
How to use

1. Select 'Export...' of 'File' menu in NewNOTEPAD II.
2. Select 'NTP2 Format', 'Whithin Group "Top List"', 'Export with Group Name' , 'Recursive' and 'Export'.
3. Make new folder for HTML.
4. Start this stack (NNPtoHTML)
5. Edit the header for your HTML top page in the left field.
6. Edit the footer for your HTML top page in the right field.
7. Click 'Convert' button.
8. Select the NewNOTEPAD II text file which was made in (2).
9. Select the folder which was made in (3) and click 'Save' button.
You don't have to change the file name 'index.html'.
10. It must be completed.

How to use [Next:Programmer]