Ghain With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>063A(‎غ‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FCFB Arabic Ligature Seen With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0633(‎س‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FCFC Arabic Ligature Seen With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0633(‎س‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FCFD Arabic Ligature Sheen With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0634(‎ش‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FCFE Arabic Ligature Sheen With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0634(‎ش‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FCFF ﳿ Arabic Ligature Hah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062D(‎ح‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD00 Arabic Ligature Hah With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062D(‎ح‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD01 Arabic Ligature Jeem With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062C(‎ج‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD02 Arabic Ligature Jeem With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062C(‎ج‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD03 Arabic Ligature Khah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062E(‎خ‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD04 Arabic Ligature Khah With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>062E(‎خ‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD05 Arabic Ligature Sad With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0635(‎ص‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD06 Arabic Ligature Sad With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0635(‎ص‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD07 Arabic Ligature Dad With Alef Maksura Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0636(‎ض‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD08 Arabic Ligature Dad With Yeh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0636(‎ض‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD09 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0634(‎ش‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD0A Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0634(‎ش‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD0B Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0634(‎ش‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FD0C Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0634(‎ش‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD0D Arabic Ligature Sheen With Reh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0634(‎ش‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FD0E Arabic Ligature Seen With Reh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0633(‎س‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FD0F Arabic Ligature Sad With Reh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0635(‎ص‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FD10 Arabic Ligature Dad With Reh Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0636(‎ض‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FD11 Arabic Ligature Tah With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0637(‎ط‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD12 Arabic Ligature Tah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0637(‎ط‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD13 Arabic Ligature Ain With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0639(‎ع‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD14 Arabic Ligature Ain With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0639(‎ع‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD15 Arabic Ligature Ghain With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>063A(‎غ‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD16 Arabic Ligature Ghain With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>063A(‎غ‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD17 Arabic Ligature Seen With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0633(‎س‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD18 Arabic Ligature Seen With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0633(‎س‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD19 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD1A Arabic Ligature Sheen With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD1B Arabic Ligature Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>062D(‎ح‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD1C Arabic Ligature Hah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062D(‎ح‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD1D Arabic Ligature Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>062C(‎ج‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD1E Arabic Ligature Jeem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062C(‎ج‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD1F Arabic Ligature Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>062E(‎خ‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD20 Arabic Ligature Khah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062E(‎خ‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD21 Arabic Ligature Sad With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0635(‎ص‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD22 Arabic Ligature Sad With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0635(‎ص‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD23 Arabic Ligature Dad With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0636(‎ض‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD24 Arabic Ligature Dad With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0636(‎ض‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD25 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD26 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD27 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FD28 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD29 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Reh Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FD2A Arabic Ligature Seen With Reh Final Form ≈<final>0633(‎س‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FD2B Arabic Ligature Sad With Reh Final Form ≈<final>0635(‎ص‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FD2C Arabic Ligature Dad With Reh Final Form ≈<final>0636(‎ض‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FD2D Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0634(‎ش‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD2E Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0634(‎ش‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD2F Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0634(‎ش‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FD30 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0634(‎ش‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD31 Arabic Ligature Seen With Heh Initial Form ≈<initial>0633(‎س‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FD32 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Heh Initial Form ≈<initial>0634(‎ش‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FD33 Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0637(‎ط‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD34 Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Medial Form ≈<medial>0633(‎س‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD35 Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Medial Form ≈<medial>0633(‎س‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD36 Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Medial Form ≈<medial>0633(‎س‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FD37 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Medial Form ≈<medial>0634(‎ش‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD38 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Medial Form ≈<medial>0634(‎ش‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD39 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Medial Form ≈<medial>0634(‎ش‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FD3A Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>0637(‎ط‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD3B Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Medial Form ≈<medial>0638(‎ظ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD3C Arabic Ligature Alef With Fathatan Final Form ≈<final>0627(‎ا‎) 064B(◌ً)
FD3D Arabic Ligature Alef With Fathatan Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0627(‎ا‎) 064B(◌ً)


Unicode 表示 名称
FD3E Ornate Left Parenthesis
FD3F ﴿ Ornate Right Parenthesis

Honorific word ligatures(敬称単語合字)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
FD40 Arabic Ligature Rahimahu Allaah 0612(◌ؒ)
FD41 Arabic Ligature Radi Allaahu Anh 0613(◌ؓ)
FD42 Arabic Ligature Radi Allaahu Anhaa
FD43 Arabic Ligature Radi Allaahu Anhum
FD44 Arabic Ligature Radi Allaahu Anhumaa
FD45 Arabic Ligature Radi Allaahu Anhunna
FD46 Arabic Ligature Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa-Aalih FDFA(‎ﷺ‎)
FD47 Arabic Ligature Alayhi As-Salaam 0611(◌ؑ)
FD48 Arabic Ligature Alayhim As-Salaam
FD49 Arabic Ligature Alayhimaa As-Salaam
FD4A Arabic Ligature Alayhi As-Salaatu Was-Salaam
FD4B Arabic Ligature Quddisa Sirrah
FD4C Arabic Ligature Sallallahu Alayhi Waaalihee Wa-Sallam →FDFA(‎ﷺ‎)FD46(‎﵆‎)
FD4D Arabic Ligature Alayhaa As-Salaam
FD4E Arabic Ligature Tabaaraka Wa-Taaalaa
FD4F Arabic Ligature Rahimahum Allaah

Ligatures (three elements)(合字(3要素))

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
FD50 Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD51 Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Jeem Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD52 Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD53 Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD54 Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD55 Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD56 Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD57 Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>062A(‎ت‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FD58 Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Hah Final Form ≈<final>062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD59 Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD5A Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD5B Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD5C Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0633(‎س‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD5D Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0633(‎س‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD5E Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0633(‎س‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD5F Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Hah Final Form ≈<final>0633(‎س‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD60 Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0633(‎س‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD61 Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0633(‎س‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD62 Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0633(‎س‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD63 Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0633(‎س‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD64 Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Hah Final Form ≈<final>0635(‎ص‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD65 Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0635(‎ص‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD66 Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0635(‎ص‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD67 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD68 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0634(‎ش‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD69 Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD6A Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Khah Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FD6B Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0634(‎ش‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FD6C Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD6D Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0634(‎ش‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD6E Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0636(‎ض‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD6F Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0636(‎ض‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD70 Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0636(‎ض‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD71 Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Hah Final Form ≈<final>0637(‎ط‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD72 Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0637(‎ط‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD73 Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0637(‎ط‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD74 Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0637(‎ط‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD75 Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0639(‎ع‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD76 Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0639(‎ع‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD77 Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0639(‎ع‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD78 Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0639(‎ع‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD79 Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>063A(‎غ‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD7A Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>063A(‎غ‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD7B Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>063A(‎غ‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD7C Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0641(‎ف‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD7D Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0641(‎ف‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD7E Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Hah Final Form ≈<final>0642(‎ق‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD7F ﵿ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0642(‎ق‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD80 Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD81 Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD82 Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD83 Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0644(‎ل‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD84 Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Jeem Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD85 Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD86 Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0644(‎ل‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD87 Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Hah Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD88 Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0644(‎ل‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD89 Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD8A Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD8B Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD8C Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0645(‎م‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FD8D Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0645(‎م‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD8E Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0645(‎م‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD8F Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0645(‎م‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD92 Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Khah Initial Form ≈<initial>0645(‎م‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 062E(‎خ‎)
FD93 Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem With Jeem Initial Form ≈<initial>0647(‎ه‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062C(‎ج‎)
FD94 Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0647(‎ه‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD95 Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0646(‎ن‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD96 Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD97 Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD98 Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0646(‎ن‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD99 Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD9A Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD9B Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FD9C Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>064A(‎ي‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD9D Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>064A(‎ي‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FD9E Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0628(‎ب‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FD9F Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDA0 Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FDA1 Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDA2 Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FDA3 Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDA4 Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>062A(‎ت‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FDA5 Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDA6 Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>062C(‎ج‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FDA7 Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FDA8 Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form ≈<final>0633(‎س‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FDA9 Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0635(‎ص‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDAA Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0634(‎ش‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDAB Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0636(‎ض‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDAC Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDAD Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDAE Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>064A(‎ي‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDAF Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>064A(‎ي‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDB0 Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>064A(‎ي‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDB1 Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDB2 Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0642(‎ق‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDB3 Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDB4 Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0642(‎ق‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FDB5 Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0644(‎ل‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FDB6 Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0639(‎ع‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDB7 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0643(‎ك‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDB8 Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Hah Initial Form ≈<initial>0646(‎ن‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FDB9 Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0645(‎م‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDBA Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0644(‎ل‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FDBB Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0643(‎ك‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FDBC Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Meem Final Form ≈<final>0644(‎ل‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FDBD Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Hah Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 062D(‎ح‎)
FDBE Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062C(‎ج‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDBF ﶿ Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>062D(‎ح‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDC0 Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0645(‎م‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDC1 Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0641(‎ف‎) 0645(‎م‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDC2 Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0628(‎ب‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDC3 Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0643(‎ك‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FDC4 Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0639(‎ع‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FDC5 Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem With Meem Initial Form ≈<initial>0635(‎ص‎) 0645(‎م‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FDC6 Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0633(‎س‎) 062E(‎خ‎) 064A(‎ي‎)
FDC7 Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Yeh Final Form ≈<final>0646(‎ن‎) 062C(‎ج‎) 064A(‎ي‎)

Honorific word ligature(敬称単語合字)

Unicode 表示 名称
FDCF Arabic Ligature Salaamuhu Alaynaa


Unicode 表示 名称
FDD0 <Not A Character>
FDD1 <Not A Character>
FDD2 <Not A Character>
FDD3 <Not A Character>
FDD4 <Not A Character>
FDD5 <Not A Character>
FDD6 <Not A Character>
FDD7 <Not A Character>
FDD8 <Not A Character>
FDD9 <Not A Character>
FDDA <Not A Character>
FDDB <Not A Character>
FDDC <Not A Character>
FDDD <Not A Character>
FDDE <Not A Character>
FDDF <Not A Character>
FDE0 <Not A Character>
FDE1 <Not A Character>
FDE2 <Not A Character>
FDE3 <Not A Character>
FDE4 <Not A Character>
FDE5 <Not A Character>
FDE6 <Not A Character>
FDE7 <Not A Character>
FDE8 <Not A Character>
FDE9 <Not A Character>
FDEA <Not A Character>
FDEB <Not A Character>
FDEC <Not A Character>
FDED <Not A Character>
FDEE <Not A Character>
FDEF <Not A Character>
  • これらは、アラビア文字とは関係ない非文字領域

Word ligatures(単語合字)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
FDF0 Arabic Ligature Salla Used As Koranic Stop Sign Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0635(‎ص‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 06D2(‎ے‎)
FDF1 Arabic Ligature Qala Used As Koranic Stop Sign Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0642(‎ق‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 06D2(‎ے‎)
FDF2 Arabic Ligature Allah Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0627(‎ا‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FDF3 Arabic Ligature Akbar Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0627(‎ا‎) 0643(‎ك‎) 0628(‎ب‎) 0631(‎ر‎)
FDF4 Arabic Ligature Mohammad Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0645(‎م‎) 062D(‎ح‎) 0645(‎م‎) 062F(‎د‎)
FDF5 Arabic Ligature Salam Isolated Form FDFA(‎ﷺ‎) ≈<isolated>0635(‎ص‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0639(‎ع‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FDF6 Arabic Ligature Rasoul Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0631(‎ر‎) 0633(‎س‎) 0648(‎و‎) 0644(‎ل‎)
FDF7 Arabic Ligature Alayhe Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0639(‎ع‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 064A(‎ي‎) 0647(‎ه‎)
FDF8 Arabic Ligature Wasallam Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0648(‎و‎) 0633(‎س‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FDF9 Arabic Ligature Salla Isolated Form ≈<isolated>0635(‎ص‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0649(‎ى‎)
FDFA Arabic Ligature Sallallahou Alayhe Wasallam ≈<isolated>0635(‎ص‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0649(‎ى‎) 0020( ) 0627(‎ا‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0647(‎ه‎) 0020( ) 0639(‎ع‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 064A(‎ي‎) 0647(‎ه‎) 0020( ) 0648(‎و‎) 0633(‎س‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0645(‎م‎)
FDFB Arabic Ligature Jallajalalouhou ≈<isolated>062C(‎ج‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0020( ) 062C(‎ج‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0627(‎ا‎) 0644(‎ل‎) 0647(‎ه‎)

Currency symbol(通貨記号)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
FDFC Rial Sign ≈<isolated>0631(‎ر‎) 06CC(‎ی‎) 0627(‎ا‎) 0644(‎ل‎)

Honorific word ligatures(敬称単語合字)

Unicode 表示 名称
FDFD Arabic Ligature Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
FDFE Arabic Ligature Subhaanahu Wa Taaalaa
FDFF ﷿ Arabic Ligature Azza Wa Jall
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