




Unicodeのアラビア文字補助(The Unicode Standard Arabic SupplementPDFファイル外部へのリンク)を十六進数の数値文字参照で記述した表です。

Extended Arabic letters(拡張アラビア文字)

Unicode 表示 名称 備考
0750 ݐ Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Horizontally Below
0751 ݑ Arabic Letter Beh With Dot Below And Three Dots Above
0752 ݒ Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
0753 ݓ Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below And Two Dots Above
0754 ݔ Arabic Letter Beh With Two Dots Below And Dot Above
0755 ݕ Arabic Letter Beh With Inverted Small V Below
0756 ݖ Arabic Letter Beh With Small V
0757 ݗ Arabic Letter Hah With Two Dots Above
0758 ݘ Arabic Letter Hah With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
0759 ݙ Arabic Letter Dal With Two Dots Vertically Below And Small Tah
075A ݚ Arabic Letter Dal With Inverted Small V Below
075B ݛ Arabic Letter Reh With Stroke
075C ݜ Arabic Letter Seen With Four Dots Above
075D ݝ Arabic Letter Ain With Two Dots Above
075E ݞ Arabic Letter Ain With Three Dots Pointing Downwards Above
075F ݟ Arabic Letter Ain With Two Dots Vertically Above
0760 ݠ Arabic Letter Feh With Two Dots Below
0761 ݡ Arabic Letter Feh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
0762 ݢ Arabic Letter Keheh With Dot Above 06AC(‎ڬ‎)
0763 ݣ Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Above 06AD(‎ڭ‎)
0764 ݤ Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
0765 ݥ Arabic Letter Meem With Dot Above
0766 ݦ Arabic Letter Meem With Dot Below
0767 ݧ Arabic Letter Noon With Two Dots Below
0768 ݨ Arabic Letter Noon With Small Tah
0769 ݩ Arabic Letter Noon With Small V
076A ݪ Arabic Letter Lam With Bar
076B ݫ Arabic Letter Reh With Two Dots Vertically Above
076C ݬ Arabic Letter Reh With Hamza Above 0291(ʑ)
076D ݭ Arabic Letter Seen With Two Dots Vertically Above

Additions for Khowar(コワール語用追加)

Unicode 表示 名称
076E ݮ Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah Below
076F ݯ Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots
0770 ݰ Arabic Letter Seen With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots
0771 ݱ Arabic Letter Reh With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots

Addition for Torwali(トールワリー語用追加)

Unicode 表示 名称
0772 ݲ Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah Above

Additions for Burushaski(ブルシャスキー語用追加)

Unicode 表示 名称
0773 ݳ Arabic Letter Alef With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above
0774 ݴ Arabic Letter Alef With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above
0775 ݵ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above
0776 ݶ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above
0777 ݷ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Below
0778 ݸ Arabic Letter Waw With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above
0779 ݹ Arabic Letter Waw With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above
077A ݺ Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two Above
077B ݻ Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three Above
077C ݼ Arabic Letter Hah With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Below
077D ݽ Arabic Letter Seen With Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four Above

Additions for early Persian(初期ペルシア語用追加)

Unicode 表示 名称
077E ݾ Arabic Letter Seen With Inverted V
077F ݿ Arabic Letter Kaf With Two Dots Above
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