Research->Media Art->Media Art and robots->About Hobby Robots
There're many things to know about sensor and robot technologies related to Media Art works. For example, "Singing Robot" of Maywa Denki is not just a robot but Media Art work itself. Studies Media Art and robots.
Hobby robots
People purchase hobby robots for fun and healing(?). ASIMO is too expensive ,however, they may be hobby robots because they don't actually aimed at any specific purposes but just making people fun. I remember another hobby robots called PINO. Those hobby robots should not be human-shaped, so we can see a dog-shaped AIBO, a seal-shaped Paro(?), and so on.
SONY AIBO a NEC robot a cat-robot
Block shaped robots
We can build robots by ourselves like LEGO MindStorms. Not sure we can call them "robots", though. Fischer have similar self-assemble robots and NeuroCube should be the same,too. We can also write program in VB and other programming languages for these self-assemble robots.
Fischer self-running robot NeuroCube Carnel Block
Self-programming robots
Some people build self-programming robots. They join various robot contests. For example, their human-shaped robots compete climb up/down stairs. And they play soccer for "Robo-cup". It's popular to make robots compete something, I have seen them on forein TV before. B
RoboCube Soccer Robot Ixis Research human-shaped robot ZAKO

Coming up --Music player robots