Research->Drum Performance->Ride Cymbals
Information about drums and how to play by Mr.H, who is a drummer playing at "SugerSweet"in Osaka.
How To Play
Basic Skill Used In Jazz You might think of it as easy. But actually it is not that easy. It is not easy to explain about it, neither. Listening to the various drum performance as much as possible and practicing yourself are the key to improve.
One point that I can say is that when a tempo is fast, interval will become close to equal, and when a tempo is slow, it will be the opposite. If it is mechanical, it will spoil the value of the music.
Especially in jazz drumming, this is where the taste or talent of each drummer can be expressed.
Expression Of Music You put expression to the music by adding variations to the shots.
I recommend you to try hitting complex notes by combining ghost strokes of snare drum by the left hand with your right hand. Audience can see your right hand and the stick since ride cymbal is located in the high position. Try to put your feelings into the tune like the conductor.
Bascics of rudiments will be useful and effective. For example, try beating snare drum in paradiddle by the left hand and beating ride cymbal with your right hand. By doing so, the possibility is sure to come into view.
Never forget that you are backing the tune, and avoid being indulged too much in your own world.