IHS_button Machi's ShockWave


We presented Shooting Game, but ANT WORKS Company and Machi don't affirm a real shooting. If you have hobby to shoot, please shoot animals only in your moniter of computer or TV.

Machi makes a Shooting Game with "Director". The Game is very fun! And I convert it to Shockwave-data. In your Netscape2.0x later, you can play the game (with Shockwave-Plug in)! If you don't have a Plug in, you mast dounroad it from 'Macromaind Home Page'.
Do you mant to downroad Shockwave-Plug in? Then click the left button 'Shockwave'.
If you alredy have a Pulg in, please go next page to click the right button 'duck', and play the Shooting game.

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