Research->Ringtone->Extensions Of Song Ringtone & Movie Ringtone
Provides information about file format of song ringtone and movie ringtone of each carrier.
3gp This is 3gpp format and is the extension of song ringtones used by DoCoMo's FOMA models.
3g2 This is 3gpp2 format and is the extension of song ringtones used by au's WIN models.
qcp This is the extension of song ringtones used by au's models such as C1002S. Technology called PureVoice of Qualcomm is used in this file format.
mld This is the extension of melody ringtones. Since audio data can be included in this file format, it can be used for making a file of mock song ringtone.
mmf This is the extension of melody ringtones. Since audio data can be included in this file format, it can be used for making a file of mock song ringtone.
Carrier Method File Extension Codec Transfer Rate
KDDI 3GPP2 3g2 AAC 64kbps Maximum
- amc MP3 From 24kbps
- mmf (Mock Song Ringtone) - -
- qcp (Mock Song Ringtone) - -
DoCoMo 3GPP 3gp AAC 48kbps Maximum
- asf - -
- mld (Mock Song Ringtone) - -
vodafone 3GPP mp4 MP3 32kbps
- amr AMR -
- mmf (Mock Song Ringtone) - -