Walker, Robert (英) b.1946
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As the apple tree
Text:The Song of Solomon 2, vv.3,10
Written for the marriage of my nephew Mark, and Susan, 9 October 1982
In memory of my Father, who only liked the black notes
Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face
Commissioned by Chichester Festivvities and first performed at the Festival Eucharist, Chichester Cathedral, July 1981
In the bleak mid-winter
Text:Christina Rossetti
For the Choir of Grimsby Parish Church
Text:Psalms 100, 150 and 84
Commissioned by the Chapel Choir of Queens' College Cambridge and first performed on 13th June 1987
for Philip Walsh
O Lord, thou hast searched me out
Text:Psalms 139
for D.G.H.
Psalm 150 O praise God in his holiness
For Allan Wicks and the Choir of Canterbury Cathedral
Commissioned by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral for the Enthronement of Donald Coggan, 101st Archbishop of Canterbury
The Sun on the Celandines
Text:Edward Thomas
作曲年 | 編成 | 伴奏 |
1988出版 | 混声 SATBB | 無伴奏 |
In memory of my mother
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