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  • 検索と保存(1)--ダブリン・コア

【注意】 このドキュメントは、ダブリン・コアの要素をHTMLで記述する方法を定めている、RFC 2731「Encoding Dublin Core Metadata in HTML」の和訳です。このドキュメントの正式版は英語版であり、このドキュメントには翻訳に起因する誤りがありえます。誤訳、誤植などのご指摘は、訳者までお願い致します。

First Update: 2005年11月20日

Network Working Group
Request for Comments: 2731
Category: Informational

J. Kunze
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
December 1999





Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.

1. 要約

ダブリン・コア[DC1]は、情報資源を記述するためのメタデータ要素の小集合です。このドキュメントは、HTML[HTML4.0]のMETAとLINKタグを使用して、これらの要素をどのように表現できるかを説明しています。HTMLファイルに組み込まれたメタデータ要素の列は、そのファイルの記述であるととらみなされます。例では、[SWISH-E]、[freeWAIS-sf2.0]、[GLIMPSE]、[HARVEST]、[ISEARCH]などや、付録にあるPerl[PERL] スクリプトなどの、メタデータをインデキシング、表示、操作する現行のソフトウェアとの相互運用を可能にする仕様を示しています。

2. HTML、ダブリン・コア、ダブリン・コア以外ののメタデータ

ダブリン・コア(DC)メタデータ・イニシアティブ[DCHOME]は、資源記述カテゴリー[DC1]の小集合であるメタデータ(文字通り、データに関するデータ)の要素を作成しました。通常、メタデータ要素は、記述する資源に比べて小さく、資源の形式が許す場合には、その資源に組み込むことができます。このような形式としては、HTML(Hypertext Markup Language)とXML(Extensible Markup Language)の2つがあげられます。HTMLは現在広く利用されていますが、Resource Description Framework[RDF]を併用したXML[XML]がいったん標準化されると、さらに豊かなメタデータのエンコードの表現手段が約束されます。[RDF]仕様では、省略構文を順守して、HTMLドキュメント内でRDFを実際に使用する方法を記述しています。



3. METAタグ


       <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
             content = "Simpson, Homer">

は、Homer Simpsonが作者(Creator)であると述べており、作者(Creator)という要素をDC要素セットで定義しています。以下のより一般的な形式では、

       <meta name    = "PREFIX.ELEMENT_NAME"
             content = "ELEMENT_VALUE">


             ELEMENT_NAME    は、  Creator
             ELEMENT_VALUE   は、  Simpson, Homer
             そして、PREFIX  は、  DC


       <meta name    = "DC.Title"
             content = "The Communist Manifesto">
        <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
             content = "Marx, K.">
       <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
             content = "Engels, F.">
       <meta name    = "DC.Title"
             content = "Capital">


       <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
             content = "Da Costa, José">
       <meta name    = "AC.Email"
             content = "dacostaj@peoplesmail.org">
       <meta name    = "DC.Title"
             content = "Jesse "The Body" Ventura--A Biography">


4. LINKタグ


       <link rel     = "schema.DC"
             href    = "http://purl.org/DC/elements/1.0/">
       <link rel     = "schema.AC"
             href    = "http://metadata.net/ac/2.0/">


<link rel = "schema.PREFIX" href = "LOCATION_OF_DEFINITION">


       <title> A Dirge </title>
       <link rel     = "schema.DC"
             href    = "http://purl.org/DC/elements/1.0/">
       <meta name    = "DC.Title"
             content = "A Dirge">
       <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
             content = "Shelley, Percy Bysshe">
       <meta name    = "DC.Type"
             content = "poem">
       <meta name    = "DC.Date"
             content = "1820">
       <meta name    = "DC.Format"
             content = "text/html">
       <meta name    = "DC.Language"
             content = "en">
               Rough wind, that moanest loud
                 Grief too sad for song;
               Wild wind, when sullen cloud
                 Knells all the night long;
               Sad storm, whose tears are vain,
               Bare woods, whose branches strain,
               Deep caves and dreary main, -
                 Wail, for the world's wrong!

5. エンコードの推奨



       <META NAME="DC.Format"
             CONTENT="text/html; 12 Kbytes">
               Content = "text/html; 12 Kbytes"
               Name = "DC.Format"
       <meta name = "DC.Format" content = "text/html; 12 Kbytes">



6. ダブリン・コアの実際の記述


    <meta lang    = "LANGUAGE_OF_METADATA_CONTENT" ... >


    <meta name    = "PREFIX.ELEMENT_NAME.SUBELEMENT_NAME" ... >


       <meta name    = "DC.Language"
             scheme  = "rfc1766"
             content = "es">
       <meta name    = "DC.Title"
             lang    = "es"
             content = "La Mesa Verde y la Silla Roja">
       <meta name    = "DC.Title"
             lang    = "en"
             content = "The Green Table and the Red Chair">
       <meta name    = "DC.Date.Created"
             content = "1935">
       <meta name    = "DC.Date.Available"
             content = "1939">


7. ダブリン・コア要素のエンコード



    <meta name    = "DC.Title"
          content = "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination">

    <meta name    = "DC.Title"
          content = "Crime and Punishment">

    <meta name    = "DC.Title"
          content = "Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol 32, No 4">

    <meta name    = "DC.Title"
          content = "Still life #4 with flowers">

    <meta name    = "DC.Title"
          lang    = "de"
          content = "Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, Teil I">


    <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Gogh, Vincent van">
    <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
          content = "van Gogh, Vincent">

    <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Mao Tse Tung">
    <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Mao, Tse Tung">

    <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
          content = "Plato">
    <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
          lang    = "fr"
          content = "Platon">

    <meta name    = "DC.Creator.Director"
          content = "Sturges, Preston">
    <meta name    = "DC.Creator.Writer"
          content = "Hecht, Ben">
    <meta name    = "DC.Creator.Producer"
          content = "Chaplin, Charles">


    <meta name    = "DC.Subject"
          content = "heart attack">
    <meta name    = "DC.Subject"
          scheme  = "MESH"
          content = "Myocardial Infarction; Pericardial Effusion">

    <meta name    = "DC.Subject"
          content = "vietnam war">
    <meta name    = "DC.Subject"
          scheme  = "LCSH"
          content = "Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975">

    <meta name    = "DC.Subject"
          content = "Friendship">
    <meta name    = "DC.Subject"
          scheme  = "ddc"
          content = "158.25">


    <meta name    = "DC.Description"
          lang    = "en"
          content = "The Author gives some Account of Himself and Family
                     -- His First Inducements to Travel -- He is
                     Shipwrecked, and Swims for his Life -- Gets safe on
                     Shore in the Country of Lilliput -- Is made a
                     Prisoner, and carried up the Country">

    <meta name    = "DC.Description"
          content = "A tutorial and reference manual for Java.">

    <meta name    = "DC.Description"
          content = "Seated family of five, coconut trees to the left,
                     sailboats moored off sandy beach to the right,
                     with volcano in the background.">


    <meta name    = "DC.Publisher"
          content = "O'Reilly">
    <meta name    = "DC.Publisher"
          content = "Digital Equipment Corporation">

    <meta name    = "DC.Publisher"
          content = "University of California Press">

    <meta name    = "DC.Publisher"
          content = "State of Florida (USA)">


    <meta name    = "DC.Contributor"
          content = "Curie, Marie">

    <meta name    = "DC.Contributor.Photographer"
          content = "Adams, Ansel">
    <meta name    = "DC.Contributor.Artist"
          content = "Sendak, Maurice">
    <meta name    = "DC.Contributor.Editor"
          content = "Starr, Kenneth">


    <meta name    = "DC.Date"
          content = "1972">

    <meta name    = "DC.Date"
          content = "1998-05-14">
    <meta name    = "DC.Date"
          scheme  = "WTN8601"
          content = "1998-05-14">

    <meta name    = "DC.Date.Created"
          content = "1998-05-14">
    <meta name    = "DC.Date.Available"
          content = "1998-05-21">
    <meta name    = "DC.Date.Valid"
          content = "1998-05-28">

    <meta name    = "DC.Date.Created"
          content = "triassic">
    <meta name    = "DC.Date.Acquired"
          content = "1957">

    <meta name    = "DC.Date.Accepted"
          scheme  = "WTN8601"
          content = "1998-12-02T16:59">

    <meta name    = "DC.Date.DataGathered"
          scheme  = "ISO8601"
          content = "98-W49-3T1659">

    <meta name    = "DC.Date.Issued"
          scheme  = "ANSI.X3.X30-1985"
          content = "19980514">


    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          content = "poem">

    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          scheme  = "DCT1"
          content = "software">
    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          content = "software program source code">

    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          content = "interactive video game">

    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          scheme  = "DCT1"
          content = "dataset">

    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          content = "web home page">
    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          content = "web bibliography">

    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          content = "painting">
    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          content = "image; woodblock">
    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          scheme  = "AAT"
          content = "clipeus (portrait)">
    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          lang    = "en-US"
          content = "image; advertizement">

    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          scheme  = "DCT1"
          content = "event">
    <meta name    = "DC.Type"
          content = "event; periodic">


    <meta name    = "DC.Format"
          content = "text/xml">
    <meta name    = "DC.Format"
          scheme  = "IMT"
          content = "text/xml">

    <meta name    = "DC.Format"
          scheme  = "IMT"
          content = "image/jpeg">
    <meta name    = "DC.Format"
          content = "A text file with mono-spaced tables and diagrams.">

    <meta name    = "DC.Format"
          content = "video/mpeg; 14 minutes">

    <meta name    = "DC.Format"
          content = "unix tar archive, gzip compressed; 1.5 Mbytes">

    <meta name    = "DC.Format"
          content = "watercolor; 23 cm x 31 cm">


    <meta name    = "DC.Identifier"
          content = "http://foo.bar.org/zaf/">

    <meta name    = "DC.Identifier"
          content = "urn:ietf:rfc:1766">

    <meta name    = "DC.Identifier"
          scheme  = "ISBN"
          content = "1-56592-149-6">

    <meta name    = "DC.Identifier"
          scheme  = "LCCN"
          content = "67-26020">

    <meta name    = "DC.Identifier"
          scheme  = "DOI"
          content = "10.12345/33-824688ab">


    <meta name    = "DC.Source"
          content = "Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet">

    <meta name    = "DC.Source"
          content = "http://a.b.org/manon/">


    <meta name    = "DC.Language"
          content = "en">
    <meta name    = "DC.Language"
          scheme  = "rfc1766"
          content = "en">
    <meta name    = "DC.Language"
          scheme  = "ISO639-2"
          content = "eng">
    <meta name    = "DC.Language"
          scheme  = "rfc1766"
          content = "en-US">

    <meta name    = "DC.Language"
          content = "zh">
    <meta name    = "DC.Language"
          content = "ja">
    <meta name    = "DC.Language"
          content = "es">
    <meta name    = "DC.Language"
          content = "de">

    <meta name    = "DC.Language"
          content = "german">
    <meta name    = "DC.Language"
          lang    = "fr"
          content = "allemand">


    <meta name    = "DC.Relation.IsPartOf"
          content = "http://foo.bar.org/abc/proceedings/1998/">

    <meta name    = "DC.Relation.IsFormatOf"
          content = "http://foo.bar.org/cd145.sgml">

    <meta name    = "DC.Relation.IsVersionOf"
          content = "http://foo.bar.org/draft9.4.4.2">

    <meta name    = "DC.Relation.References"
          content = "urn:isbn:1-56592-149-6">

    <meta name    = "DC.Relation.IsBasedOn"
          content = "Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet">

    <meta name    = "DC.Relation.Requires"
          content = "LWP::UserAgent; HTML::Parse; URI::URL;
                     Net::DNS; Tk::Pixmap; Tk::Bitmap; Tk::Photo">


    <meta name    = "DC.Coverage"
          content = "US civil war era; 1861-1865">

    <meta name    = "DC.Coverage"
          content = "Columbus, Ohio, USA; Lat: 39 57 N Long: 082 59 W">

    <meta name    = "DC.Coverage"
          scheme  = "TGN"
          content = "Columbus (C,V)">

    <meta name    = "DC.Coverage.Jurisdiction"
          content = "Commonwealth of Australia">


    <meta name    = "DC.Rights"
          lang    = "en"
          content = "Copyright Acme 1999 - All rights reserved.">

    <meta name    = "DC.Rights"
          content = "http://foo.bar.org/cgi-bin/terms">

8. セキュリティ問題

ここで文書化されているHTMLでダブリン・コア・メタデータをエンコードするための構文規則によって、コンピュータやネットワークへが直接危険に晒されることはありません。この規則を用いて、不正確であったり、故意に誤りを発生させることさえある(「インデックス・スパム」の形で迷惑を与える)メタデータをエンコードできますが、これはダブリン・コア・セットのメタデータのエンコードに制限らず、HTML METAタグの乱用の一般的なパターンを映し出しています。従来のメタデータ・エンコード・スキーム(例えば、[MARC])の生産の品質は、平均的なウェブサイトの品質を大いに上回る状況にありますが、そのようなスキーマでも不正確さを免れないわけではありません。


9. 付録 -- HTMLでエンコードしたメタデータを操作するPerlスクリプト


スクリプト1: メタデータ・フォーマット変換


# This simple perl script extracts metadata embedded in an HTML file
# and outputs it in an alternate format.  Issues warning about missing
# element name or value.
# Handles mixed case tags and attribute values, one per line or spanning
# several lines.  Also handles a quoted string spanning multiple lines.
# No error checking.  Does not tolerate more than one "<meta" per line.

print "@(urc;\n";
while (<>) {
        next if (! /<meta/i);
        ($meta) = /(<meta.*$)/i;
        if (! /<meta.*>/i) {
                while (<>) {
                        $meta .= $_;
                        last if (/>/);
        $name     =    $meta =~ /name\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"/i
                        ? $1 : "MISSING ELEMENT NAME";
        $content  = $meta =~ /content\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"/i
                        ? $1 : "MISSING ELEMENT VALUE";
        ($scheme) =  $meta =~ /scheme\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"/i;
        ($lang)   =    $meta =~ /lang\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"/i;
        if ($lang || $scheme) {
                $mod = " ($lang";
                if (! $scheme)
                        { $mod .= ")"; }
                elsif (! $lang)
                        { $mod .= "$scheme)" }
                        { $mod .= ", $scheme)"; }
                { $mod = ""; }

        print "    @|$name$mod; $content\n";
print "@)urc;\n";
# ---- end of Perl script ----


            @|DC.Title; A Dirge
            @|DC.Creator; Shelley, Percy Bysshe
            @|DC.Type; poem
            @|DC.Date; 1820
            @|DC.Format; text/html
            @|DC.Language; en

スクリプト2: メタデータの自動作成


       <!--metablock Little Red Riding Hood -->


       <!--metablock TITLE_OF_DOCUMENT -->

このステートメントは、スクリプトがこれを完全なメタデータの記述に置き換え、その他の置き換えを生じさせるという点において、「ウェブのSSI(server-side include)」と非常に似た動作をします。このスクリプトをインストールすると、ウェブ・サーバ・プロシージャー作成への統合に適したHTMLファイルを出力できます。


       <title> (--mbtitle) </title>
       <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
             content = "Simpson, Homer">
       <meta name    = "DC.Title"
             content = "(--mbtitle)">
       <meta name    = "DC.Date.Created"
             content = "(--mbfilemodtime)">
       <meta name    = "DC.Identifier"
             content = "(--mbbaseURL)/(--mbfilename)">
       <meta name    = "DC.Format"
             content = "text/html; (--mbfilesize)">
       <meta name    = "DC.Language"
             content = "(--mblanguage)-BUREAUCRATESE">
       <meta name    = "RC.MetadataAuthority"
             content = "Springfield Nuclear">
       <link rel     = "schema.DC"
             href    = "http://purl.org/DC/elements/1.0/">
       <link rel     = "schema.RC"
             href    = "http://nukes.org/ReactorCore/rc">


       (--mbfilesize)            最終出力ファイルのサイズ
       (--mbtitle)               ドキュメントのタイトル
       (--mblanguage)            ドキュメントの言語
       (--mbbaseURL)             ドキュメント識別子の開始部分
       (--mbfilename)            識別子の最終部分(.htmlを差し引いた)
       (--mbfilemodtime)         ドキュメントの最終変更日


       <!--metablock Nutritional Allocation Increase -->
       <meta name    = "DC.Type"
             content = "Memorandum">
       From:  Acting Shift Supervisor
       To:    Plant Control Personnel
       RE:    (--mbtitle)
       Date:  (--mbfilemodtime)
       Pursuant to directive DOH:10.2001/405aec of article B-2022,
       subsection regarding staff morale and employee
       productivity standards, the current allocation of doughnut
       acquisition funds shall be increased effective immediately.


           <title> Nutritional Allocation Increase </title>
       <meta name    = "DC.Creator"
             content = "Simpson, Homer">
       <meta name    = "DC.Title"
             content = "Nutritional Allocation Increase">
       <meta name    = "DC.Date.Created"
             content = "1999-03-08">
       <meta name    = "DC.Identifier"
             content = "http://moes.bar.com/doh/homer.html">
       <meta name    = "DC.Format"
             content = "text/html;    1320  bytes">
       <meta name    = "DC.Language"
             content = "en-BUREAUCRATESE">
       <meta name    = "RC.MetadataAuthority"
             content = "Springfield Nuclear">
       <link rel     = "schema.DC"
             href    = "http://purl.org/DC/elements/1.0/">
       <link rel     = "schema.RC"
             href    = "http://nukes.org/ReactorCore/rc">
       <meta name    = "DC.Type"
             content = "Memorandum">
       From:  Acting Shift Supervisor
       To:    Plant Control Personnel
       RE:    Nutritional Allocation Increase
       Date:  1999-03-08
       Pursuant to directive DOH:10.2001/405aec of article B-2022,
       subsection regarding staff morale and employee
       productivity standards, the current allocation of doughnut
       acquisition funds shall be increased effective immediately.


# This Perl script processes metadata block declarations of the form
# <!--metablock TITLE_OF_DOCUMENT --> and variable references of the
# form (--mbVARNAME), replacing them with full metadata blocks and
# variable values, respectively.  Requires a "template" file.
# Outputs an HTML file.
# Invoke this script with a single filename argument, "foo".  It creates
# an output file "foo.html" using a temporary working file "foo.work".
# The size of foo.work is measured after variable replacement, and is
# later inserted into the file in such a way that the file's size does
# not change in the process.  Has little or no error checking.

$infile = shift;
open(IN, "< $infile")
        or die("Could not open input file \"$infile\"");
$workfile = "$infile.work";
open(WORK, "+> $workfile")
        or die("Could not open work file \"$workfile\"");

@offsets = ();          # records locations for late size replacement
$title = "";            # gets the title during metablock processing
$language = "en";       # pre-set language here (not in the template)
$baseURL = "http://moes.bar.com/doh";   # pre-set base URL here also
$filename = "$infile.html";             # final output filename
$filesize = "(--mbfilesize)";           # replaced late (separate pass)

($year, $month, $day) = (localtime( (stat IN) [9] ))[5, 4, 3];
$filemodtime = sprintf "%s-%02s-%02s", 1900 + $year, 1 + $month, $day;

sub putout {            # outputs current line with variable replacement
        if (! /\(--mb/) {
                print WORK;
        if (/\(--mbfilesize\)/)                 # remember where it was
                { push @offsets, tell WORK; }   # but don't replace yet
        s/\(--mbbaseURL\)/$baseURL/g;        s/\(--mbfilename\)/$filename/g;
        print WORK;

while (<IN>) {                          # main loop for input file
        if (! /(.*)<!--metablock\s*(.*)/) {
        $title = $2;
        $_ = $1;
        if ($title =~ s/\s*-->(.*)//) {
                $remainder = $1;
        else {
                while (<IN>) {
                        $title .= $_;
                        last if (/(.*)\s*-->(.*)/);
                $title .= $1;
                $remainder = $2;
        open(TPLATE, "< template")
                or die("Could not open template file");
        while (<TPLATE>)                # subloop for template file
                { &putout; }
        $_ = $remainder;

# Now replace filesize variables without altering total byte count.
select( (select(WORK), $| = 1) [0] );   # first flush output so we
if (($size = -s WORK) < 100000)         # can get final file size
        { $scale = 0; }                 # and set scale factor or
else {                  # compute it, keeping width of size field low
        for ($scale = 0; $size >= 1000; $scale++)
                { $size /= 1024; }
$filesize = sprintf "%7.7s %sbytes",
        $size, (" ", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P") [$scale];

foreach $pos (@offsets) {       # loop through saved size locations
        seek WORK, $pos, 0;             # read the line found there
        $_ = <WORK>;
        # $filesize must be exactly as wide as "(--mbfilesize)"
        seek WORK, $pos, 0;             # rewrite it with replacement
        print WORK;

rename($workfile, "$filename")
        or die("Could not rename \"$workfile\" to \"$filename\"");
# ---- end of Perl script ----

10. 著者の住所

John A. Kunze
Center for Knowledge Management
University of California, San Francisco
530 Parnassus Ave, Box 0840
San Francisco, CA 94143-0840, USA

Fax: +1 415-476-4653
EMail: jak@ckm.ucsf.edu

11. 参考文献

Art and Architecture Thesaurus, Getty Information Institute. http://shiva.pub.getty.edu/aat_browser/
The A-Core: Metadata about Content Metadata, (in progress) http://metadata.net/ac/draft-iannella-admin-01.txt
Weibel, S., Kunze, J., Lagoze, C. and M. Wolf, "Dublin Core Metadata for Resource Discovery", RFC 2413, September 1998. ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2413.txt
Dublin Core Initiative Home Page. http://purl.org/DC/
Projects Using Dublin Core Metadata. http://purl.org/DC/projects/index.htm
Dublin Core Type List 1, DC Type Working Group, March 1999. http://www.loc.gov/marc/typelist.html
The enhanced freeWAIS distribution, February 1999. http://ls6-www.cs.uni- dortmund.de/ir/projects/freeWAIS-sf/
Glimpse Home Page. http://glimpse.cs.arizona.edu/
Harvest Web Indexing. http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/harvest/
Hypertext Markup Language 4.0 Specification, April 1998. http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/
Isearch Resources Page. http://www.etymon.com/Isearch/
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Thesaurus of Geographic Names, Getty Information Institute. http://shiva.pub.getty.edu/tgn_browser/
W3C Technical Note - Profile of ISO 8601 Date and Time Formats. http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
Extensible Markup Language (XML). http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml

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