There are several approaches to this problem.
Former case, we have very simple answer that for any k,
n = 2k converges to 1 after k times iteration.
So we will consider the latter case.
In case n=27, maximum value was 9232.
We search the number like this which has large value during its iteration.
When we try an exhaustive search from n=1, we can terminate the computation when the current value becomes smaller than original number.
We need not check the case n is even.
(∵ when n is even, n=n/2 at the next generation, and it is smaller than n.)
Considering the odd case.
The case 4n+1,
3*(4n+1)+1 = 12n+4 ⇒ 3n+1 < 4n+1
so 4n+1 always becomes smaller than original value, so we need not check 4n+1.
More generally, the case n is
an+b (a=2k, b=1, 3, ... , a-1)
there are possibilities that n is omittable.
Let's search the pair a,b which some interim value always smaller the original number.
10 ' collatz2 20 ' an+b , b=1,3,... a-1 , a=2^k 30 input K:A=2^K:dim T%(A\2):for I%=1 to A\2:T%(I%)=0:next I% 40 for B=1 to A-1 step 2:C=A:D=B 50 C=C*3:D=D*3+1 60 if and{even(C),even(D)} then C=C\2:D=D\2:goto 60 70 if C<A then 90 80 if even(C) then 50 90 if C>A then T%((B+1)\2)=1 100 next B 110 for I%=1 to A\2 120 if T%(I%)=1 then print I%*2-1 130 next I% 140 N=A 150 for I%=1 to A\2 160 if T%(I%)=0 then 180 170 M=N+I%*2-1 180 next I%
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