Wol4 80

 Subject: Wolstenholme 4 n=80
    Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 09:50:02 +0000
    From: Allan MacLeod >MACL-MS0@wpmail.paisley.ac.uk<
      To: kc2h-msm@asahi-net.or.jp


I downloaded your file of numbers "still to be factored" and
have been trying some of them.

I have managed to factor the Wolstenholme 4 n=80 number into

           P20 * P35 * P83

W4(80) = 92 13144 52158 98212 17098 06860 84827 90483 
            66582 63121 07865 06682 88471 19410 10746 64357 37558 
            45390 81759 14818 79285 25466 26162 19108 23090 27299 25956 28901

   P20 =  92337 61318 14712 79339
   P35 =  24052 24553 08357 00212 09247 01069 98291

   P83 =  414 83329 95191 78153 45412 70306 64392 66932 96718 
              89464 37960 17628 80718 55048 97327 06621 28949 



E-mail : kc2h-msm@asahi-net.or.jp
Hisanori Mishima