Research->Ringtone->DOCOMO formats
This page provides information about Ringtone file format for NTT DOCOMO.
General structure of MFi
DOCOMO Ringtone applies to MFi format. Alike SMF and SMAF, MFi has a file header on the top and followed by body sections. The body section usually consists of 4 trucks.
Header information
The header section contains song titles, copyrights, and so on. Also contains version of MFi.
Truck information
Each truck contains its music data.
Let's follow SMF and call each data "Event"."Events" give orders "Make sounds"
"Change tones", and so on.
They also carry them out at the proper timing. Again, follow SMF to call the order "Message" and the timing "Deltatime". One truck usually contains 4 channels.