New life Trimester


  • Global Sounds
    • Music circle. In summer there was no concert. Instead I organized some jam session at the pub and worked for school event such as Graduation reception.
  • TSG (Thunderbird Student Government) AV equipment supporter
    • I worked with Todd as AV supporters. There are a variety of events on campus. When the clubs request AV equipments (speaker, microphone,projector and so on), we set up them and explain how to use them.


  • E-Business, Dr.
  • ES 4011: English 4011 Professor Maria Soltino
  • WB 1300:Elements of Statistics, Dr. Sukumar
  • WB4468: Competitive Strategy, Dr. Drost
  • WB 4102: Financial Accounting and External Reporting Dr Phil Drake
  • 05/6-22/2001 Sat.-Tues.

Finally Thuderbird life started!!





Finally, I started MIM Foundation and study.We had one week Foundation. This purpose was just to make friends!! I think this is the most important purpose.

But I was so nervous at the beginning of foundation. First we had a "culture exchange game" and had to listen an explanation about the game in the tape. Second, we had discussion about company organization. At that time I could not contribute anything on it, moreover I could not follow any discussion.

When I was so nervous, who encouraged me? "Friends encouraged me" I noticed that I have to make good friends. Then I have focused on making friends!

One of tips, how to handle projects

I had many problems with my English. The study at Thunderbird, Everything was hard for me. As soon as the discussion was started, I could not follow any discussion. This time, because I was attending my brother, SO's wedding in Japan, I missed classes and projects for five days. After I came back Glendale from Japan, I was struggling Jet lags and to catch up studies. There was a presentation immediately after that on Wednesday. I was assigned to one group and all of them were American except for me. We had a meeting and discussed about the presentation on Monday. It seems most of contents have been done and there was no room I can contribute. I was actually very behind about the case. I could not contribute anything and missed most of process. On Wednesday the presentation was over without any accident. However during this project, I could follow anything once the discussion was started.

Next, there was another project in two weeks. This time we had to decide topics about the case and lead a discussion in the class. Yes, we had to lead whole class. I cannot follow the discussion in the small group like this (6people) and it is IMPOSSIBLE to lead whole class in front of classmates. It means that I cannot contribute whole project for this class!? Anyway we had a first meeting and talked about how to handle this discussion-project. Last time, I was very behind and I could not join the presentation, so this time I had to do SOMETHING!

At first we had to decide the topics for the class discussion. I read the case carefully (three times) and wrote down three ideas. Actually I made PowerPoint slides and put them on the table. At the beginning of the meeting, one friend Catherine pointed out my slide and said "What is this?". Here we GO! I explained "This is my idea, one is the comparison between two CEO and second is..." All people agreed with one idea and we decided to take one of my topics. It was amazing that the discussion was going on with my idea. Somehow we got three topics for the class discussion and split the responsibility. I was thinking somebody can handle my idea in the class. It was wrong. Catherine said "Go, can you handle this topic and lead the discussion in the class?" I said "Yes, sure" Oh my god. I will lead the class discussion. It is tough for non-English speaker. I could not contribute last project, so this time I got a chance.

I was very nervous during the class. However I got another idea メHow to lead the discussion "I will lead the discussion, it means that I can do whatever I want to do" At first, I mentioned, "OK, everyone, first discussion is the comparison between this company and that company... "I will show the topic and please answer SHORTLY, with only a few words, OK?" I was not good at listening. I will let them answer shortly so that I can follow the discussion. For example, first question was "How is the age of both companies' CEO?" "Young and old!, that it" My colleague and professor supported me and the discussion was successful.

Here is the tip. How to grasp and lead the discussion.

1, Read the case carefully

2, Write down my idea (hopefully with PowerPoint slide), put them on the table during the meeting, even you cannot follow the discussion.

3, Tell your idea AT FIRST.

  • 05/23/2001 Wed.

幸せな誕生日であった。日本ではここまで大騒ぎしないであろう。ただ近い友達だけでたまに、集まる程度であろう。でもここでは違う。私が"誕生日"と言うことがたちまち知れ渡り会う人会う人"Happy Birthday!"と声をかけてくれる。

  • My birthday

I had a happy birthday. In Japan, people do not have party so much just for birthdays. We sometimes have small parties. In the U.S.A, it is different.A lot of people celebrated my birthday!


  1. E-bisinessのパートナー探しに遅れを取ったが、美人で人気者のケリーと組むことができた。とてもいいパートナーである。
  2. Thunderbirdの雑誌に使用する写真に採用された。
  3. グローバルサウンドのプロデューサーのPeer groupに加えられた。つまりはGlobal SoundsのCo-producerになったことを意味し、来る2001年秋のコンサートのプロデューサーの一人である。

I have three interesting stories.

  1. I had a good partner for E-Bisiness case analysis. She is one of the good friends in Thunderbird, Miss Kerri Halbrook.
  2. My picture was used for Thunderbird brochures.
  3. I was added into Global Sounds co-producers peer group. It means that I am one of co-producers for the concert coming in 2001 fall.




いろいろな話をしているうちにE-businessのメンバー探しの事を思い出し、とっさに私は聞いた。「誰かまだチームを作っていない人いない?」するとKerriが「私はまだ作っていないわよ」という。おっと思い、「一緒にやってくれるか?」聞いたら快く「良いわよ」と言ってくれた。Kerriは同級生の中でも美人で人気者であるので周りの人からも"good for you"「いいじゃん」と言われた。私としてはそれ以上にアメリカ人とプロジェクトをできることが楽しみであった。

結局二人で[NTT Docomo]のケースを取り上げ、私は情報収集担当、Kerriは英語を教える免許も持っているので「書く」ほうに専念するということで取りかかるとにした。実際のケースアナリシスでは、私はテクノロジー部門、Kerriがマーケティングを担当する。私は勉強が苦手なので、2週間も早く取りかかり調査を始めた。Kerriはさすがにアメリカ人だけあって、3日前になってようやく読み始めたようだ。私は既に40時間は調査などに費やしたであろう。日曜日から3日間連続で学食の掃除人を見た。(だいたい学食では12時を過ぎると掃除のおばさんが4人がかりで掃除をしにかかる。つまりは3日間連続で12時過ぎまで勉強していたわけだ。)睡眠時間を私にしてはここ3日間は少なく、平均4時間の頑張りぶりだった。

何とか私の担当の部分をかき上げ、Kerriと一緒に座り4枚の紙に書き上げることにした。しかしこの「一緒に腰掛けている3日間」私は全く彼女に貢献できなかった。彼女が主導権を握りレポートを書いている一方、私は隣に黙って座っているだけで、いいアドバイスもできなければ自分なりの考え方もしっかりしていない。日本ではこれでも良かったかも知れない。しかしアメリカではそうはいかないのは知っていた。10上げたら10返す "Give and Take" が普通である。向こうは私から何かを得られることに期待して一緒に勉強しているわけだ。私が既にリサーチに数十時間も時間を費やして、いろいろ調べていたこと(時間)などは関係ない。いまその場でどのようなディスカッションができ、何を貢献して、何をお互いが学び得るか?である。彼女とせっかっく築き上げた友情もおしまいかと思った。結局二人で夜中までねばり何とかレポートは書き上げた。出来も上々である。


一週間後レポートが帰ってきた。なんと4/4で満点で喜びの様子でKerriからメールが入っていた。特に教授は私が電話インタビューを日本のNTT Docomoにして、仕入れた情報「プライマリーソース "Primary Source"」を誉めてくれた。ただ単に小学校からの同級生の笹川貴生とE-mailのやりとりをして情報を仕入れただけだが、それが良かった。後で話を聞くとThunderbirdはInternationalのビジネススクールだけあってネットワークを大切にする、特に自分独自の情報"Primary Source"は情報源として一番重要なことだそうだ。


1,<Good partner, but...?>

Making group is priority for me in the studies. Especially I have a lot of problems with my English, so most of my grades are up to group members. There was a case assignment for E-business class and I had to find a partner who works with me. However I have looked for 4 days and I still could not find one. Most of friends already made groups. One day, on the way to my apartment, I met 7 friends who are drinking wine at the Fish (pool side). Most of them were American.

After chatting something, I asked them " Did you guys already make a team for E-business class?" Then Kerri responded slowly, " No I did not". I asked her " could you work with me?" and she said calmly "yes!". Some of my friends said " good for you".

For me, she was the first American who I studied and made team with. I am so excited about it. We decided to pick up [NTT Docomo] case then split responsibility. I am working on Technology part and she is working on marketing part. I started reading the case study in 2weeks advance and already spent more than 40 hours for research. From Sunday through Tuesday I have seen sweepers three times in the Commons dining. Sweepers usually come to the Commons dinning room to clean up around 12 am. It means that I stayed up late at night for three days and the average sleeping hours were 4 hours. (Was it typical Japanese. Working hard.)

I finished my part, technology part and we tried to combine our work. However, while we were working on it for three days, I could not contribute anything to her. While she was writing the report, I was just sitting next to her and just searched some information. I could not give any advice to her and I had no idea about her part, marketing. It is OK in Japan, but it is not good in the U.S.A. If she gives me 10, I must give her 10 too-"Give and take" is normal. Americans are studying with me, because he or she expects to gain something from me. The time and effort, which I spent more than 40 hours, do not matter in real study. More important things are how I can contribute to her, what we can discuss, what we can learn, when we study together. I thought our relationship was over, because I could not contribute anything to her. Anyway, we finished the report in the midnight and we did good job. But I could not talk to her anymore.

After one week, the report was returned and immediately Kerri emailed to me, and said " we got "4" out of four! Especially the professor liked the telephone interview with NTT Docomo" I could not believe it. It was my part and I did it. The professor praised that primary source is very good. I just called and emailed to Takao Sasagawa who is working for NTT Docomo and was a classmate in elementary school. But it was excellent! The Thunderbird is the international business school, so network is more important. Our own source, "primary source" is the most important.

The victory was achieved by both Kerri's good sense of analysis &writing skill and my information source. This was one of the good memories for me. I do not care the final grade (A or B...), but I care if I make friends or not.

2, Thunderbirdでモデル?


何故私が選ばれたのか?全てはグローバルサウンド(Global Sounds:Thunderbirdの音楽団体)に入っていたことが良かった。私は、先学期の春のコンサートで私は10曲近くもの曲でドラムとボンゴを演奏した。どうやらそれに来ていたサンダーバードの職員が私を推薦してくれたようだ。

モデルなどは全くやったことがなくどうなるかと思ったがなかなか良い笑顔の写真が撮れた。カメラマンが"Go! Go!"と言って叫び笑わせてくれたのが良かった。トリスというギリシャ人と、アナというコスタリカ人と3人で一緒に撮ったが何故か私だけいつも叫ばれた。どうやら私の顔はいつもまじめな顔をしていて笑顔にかけているのか・・・?

2, A model at the Thunderbird?

After the lunch at the Commons dinning, on the way to a classroom, one woman approached to me and said "I was looking for models of Thunderbird brochures." It sounds interesting for me, so I accepted this opportunity. I heard that many brochures are distributed to all over the world. It is amazing -my picture will be distributed to all over the world.

Why I was selected? It was good! I was in Global Sounds music group at Thunderbird. In the last spring concert I played drums and Bongos in 10 numbers. One of the audiences, Amanda (an officer at the Executive Education department), introduced me to the Marketing Department.

I have never experienced about this but It was fun. A photographer shouted "Go Go!" many times and I laughed a lot.

*Look at the top page.

3, コープロデューサーに抜擢された。

前回Global Soundsのコンサートでプロデューサーの一人であった、ジョー(Joseph)からメールが入った。私の名前をThunderbirdのホームページのピアグループ(仲間同士で連絡を取り合える、Web上の連絡版)の、"Global Sounds Co-producers"に加えたという。何を意味するかというと、私が正式にプロデューサーに任命されたことを意味する。

この大きなビジネススクールで一番のビッグイベントである、Global Soundsのコンサートを取り仕切るのは何よりもやり甲斐のある仕事である。いざコンサートの前になると、メンバーは勉強をほったらかしにして、練習に専念する。それがみなプロのように上手い!! 昨年初めてここで演奏したときにはあまりのタレント性のある仲間が多いのに驚いた。練習に於いてもインテンシブである。まるでMBA期末試験と同じだ。


Global Sounds Home page

3, I was selected as Co-producers of Global Sounds

One of co-producers for the last spring Global Sounds concert, Joe emailed me. It said that he added my name into Global Sounds producers peer-group. It means that I was assigned as co-producers for 2001 fall Global Sounds concert.

Global Sounds concert is the biggest event at the Thunderbird. We have two concerts in fall and Spring. It is more professional concert, since we rent a lot of high quality equipment such as speakers, curtain, mixer and so on. If I can do the co-producers, it would be great experience. Before the concert, all members throw away study material and focus on GS rehearsals. I was so impressed about their talent at the last spring concert. Everything is intensive as same as final exam in the school life.

I am glad to be able to play music. I could experience both international business and international music.

Study was demanding...