
Act 1.
  On his way to Kyoto from the west, a Buddhist priest saw a beautifully blooming ume (Japanese apricot) tree at Ikuta (near Kobe). He asked a man just came there whether the ume tree had the special name. The man answered, "It is called as 'Ebira-no-Ume', because, when a battle was took place between the Genji and Heike clans in this vicinity, Kajiwara-Genta-Kagesue, a young soldier of Genji clan, took a branch of this blooming tree and put it into an EBIRA (a back-packing cylinder for keeping arrows). He got a great success in the war and thought that keeping the branch with him during the battle might have brought him this success. Hence, he worshiped the tree and the people in the neighboring villages call the tree as 'Ebira-no-Ume'." Then he talked about the battle of Ichinotani in detail, and disappeared, saying that he is the ghost of Kagesue.

Act 2.
  When the priest was praying for the eternal rest of Kagesue, Kagesue appeared in the war costume with a branch of blooming ume in the Ebira. He showed the scene of the battle to the priest, and disappeared with the dusk of the dawn.

Copyright 2000 professor KS. All rights reserved. No reproduction or republication without written permission.