j(tau) factors

    Subject: j(tau) factors
    Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 10:35:41 +0000
    From: Allan MacLeod <MACL-MS0@wpmail.paisley.ac.uk>
    To: kc2h-msm@asahi-net.or.jp

Hello again,

The following two results were discovered during the weekend:

Results for coefficient 240 of j(tau)

GMP-ECM 3, by P. Zimmermann (Inria), 17 Sep 1998, with contributions from
T. Granlund, P. Leyland, C. Curry, A. Stuebinger, G. Woltman, JC. Meyrignac.
Input number is 1230214999518914553579197416223183510719637729661936846865492075585337 (70 digits)
Using B1=2000000, B2=200000000, polynomial x^30, sigma=470512335
Step 1 took 1201538ms for 26041611 muls, 3 gcdexts
********** Factor found in step 1: 4341446281978016269749446680448879
Found probable prime factor of 34 digits: 4341446281978016269749446680448879
Probable prime cofactor 283365247342969192297187237594425303 has 36 digits

Results for coefficient 276 of j(tau)

GMP-ECM 3, by P. Zimmermann (Inria), 17 Sep 1998, with contributions from
T. Granlund, P. Leyland, C. Curry, A. Stuebinger, G. Woltman, JC. Meyrignac.
Input number is 105249129996212068662672210816735151808771201060976600810369993933991 (69 digits)
Using B1=2000000, B2=200000000, polynomial x^30, sigma=1300827123
Step 1 took 1131263ms for 26041611 muls, 3 gcdexts
Step 2 took 568187ms for 11470971 muls, 25674 gcdexts
********** Factor found in step 2: 272732252075025240705186929
Found probable prime factor of 27 digits: 272732252075025240705186929
Probable prime cofactor 385906430924272739818461425609315182755479 has 42 digits

Allan MacLeod


E-mail : kc2h-msm@asahi-net.or.jp
Hisanori Mishima