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19.Why I Have Changed the Style 返信  引用 
名前:Tomoki    日付:4月12日(土) 18時36分
Our homepage has a disk space of only 10MB. The photo gallery 24 had accounted for about a quarter of the space. I know it would be faster to get an access to the gallery stored in the main body of the homepage than to the Photo Access site offered from outside, but obviously, it is impossible to put all the pictures within the limited disk space unless I reduce their quality.

If it takes a long time to get an access to the photo site or you cannot visit it, I recommend you to try again at another time (less busy time).

20.Re: Why I Have Changed the Style
名前:eileen    日付:4月13日(日) 13時7分



21.Re: Why I Have Changed the Style
名前:Tomoki    日付:4月13日(日) 16時5分

23.Re: Why I Have Changed the Style
名前:eileen    日付:4月15日(火) 1時56分


名前:eileen    日付:4月16日(水) 14時6分

18.話題その2 返信  引用 
名前:Tomoki    日付:3月29日(土) 18時20分
現在AFNでは毎週日曜日の18:00にThe Kim Komando Showという番組をやっています。これは「Dr. Lauraのコンピューター版」といった感じで、聴取者からコンピューターについての相談を電話で受けて、それについて答えるというものです。とても早口の英語(ちなみにKimは女性です)で、てきぱきと答えるところもDr. Lauraに似ています。話す英語は早いのですが、発声が(滑舌?)がしっかりしてるので、慣れると聞き取りはスピードほどには難しくはありません。一度聞いてみてください。(上の番組名をクリックして、彼女のhomepage中のWelcomeをクリックすれば30秒の音声ファイルが聞けます。)


17.話題その1 返信  引用 
名前:Tomoki    日付:3月29日(土) 17時34分

英語授業改善のための処方箋 マクロに考えミクロに対処する
(英語教育21世紀叢書 004)
著者:金谷 憲著






16.日本語解禁 返信  引用 
名前:Tomoki    日付:3月29日(土) 16時50分


循環論のようですが、投稿がないとそれに対する反応がありません。投稿が頻繁に行われるようにすることも、Web Masterの仕事の一つだと思いますので、今後は話題を投げかけるようにしますので、感想・反論をどんどん書いてください。





15.Having used the OCR 返信  引用 
名前:Tomoki    日付:3月12日(水) 21時10分
Because that was my first time to use an OCR, I can't say much
about it. One of the basic usages I found is that we have to
set the type of the characters( numbers, alphabet, symbols, Chinese characters, Japanese, etc.) before we have the OCR read
the document. Otherwise, the software tries to read in every
possible way that best matches the shape of letters irrespective of the language used.

When I used the OCR for the first time, I didn't specify the type. What I got was "jargon" which was a random mixture of the
alphabet and Chinese characters.

After setting the value of the types of characters, I got
a fairly good result, though there were some errors left that I
had to correct manually because the original text contained
many stress symbols i.e. the symbol ' .

Right now, I am thinking of using the machine to get a copy of
the material we used for sessions. Hopefully, I want to connect
the description of a session to its material.

13.Article 2-3 返信  引用 
名前:Tomoki    日付:3月8日(土) 0時10分
[a] Some bases can take -ist, -ion, and -ite, equally. The first would suggest greatest commitment
to the views or theory concerned : 'He is an out-and-out Darwinist'. It is used of ideas rather than
of their proponents. The second would bc more neutral and would lend itself in consequence to
use more readily as a gradable adjective ('Isn't that approach rather Darwinian?'), but can also
refer to the work of Darwin himself (as Darwinist, Darwinite cannot). The third tends to be
disparaging and would be used chiedy by those who are not themselves adherents:'He is a
Darwinite', rather than 'Are you a Darwinite?' or 'I am a Darwinite, ; a faction is implied.
[b] With -ian should be compared the more restricted use of -'arian to form personal nouns and
adjectives as in authori'tarian, vege'tarian, octoge'narian.

12.Article 2-2 返信  引用 
名前:Tomoki    日付:3月8日(土) 0時9分
-IST 'Skilled in', 'practising', as in violinist, stylist, rac(ial)ist, masochist,
Calvinist, socialist, loyalist. Items relating to adherence as distinct from
skill are normally paired with abstract nouns in -ism (cfApp I.32) and may
be adjectives or nouns, though adjectival endings, -ic(al), may be added ; cf
App I.39. A final vowel in the base is often omitted: cello 〜 cellist. Skill
items may have verb bases, as with typist, and are nouns only.

-ITE [i] 'adherent to', 'member of(set)' as in Benthamite, shamanite, Chomskyite,
socialite ; these are primarily nouns but may be adjectives (He is a Luddite ;
His views are rather Luddite). The bases are chiefly personal names of those
who have led movements ;
[ii] 'denizen of', as in Brooklynite, Hampsteadite; these are nouns only.
Formations of both types tend to be used disparagingly unless long-
established (Isradite) or where a movement excites little hostility

11.Article 2-1 返信  引用 
名前:Tomoki    日付:3月8日(土) 0時9分
I.37 Noun/adjective suffixes
A number of suffes yield items that can be used both as nouns and as
(normauy nongradable) adjectives. The formations basically relate to human
beings, chiefly as members of a group, and may be both denominal and de-
adjectival. On nationality names, cf also 5. 56f.

-'ESE (AmE usually -.ESE) cf5.88. [i] 'member of' (nationality or race), as in
Chi'nese, Portu' guese, Japa'nese ;
[ii] '(in) the lanlguage of, the style of', as in Chi'nese, Canto'nese, Johnso'nese,
journa'lese; both nouns and adjectives, except those relating to style (such
as officia'lese) which are nouns only and are pejorative.

-(I)AN [i] 'adherent to', as in Dar'winian, re'publican ;
[ii] 'relating to', as in Shake'spearian, Eliza'bethan, 'Chomskyan, (sub)urban
(adjective only) ;
[iii] 'citizen of', as in Pa'risian, Indo'nesian, Chi'cagoan, Glas'wegian (of
Glasgow) ;
[iv] I(in) the language of', Indo'nesian, 'Russian (where the base ends in -a).
The stress falls on the last syllable before the suffix. Most items can be used
both as nouns and as adjectives, not gradable in [iv], variably in other
instances : Tlhe place is (awfully) urban ; She is an (.awfully) urban guerilla.

10.Article 1 返信  引用 
名前:Tomoki    日付:3月8日(土) 0時7分
Deverbal nouns
I.34 The following suffixes combine with verb bases to produce concrete count
nouns, largely of personal reference ; -er is particularly productive.

-ANT, a Chiefly formal agential, as in inhabitant, contestant, informant; it often
corresponds to verbs in -ate : particl'Pate 〜 Particl>ant, lubricate 〜 lubricant.
As the last example shows, reference may be nonpersonal.

-'EE 'one who is object of the verb', as in appoin'tee, pa'yee; in some cases, as
with -ant, it may replace the verb ending -ate : nomi'nee. There are examples
without verb b??e or 'object' meaning: absen'tee, refu'gee. Stressing is
exceptional in em'ployee.

-ER, -OR (contrast App I.33), forms agential nouns (cf l7.51ff on nominaliza-
tion), as in singer ['one who sings (especially) professionally'], writer, driver,
employer, etc ; used informally also with phrasal verbs (washer-up, chucker-
out) and with object-verb compounds and some comparable compounds
(widow-cleaner, high-flier). Agentials may also be nonpersonal : silencer,
computer, thriller. With neo-classical bases, the suffix is often spelled -or
(accelerator, incubator; supervisor, survivor; actor) ; so too in cases where
there is no free base (author, doctor, etc).

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