Factors of Euler numbers

    Subject: Factors of Euler numbers
    Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 11:46:56 +0000
    From: Allan MacLeod <MACL-MS0@wpmail.paisley.ac.uk>
    To: kc2h-msm@asahi-net.or.jp

Dear Dr. Mishima,

I also have been interested in factoring Euler numbers. I looked at your
tables over the Internet and I can extend some of your results.

E80:  C87  =  35723 63603 18890 21753 96213 * P62

E88: C112  =  588 52887 65509 67927 * 162 92380 84870 39307 09213 * P72

E94: C123  =  18098 62887 80569 82856 68199 92453 * C94

E96: C111  =  195 18602 71597 31799 70697 49059 * C84

E98: C115  =  43 63907 26250 65523 73343 * P94

All the factors were found with Paul Zimmerman's GMP-ECM program
on a variety of machines. The primality of the factors was checked with UBASIC's
APRT-CL program.

I hope I have typed all the numbers correctly.

Allan MacLeod  (macl-ms0@paisley.ac.uk)


E-mail : kc2h-msm@asahi-net.or.jp
Hisanori Mishima